10 Things Men NEED To Know About Women

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In this video, Jeff from The Style O.G. gives his insight into 10 things men need to know about women.

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And to the younger men, understand that when you have made her angry, that event goes into her permanent storage and is weaponized. It can be retrieved at light speed when she needs to clobber you with it. This is a fact.


This is spot on. I’m still learning and I’ve been married for many years. One last thing from my dating days, some women won’t appreciate some of the things mentioned and that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not into you. Some women will still play games and won’t appreciate your generosity etc.. That’s not a you problem, that’s a her problem. You have to decide if you can live with it for very long. Don’t compromise your own self-esteem or time on someone who doesn’t appreciate you.


"I think" Vs "I feel"... very insightful. We men should pay closer attention to this kind of phrases, it's like a window to the mind.


As a woman, my number one priority is to feel safe. That is what we need, that is what is most important, and that is what makes us happy. Feeling safe. Because most days, most of us don't.


Learn to love yourself before anyone else. When you love yourself, no one can ever break your heart. Stay strong, brothers.


I agree with this list. I’ll also add that when a woman shows you and tells you she’s not interested, believe her. Don’t keep bugging her, don’t keep asking her out, don’t think she’s playing hard to get, don’t keep pursuing her. Cut your losses and move on. If you keep bugging her, she’s just going to become more annoyed by you. She’ll think you’re an annoying, obsessed, dense, stalker, who can’t take a hint.


1. Women seem to love a guy that can cook. 2. Women don’t like it when we take ourselves too seriously. Salute OG


Preach it OG 🙌 👏 these are all facts, we sometimes gotta learn the hard way


2:00 make sure you're paying attention too. Early on when my wife would vent her frustrations to me, if she notice I'm hearing her but not listening to her. She'd ask, "Are you even listening to me?" Followed by, "Then what am I talking about?" You really dont need give her any advice, just kind of summarize what she's talking about and maybe ask a question or two on key areas of the venting. Then massage her shoulders' without her asking, and kiss her on the neck.


Jeff, thank you for this insight. Long ago, I subscribed to another men's style channel and one day a video was posted entitled "why women suck." I just felt that was so disrespectful and sexist I unsubscribed and I avoid that channel like the plague. Though I'm not in a relationship, I can't stand it when guys, especially these guys who jump from one relationship to another, degrade women who don't "meet their criteria" for petty reasons. I'm not a rights activist or anything like that, but no one, man or woman, likes to be manipulated and then verbally torn down behind their backs. Everyone, especially women, should be respected and have their dignity kept. I feel like you did this in this particular video.


WOW, Jeff. Great video. I’m been married for over 25 yrs and grew up with two sisters. All women want someone to listen to there problems. We all need to vent after a hard day. I will only give advice on fixing a issue or problem when asked. I have become a much better listener. LOL. I could have used this video 25 yrs ago. Salute to the family.


Facts my brother ! Women want men to LISTEN and ACKNOWLEDGE their feelings. When they need your opinion they'll ask for it !💯💪❤


What's up my bro Og. Great video and advice my G, The easily way I learned to get a women to follow you is to have a plan and a purpose. Real woman like and love leader and not follower. Salute my friend.


An excellent top ten list, Jeff. I am married for 52 years and am still learning. Salute!


O.G. You Left Nothing To Add, You Scraped The Barrel On This One, Well Said Sir👍🏾


Excellent! Here is a confession. My lady has her Masters degree and working on her PhD so I respect her thinking abilites but I judge her when she says something "un"intelligent and she says "Mike, I am human. Just because I have alphabets behind my name on my business card doesn't mean I can't make mistakes." All I could say was "you right Cakes." There's more to the story but she added "I get beat-up out there, I didn't expect it from you." I learned women need our strength but more of our compassion.


Like you say: we have two ears and one mouth for a reason.


Good points, Jeff. Especially the one about how you treat servers, bar tenders, etc. Woman or not, I think people who disrespect people in the service industry are pathetic losers.


I like that one OG, be on your purpose. Salute my brother ✊🏿


Good afternoon Jeff @style O.G happy Saturday and thanks for the video cool content. So true points here, 2 key points you mentioned: confidence and "gentlemeness" can be said that cover all points that women find attractive in men. Then 3rd probably is the mouth piece with talking and kissing. Be well stay safe GOD bless you and SALUTE. Keep enjoying the confidence style. Good clean outfit you have on. Take care
