Vestibular Migraine Headaches

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I get horrendous motion sickness just walking around and sometimes vomit and am just bedridden with nausea. If you experience this, you’re not alone! Try and get treatment.


I got told I had vestibular migraine after almost a year of episodic vertigo attacks, dizziness, and nausea. I also used to get bad headaches without fail after work but I never connected the two, at first I was told that it was just vertigo and it will go away on its own and as it got worse I went to the doctors again and they put me on cinnarizine, but these didn’t really help and eventually the doctors finally referred me to the hospital. I was told that I had vestibular migraine and was given a leaflet with some information and potential triggers and how to prevent attacks. But after this they got a hell of a lot worse and it took me six months to finally go back to the doctors, they decided to put me on medication. They would of put me on propranolol but because I’m asthmatic they couldn’t as it triggered asthma. So they put me on amitriptyline. This was the best thing to ever happen to me. I had a year of dizziness, random vertigo attacks, things moving around when I looked at them even though they weren’t, sound sensitivity, feeling constantly on edge and feeling dizzy when I didn’t sleep enough or slept too much it was hell. The amitriptyline worked wonders for me, although it was a struggle to get used to them at first as the tiredness from them sometimes felt as though it was not worth it, but I took the tablets for around 6 months, I came of them myself eventually as I hadn’t had one single vertigo attack since the first tablet I took and I haven’t had one since and I came of them a year ago. The only things I suffer with is the occasional sudden jolt of slight dizziness, sound sensitivity, and tinnitus. I am aware that this will probably come back at some point in my life, but I am prepared to go back into the amitriptyline if need be. I do have a heavy family history of ataxia, and dizziness and I have also always struggled with my ears, as I had grommets when I was younger and suffered from countless infections in my ears and sinuses. I also have enlarged adenoids and tonsils, which I have seen that there can be a correlation to this and vestibular migraine although it has never been proven I don’t think. Over time I realised that my biggest trigger by far was anxiety, and having the random vertigo episodes did not help this and made it a vicious cycle, as I was anxious about having attacks, which then triggered the attack. Alcohol was another trigger which was rather annoying as I had my first attack the day before my 18th birthday, champagne and wine was the worst for this and would make me seriously ill the day after, having vertigo attacks that practically lasted the whole day. Menstruation was also another trigger for myself. I hope this comment helps anyone who is suffering with this disease because it was one of the worst years of my life and I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, but just know that things do get better you just have to trust the doctors and keep going with the process, and always get second opinions as sometimes others can miss things, which is only human.


I must speak up and say that this description fits the standard “episodic vestibular migraine” but does not do justice to chronic vestibular migraine as it is much more debilitating. I experienced chronic symptoms for over 7 months but finally got on Effexor and Topamax which broke the cycle. I highly recommend these two medications for anyone suffering with vestibular migraines! (And I encourage removing the word “headache” from the title of this video because those of us who have this disease will attest to headache being only one component of a much bigger challenge we are faced with.)


Its hard sometimes to explain this condition to others, having a good quick resource to send over is handy. Thank you for the video.


Noo.I had noticed some sort of balance problems.First I consulted an ENT doctor because I thought that I feel this because the may be any variation in my ear balancing.Then the doctor recommended as to do some testings(about 3 test) and he referred a neurologist and this doctor(neurologist) find that I'm suffering from this migraine.(By mri scan and somany other test).I am doing my treatment right now.All of you please pray for me for curing me
From this.🙏🙏


I've been to the doctor several times in the last few years. She still has no idea what could be causing my dizziness, but this sounds about right. I don't want to self-diagnose but it's been very frustrating.


Had continuous symptoms for 5 weeks, ended up in hospital for 1 week as I could not walk and had severe vomiting. Had MRI, CT scans all clear, tested for vertigo and inner ear issues all clear. Now diagnosed with vestibular migraine. Still today I have a constant full head, cloudy feeling that's not gone away and still have mild dizziness. This is not fun at all.


I have a migraine problem since I was teen age n I keep getting headaches frequently.. but I recently started to consume bioiron which contains iron. Vitamin c. Folic acid and b12 all in 1 supplement... I noticed past 1 month didn't even have 1 headache it's a wonder for me... Specially I get before n after my period but this time was shocking for me not to have migraine even once... Thank god
I believe our body vitamins deficiency and tensions can cause headaches.


Having dealt with vestibular migraines for a decade, I only found out that this has been vestibular migraines this entire time about three months ago. It's gotten so bad to the point where I'm blacking out, losing vision in my left eye, and vomiting every day. I feel no hope. I'm also only 33 and I've survived two heart attacks this year and have asked about vestibular migraine medications and have been denied as I'm at heart risk. So I have 0 hope and purpose to live anymore and am at the end of the road as I've tried everything. I don't want to die, but it if this doesn't work, I may just have to put myself out of my misery


Yesterday, suddenly I become dizzy, nauseated, ear thumping and ringing and horrible repeated vomiting. I am feeling slightly better today and just ate breakfast but my ear is still thumping and the back of my neck hurts. I hope I can get it to stop eventually because I went to ER and none of the nurses or doctors ever suggested that this is what is causing my horrible vertigo and vomiting. They did all sorts of test and it will probably be thousands of dollars - I was also transported to ER by ambulance from my doctors office and I am sure that will be very expensive. They always look for a stroke, high blood pressure but never seem to imagine that it might be a migraine. They are not trained to be detectives.


When I drive on HIGHWAY more than 30 minutes feeling light headed/headache and gradually my shoulders get tight and then I feel motion sickness. (Usually happens after driving on HIGHWAY more than 30 minutes).

Also, Hot air in the mall or supermarket and current hot weather also trigger headache and nausea/motion sickness.

Also, computer screens roll up and down and frequent movement of any items also cause lightheaded/headache.

This has been going on since Jan 2023.

Saw my primary care, eye doctor & ENT doctor, neurologist (brain MRI clean) and performed vestibular therapy but no relief. It is on and off.


Thank you for shedding light on the IUD. Can I ask you, if you experienced vestibular migraines, tinnitus, vertigo, and ear fullness? My mom has been experiencing this for almost a year and no help from any specialist here in the Bay Area.


does this migraine affect your walking? i feel like my migraine is causing me to walking funny or not stably.


Suffering 7 years now 😢 days months at a time its hell


I have been dizzy for almost 2 yrs now. Can these type of migraines cause dizziness for this long of a period?


How about months? Can one of these last for Three and a half months? Because that's the story my doctor is trying to sell me. My ear has been in screaming pain since March 23rd, 2022, but they won't start with treating the ear infection. They want zebras instead of horses for these hoofbeats.


It lasts for a week, anti migraine medicine helps with anti nausea med with symp., it feels like a sensory over sensitiveness, and dizzy when trying to orient my head in another position (like looking up). Getting it randomly every few months or weeks, prob. pressure change or bad sleep, but mon' it is awful.


Guys can vestibular migraine be without headache at all?


Does this "dizziness" include like looking at my hands and feeling like they are out of sync?I've only had it happen recently but my mum says she has the same symptoms and she has suffered from migraines her whole life


I thought all this time I was having panic attacks because of dizziness. I'm starting to question it though
