How To Make Your Ex Regret Breaking Up With You

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Before your ex can start to re-think their decision to break up with you, they need to realize they made a mistake and you're actually the best option.

Dating/relationship expert Lucia reveals unique ways you can make your ex regret breaking up with you.

Lucia is an internationally known dating/relationship expert, author of "Lucia's Lessons of Love", former host of "The Art of Love" TV and radio shows, a syndicated columnist and keynote speaker.

She has over 100 major national and international TV and radio credits including Dr. Phil, The Tyra Banks Show, E! Entertainment, 60 Minutes Australia, The CBS Early Show, ABC 7 News, Good Day L.A and the KTLA News.

Lucia has been interviewed by numerous publications including Details, Business Week, Allure, Elle and media from Italy, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, the UK, Australia, Azerbaijan, Chile and Denmark.

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“You’re not gonna do it with words. .. so shut up” 😂 Lucia you crack me up


Well, it’s been 6 months since we bumped into each other and she tried to force an interaction. And 2 years since we dated. In that time I’ve gone from unemployed to employed to nearly doubling my income.

I’ve been using no contact and will continue to.


Well its been about 300 ish days, im spit balling here on the NC no contact. Well ive been working out, eating right, meditating, giving myself pep talks, manifesting all the happy memories that i have into myself, and just having a great time. I became a Christian today so that was a big step in my way to having even more happiness. About my break up, she said that she didnt want to leave me and that she thought about me the whole time. When the final night finally showed and she broke it up with me i turned my back and walked away from her without caring. Then after i had my rough patch i talked to God and he helped me through everything, now im just so happy with myself that I can be me. I know that she'll come back to me though because of what im doing, and ive only been doing it for about 6 days ish and not even a week and i just know that she is coming back


I’m definitely not accepting an ex coming back into my life after I level up ., this the reason why most men do not believe a woman TRULLY loves them, they think it’s always because of their financial status & that to me isn’t love .


I thought about doing some stuff to try n get someone back that I know is bad for me. So instead I’m just letting go. Hopefully I can go back to feeling normal again really soon.


Don’t know how I can make them jealous or anything because we don’t follow each other on any socials 😢
He broke NC on New Year’s Day and I responded. Didn’t end well….
Now in NC again for 60+ days, lost count


Watching more of your videos for the last month.. love them.. could use the insight of coaching


What I've got to lose, Soo true! I love you Lusia! You realise me or teach me it's not random but valuable! Someone whose valuable, maybe have valuable mindset ❤️


Lucia i ❤❤❤ your videos. They make so much sense and have a calming effect on me. Looking forward for the contest 😀


Lucia please choose me for the free coaching session.
I broke up with my ex in January 2019 and I’m still trying to get him back. It’s been 5 years and I’ve Tried every possible thing on the planet to get him back.
He’s been in touch with me, on and off. I received wrong advice from so many different coaches and ofc never got him back.
I’m now in nc for 20 days

Lucia is my last hope


I got a water proof bag so I could even listen to you in the shower 😆


Trust me my ex is done with me I haven't heard from her in 2 years she block me on everything so I don't see it her coming back to me 😂


What if you don't have social media?


I have a no contact question, post break up I made some mistakes not many but a few, my ex is a fearful avoidant but since my mistakes I have been in strict no contact since the 1st week of February break up was January and I even done no contact some of January but made a few mistakes can no contact since then help reset those mistakes? Or will my mistakes make her remember the post break up mistakes and that stops her attraction from going back up and totally screwing my chances?


Guys! The affirmations work. Lucia prescribed them for me, not King of the World, but something else. Something for me. It worked! I got over my ex in like two days. 100%. It’s been months and I got my mojo back! I can pick. 😁 trust Lucia, guys! I’m sure it’s the same for the ladies. 😎


I broke no contact after 34 days
She called me before on day 25 (at that time she want to tell me about the bad news), i didn't respond...she called me today i didn't pickup then she messaged me about the death of her mother's mom...i called when i see the do i supposed to do.... continue no contact or start to talking to her?


can you do a video about being a rebound and the person you were with started another rebound


Can you advice us what to if he ghosted me after 2 months of dating and the weekend before he was asking us to be in a relationship then we had a small Conflict and boom, i didnt chase him i called him once and have been in no contact 3 Weeks now, , , is it wrong that i think i might want to give hima 2nd chance if he made it up for me enough ??what i can di to re-attract him tooo i am 22 year old female, and he is a 27 year old male.. and i called him once a week after he pulled away and gone no contact after he didnt answer.. no contact for 3 weeks now. i hope you reply lucia with one of your great plans


I will come out with a hit album I think that's leveling up


I'm gonna have to try the rose and and two drinks and see what happens...besides my family being nosy
