10 Things Good Men Need to STOP Doing In Their Marriages

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*Disclaimer:* The views and perspectives on relationships that are expressed in my videos and courses are meant for women married to good men and good men who are experiencing relationship issues within a range of behaviors that are common and usual – what you might reasonably expect your neighbors or friends to be going through behind closed doors. My message is not for aggressive, violent, or compulsive behaviors in a marriage or relationship that are threatening or dangerous. If you are experiencing such behaviors and/or physical abuse, you should seek a licensed mental health professional who is trained in dealing with domestic abuse.

Karyn Seitz and The Happy Wife School are not engaged in the practice of psychotherapy, clinical counseling, or any medical practice. You should not interpret any part of my videos as traditional psychological, medical, or emotional therapy. Karyn Seitz is not a licensed health professional. You should seek help for any specific psychological, medical, or emotional problems with a mental health professional or qualified physician.
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Making a woman happy is like trying to fill up a bucket with a silver dollar size hole in the bottom!!


Due to government laws, current feminist self serving culture, and the fact that I am an experienced husband and father of 30 years, it is not a good time to be married.
1. Good men should not be servants of their wives.
2. Good men should avoid marriage and modern feminist women.
3. Good men should focus on self discipline, saving money, and buying good land.
4. Good men should not listen to women for advice.
5. Good men should not be afraid of offending a woman. Women use this to control men.


They date you for some times for years. They laugh, have fun and screw your brains out. Put an engagement ring on that left hand and things change. Now put a wedding band on and now all of a sudden this need to change. She doesn't like this or like that and out right lets you know. I ask her why you didn't say something before we married.. Well I thought you would leave. Well guess what keep it up and I will.


I made it much simpler. I stopped being married.


The biggest problem we have is that we "TRY" to make women happy. Its not our responsibility to make anyone happy and its out of our control. If a woman is unhappy with you, anything you do will not matter.


Totally lopsided. It's not worth the time and energy not to be reciprocated. Men are expected to do all the heavy lifting in the relationship and all they get in return is maybe an empty thank you. Not worth it.


I call this lady the Fountain of Truth.


I wish the algorithm that suggested your content to me somehow reached the woman I need it to...


I took my wedding ring and threw it as far as I could. I don't give a flying F anymore. It actually felt good and liberating.
And I can see myself throwing myself out the door next.
The only reason im staying with her is because of the kids and family, that's it.
A triple-A gaslighter.

And I dont go for crocodile tears anymore.


And at the same time you’re risking half of everything you’ve ever spent your whole life working for…. No thanks I’d much rather be single and alone.


My ex-wife was a crafter. She was very good at it, and I always made sure I noted that in front of others. I looked at and critiqued her work honestly, and only on a rare occasion would I tell her that I wasn’t fond of some project.

For me riding motorcycles was a passion. After doing it for years, I finally took her on a short ride with me. She never showed an iota of interest in what I loved. The one ride I took her on she summed up by “It’s boring”. Claimed all I did was talk about motorcycles (not).

If I had a dollar for any time I discussed riding beyond “I’m going out for a ride”, I might have $20 over 5 years. If I got that same buck for every project I was shown, every photo I took of her modeling them, every opinion solicited, etc I’d have had many hundreds of dollars.

In the end, it’s all about them and will always be all about them. If you find one that isn’t self-centered it’s a rare unicorn indeed in this world.


Good men need to stop getting married — there is nothing in it for them


I've done all these things for my wife and she hates it because she says it makes her feel guilty. So I've stopped, and she's still angry.
I give up.


According to your list, i am a good husband, yay! :)
I used to think that people don´t change. But like you (if i understood you correctly), my wife changed. My once loveless, intimacy-withholding, demanding, emasculating, controlling and nagging wife changed! It´s some years now and the change is persisting. Granted, i had to threaten to leave her (and i was dead serious back then, i was inches from walking away), but she asked for some thinking time and after about a week, apologized for her behaviour in the years before and promised to change - and she did! We still fight from time to time and get on each others nerves and stuff, but all in all we get along, we respect each other, we support each other and life is good. There´s hope!


I believe this title should have been 10 things men Do for their wives that go unnoticed, and they are not appreciated for. So are you saying we men need to stop these 10 things? I'm lost!


“When pleasing you is killing me”. Dr Les Carter


Do 10 things that make her unhappy….so basically just breath


I did all of those things for 30 years and my wife was entitled, ungrateful, resentful, would not reciprocate but instead withhold, invalidating and threw herself on the ground and squealed victim to everyone that would listen. I have withdrawn everything. She still expects that she can live in “the land of do as you please” and I will be her wallet. I told her when the kids are done - so am i. i wont engage in her awfulness any longer. you cant make someone happy when theyre invested in control and unhappiness


Remind me again why a man should do any of this stuff for a woman that isn't worth it?


I went through this. The woman in my past relationship did not cherish herself or make herself important to herself, so she was definitely not able to receive the way that I cherish a woman. The woman I am with now is completely opposite and she tells me all the time that I treat her like a princess and she treats me like a King. 👑
Men, if a woman is not receptive to what you were doing, it is not your fault. It really comes down to her and she needs to get right with herself before being in a relationship with a real man.
