The Torn Veil - 119 Ministries

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When Messiah died the veil in the temple was torn. But the questions remain as to which veil it was that was ripped, why does it matter which it was, and why does the torn veil even matter?

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I am excited for this!!! Our tzavot is coming. KING YESHUA


Another example of true, honest Bible study. To study something means TO intensely investigate a matter. to reasearch deeply. Unlike the Evangelical preachers, priests, Pentecostal preachers, health and wealth preachers, etc, who don't study, don't know how to study, have no desire to study and refuse to study and rather just repeat what is the popular false beliefs that keep people from learning bible truth, these men do actual study. Everything in the New Testament must be studied from what is presented in the Old Testament. The concept of a "New Testament" is actually a misnomer. The Bible is one book. It is not seperated into a Bible for the Jews and a Bible for the Gentiles. Jesus or Paul, at no point ever did away with the Old Testament nor did they change the meanings of Old Testament teaching, concerning faith and obedience.


Thank you brothers for doing the Lord's work. I have a discrepancy though, in my King James Bible, the word is stated as holiest and singular, so I looked it up in a concordance and it's the word # G39 which can be translated holy place or holiest place. This doesn't coincide with what you stated as being, "holy places", I say this in love and hopefully I'll learn something by this. Also what Bible translation do you use? I think it would be beneficial if you state what Bible translation you are using by just posting it on the video. I'm just doing what you state to do, test everything. I'm an Act 17: 11 Christian and have been even before I found your channel. Yashua bless all of you and I look forward to your response. 🕊️


Great teaching!!!
I am doing a study on this that should shed more light on why it had to be the outer curtain.

Keep up your great work!!!


Really good to see this. It's something I have tried to look into myself, but found it hard to come to any conclusions. Thanks.


Its amaizing how i came accross the rending of garments during mourning a loved on but its appeared cloudy and now i came across this thanks for this am blessed


Well, you've given me something to research further. I never considered the first or out veil.


Javier Dias asked a legitimate question two years ago. It deserves a look.


As always, awesome teachings!
Sabbath Shalom brothers!🙏❤️😊


Thank you again for this teaching. I remember studying Hebrews and in chapter 10 verses 19 and 20 states we have access into the Holy Place through his flesh I then read exodus 26:31-35 the making of the veil. I asked myself what do these colors have to do with Yeshua/Jesus. And I said to myself, how long does it take for a body to bruise? So I looked at a chart and what I found was from 0-2 days the bruise is RED, swollen and tender. Days 2-5 the bruise color has now turned PURPLE and BLUE. I remember breaking down and just cried. Thinking about Isaiah 52:13-14; Behold, my servant shall act wisely; he shall be high and lifted up, and shall be exalted. As many were astonished at you— his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of mankind—

Amazing love how can it be that how my God has died for me!


FREEDOM is harmony without compromise. This is tried. Mind.
LIBERTY is confidence in uncertainty. This is tested. Heart and mind brought together in mutual consent, through self-examination and full disclosure to resolution, sound REASON, and self-correction. This is our path to maturity. This the language of your SOUL as an individual freewill sovereign self-govern. Isaiah 16:5 is within each of you.


It was saying we now can come to YHWH and enter the garden which we were banned from.




Can you do a video about "taking up anothers offense"? I m seeing a real need for the reminder that Scripture tells us NOT to take up anothers offense yet we are in the days of jumping on bamdwagons. Just an idea :)


Cant wait, I have always wondered what that means ? people say Jesus made approaching the father directly possible..


Tim Bence suggested in one of his sermons that the torned veil was to show that there was nothing in the holy of holiest. Priests at the temple still acted towards the laymen as if the arc of covenant was present there.


Do you have a teaching about ( exactly why and where did Yeshua /Jesus go for the three days and nights when he was in the tomb ) very helpful ministry, thank you. M


..some interesting deductions made in this presentation. However, the word "broken" when describing our savior's body doesn't fit.
Perhaps "torn" or "rent" suits most accounts of his experiences.



The temple had two veils.
-Outer veils preventing other tribes except Levite's from entering the Inner Court/Holy Place.

-Inner veil is separating Holy Place and Holy of Holies.

I believes in New Covenant all believers are Grafted into Israelites. (Rom 11:16-19). We are no longer gentile and we can enter into Holy Place any time.
- All of us are the Priest under Melchizedek order not Levites only.
- Yahuah's original plan is to form a *Nation of Priest* not Nation with priest. He chose Levites because only them stood in the side of Yahuah during golden calf incident. (Exo 32:26)

Now, *therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens* with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone,
Ephesians 2:19‭-‬20,

Now therefore, *if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, * then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a *kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’* These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.”
Exodus 19:5‭-‬6

Peter quote this verse in his epistle. But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
1 Peter 2:9

Note: Matthew written *behold* the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom. If it's inner veils which separating Holy Place and Holy of Holiness means, how can someone see it?🤔


Thank you for your teaching, just I am not totally convinced with your video for many reasons, one ☝️ of it is in many translations called veil, courting or screen, I just checked Matthew 27:51 on the NKJV and it is call veil, I found in a Spanish translation the same word, now I read in Exodus 26:31-37 the NKJV call veil the most holy entrance where is the arc of testimony, same in the Spanish translation, now when you read the Exodus 26:36 call courting or screen the entrance of the holy place. In both Bibles. Can you explain it for us? I still not sure with your explanation. Thank you God bless you.
