How To Get Child To Listen The First Time

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Sometimes it takes us parents to repeat ourselves for kids to listen, requiring us much patience. Dr. Paul is to the rescue, giving us 5 tips to make it possible:

1. Learn to think like a child
2. Manage your Affect
3. Tie consequences to communication
4. Turning our words from garbage into gold
5. Work on the relationship

Ready for more positive parenting? Bring Dr. Paul and his wife, Vicki, onto your parenting team with The Parenting Power-up Audio Course. Learn the moral development model of control and maturity which will help you to get your kids to listen without yelling, create an environment of respect and cooperation at home, and power up your effectiveness as a parent.

Watch and Enjoy!
Dr. Paul Jenkins


Track: Kisma - We Are [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Licensed under Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0

Video by Nate Woodbury
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I am a single mom of a 4 and 6 year old. Dad is not in the picture at all (emotionally, physically, financially). I don’t really have any family around except my mom who sadly has terminal cancer (I am taking care of her as well). I still feel the “it takes a village” but I don’t have and can’t find my village. I feel like a terrible mom and person because sometimes I feel I’m just being mean 😕. Likeim a bully to my young children. I don’t want to hurt them ever... I’m just so scared they won’t learn and they don’t listen till they see mom get upset. I don’t want to do this anger thing anymore. This is good advice ... I wish I had you in my ear lol telling me what to do in every situation.


1. Learn to think like a child
Compelling reason to listen
2. Manage your own emotions
3. Communication - consequence
4. Turning words from garbage into gold


Just the other day I was literally crying to my husband in asking for help to be intentional in our parenting. Our 3yo is so strong willed that even the simplest thing we ask her to do she just won’t do it. I always watch videos like these and read articles but some days i lose it and i feel so bad about myself and get very discouraged. I am grateful for people who put these kind of precious information out there so we know we are not alone in this HUGE responsibility we are in as parents.


Great videos! Would be even better if you try and always give a practical example of how the theory can be applied to real life. There are certain situations that are common for many people, so picking an example from them would illustrate your words even better.


Greetings from Indonesia!

This reminds me of Jesus Christ... The Father's love, "Kids need to know that they have someone in their lives who is more powerful than they are ... who loves them."

Thank you for the video, Sir! God bless you with His love. May you know Him fully as you are fully known by Him!


I wish I would have listened to this video before my first year of teaching! My School Principal expected (requested) me to yell all the time to the students; she was raised by parents she had trained to yell and now she is a yeller herself but worst of all the students were trained to listen only when the teachers yelled. NOW I see her words were never gold and I am glad to be out of that place.


Thank you for this free resource! I am a single parent who hasnt been a great parent because I didnt know how to be one, but now I have hope. I really appreciate your content.


I am going through this with my 5 year old. I feel as though I should have mastered this, but I feel like a failure. I tend to get frustrated with my son, and I know that he sees that, and in turn mirrors it.


I am so happy I've discovered your channel. Really really needed this. It is tough being a parent. Very nerve wrecking at times.


You just helped me as a teacher. I will definitely use those strategies! Thank you!


Thanks a lot... touching line "No matter what your job is to love them".I always want to raise responsible citizen .This line helped me where I went wrong.I am so lucky to have great parents who used golden words and loving parents ❤...I want to be like them.


I appreciate your wisdom and insight, your videos have helped me tremendously.
The good Lord bless you and family.


These are golden words. Thank you Dr. Paul. obtw, there is Someone more powerful who loves you. Wise men still seek Him.


Sir, ur making mom's understand their role in different way... its really awesome


Your words are gold! Thanks for your amazing wisdom :) and for sharing it with us all


You deserve many more subscribers, doc. Thank you for helping me not feel so alone on my parenting journey.


With #4, what are examples of the "words"? This is a great video, but that half of #4 is (to me) missing. Please? We need help with the practical application of this idea.

Why? Because most of us grew up with wrong/harsh/ demeaning/threatening words. Our reservoir of the good words you suggest is empty.

Thank you.


You made a light bulb go off in my brain. Great advice and information!


I’ve recently started working at a preschool. I work with 3 yr olds and my gosh 🙄 it’s reckless in that classroom they have been conditioned to only listen when you yell at them..and I don’t want to yell I want to be cool, calm and collected, but they don’t listen to me whenever I try these techniques or techniques I knew of my own they only listen when I yell..the previous teachers have been yelling at them since most of them started going to that preschool so now that I’m there they look at me as the “nice” teacher that they don’t have to listen to...and I’m just exhausted 😩


Thank you for the video. I also want to thank you for the custody battle video. It helped me to get my case heard and for that I have 80% parenting time. Thank you again
