Install ROS2 Humble on Raspberry Pi 4 [with Ubuntu Server]

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Learn how to install ROS2 Humble on your Raspberry Pi board, the right way. Complete step by step process!

⏱️ Chapters
(0:00) SSH to Ubuntu Server and update packages on your Pi
(1:14) Find the install commands
(1:59) Locale
(2:47) Setup sources and upgrade
(4:07) Install ROS2 Humble (Bare Bones)
(6:22) Setup the environment (with bashrc)

Рекомендации по теме

Is there any difference if we follow the same steps for Ubuntu Desktop (in place of Ubuntu Server) on Raspberry Pi 4?
And How to install Gazebo for ROS2 Humble on Raspberry Pi 4?


Hello mate! I like your tutorials and they are very informative. Could you please provide a good tutorial on simulations such as Webot or Gazebo with real-like robotic arms for example Kuka, UR5e or Franka working with ROS2?


I'm following along, but at the stage where I should begin installing humble with "sudo apt install ros-humble-ros-base", I get "unable to locate package ros-humble-ros-base"


Hi I'm stuck with the universe invalid error


Hey @Robotics Back-End, really useful the video. After i installed every thing and do a reboot i'm able to connect back to the Pi 4. But once I take the power out of the Pi 4 and then put it back in, i'm no longer able to connect to it. I also can't find it in the IP scanner. Do you or someone maby know how to fix this?


If anyone gets the error "Unable to locate package ros-humble-ros-base", and you have a 32-bit version installed, you may need to reinstall with 64-bit. I installed Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (32-bit) and encountered this issue. I was able to resolve it by installing Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (64-bit) and performing the same steps in the tutorial.


This tutorial series is wrong from the beginning. Raspberry Pi 4 has support for RASPBIAN. NOT UBUNUTU. Many of the camera drivers that you'll use in robotics have official support in Raspbian but not Ubuntu. Good luck getting ROS2 to work on Rasbian though, because that's not supported either. Interoperability makes ROS2 on Raspberry pi a nonstarter and a waste of time. I notice that in all the videos, I see very little hardware projects, which is the goal of doing this. This is because it's pretty much impossible to use your hardware in ubuntu or even in Linux in general. Don't waste your time guys. ROS2 is dead on arrival. Before anyone else mentions docker/building from source or any of the other broken hacks out there, they do not work.
