Abstract Art Mark Making - #arttutorial #mixedmedia #abstractpainting

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Materials used: acrylic paint, gesso, graphite, ink, and collage.


Comments, questions, and shares are always welcome and appreciated - Thank you for watching!

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I loved watching your video and how the art transforms throughout. As I’m watching, I see certain areas that are gorgeous, and then you start covering it. My mind says, “Noooo, don’t cover that! It’s beautiful!” 😂 I am fairly new to this type of creating and don’t understand why so much of the beautiful marks end up getting painted over not seen. Do you mind explaining please?


Thanks for sharing your process. I am taking the class with Judy & Nicola, too. It’s been fun and I liked watching another example. Playing is always the best! I love your pages!
I start in a few different ways. Sometimes I start with collage either on the whole page or in random spots. Sometimes I start with paint and sometimes I start with mark-making. But all three are included at some point. I do not usually struggle with that inner critic. Maybe because my goal is to feed my inner peace and find joy. It is all about the process for me and if I had fun, it is a win for me.
Thanks again for sharing.


Yourself and Judy are the two tutors I most enjoy.. As tutors first but it was presentation that first drew me... relaxed style, music, and the gentile honesty. It makes the whole experience a treat to look forward to. Thank you so much. Blessings to you and your loved ones ❤


Your videos and work are absolutely inspiring! So glad I found them here.


Ive not long found you and your signature with bold black marks and covering a lot with white is so different to how i work and im finding it very inspirimg and will give this a go. Thank tou for your tutorials ❤


I did the same workshop and really liked the layering to get to the end result. The other thing I became aware of, was it was very clear to me that a painting was not finished, but ending a.set of layers could be very satisfying. It seems that apprehension is a part of the finishing. A point where you have to let go of making it right or perfect perhaps? I still have 2 unfinished pieces from the workshop because I can’t get past the apprehension with them. Funnily enough the one I thought was rubbish finished beyond my expectations.


This turned out so gorgeous, Jackie! I just couldn't get into that workshop but after seeing your take on it I may give it a go. I could watch you painting all day and learn so so much. Thank you for all you give to us 🧡


Another super fantastic video. I always used to start with paint. Then I started doing marks first. Only kind of recently have I started with collage first. Now I jump around with whatever mood I’m in. Thanks for sharing. These look great.


I really love these two paintings and I admired how many bold moves you made.


Fascinating to watch your mind work❣️. Nice💜


Lovely demo. I got fixated on your arches right from the start and was so happy they survived. Too much in my own head at times, so this kind of art is very liberating


I love what you make! Plus: you are a great teacher! I have only discovered your video's yesterday and they are my new Netflix. Except I'm not sitting on my couch, but have been collaging and painting all day. Thank you so much! Keep them coming!


OMGosh! Love the moment that the fluid black acrylic went on!!😍


I absolutely love watching your videos. Watching each stage morph into the next is just amazing.


I Always Struggle With That Especially As A New Painter. I’m Teaching Myself


These are lovely, Jackie, thank you for sharing . I always appreciate those who share, we can learn something from everyone and seeing someone's process, colour choices, even hearing what they struggle with can help a lot. I like to let videos like this one of yours play a second or third time while I watch the first have the 'reminders' when I hear the artist speaking to help stir the creativity while I only voice I try to ignore is my meddling husband....if I hear 'why don't you paint this (inset random object here)' one more time, I might run away screaming! 😂I have lost count of how many times I have told him I have no idea what I will end up with when I sit down to where the magic is!


So cool Jackie -- I'd love to see individual sections of these -- I guess that's my aesthetic, I tend to work small & with fewer elements (which is part of why I so enjoy watching your process). I'm still experimenting with finding patterns for working but more often than not it starts with marks then paint/ink and finally collage -- I *love* how you use that wide black marker though and the kind of marks you make -- thanks for all you share, learning from/with you all the time ❤


I start with marks. On rare occasions I get into a zone where my art almost seems to create itself. When this happens the results are always surprising and pleasing. I wish this happened more often lol


I used to start out with paint but now start with scribbles then go into collage… then paint and inks… Still trying to get out of my own head and just play not caring about the out come…


Is that free class you refer to still available? And if so, where can I find it?
