Rudy (5/8) Movie CLIP - This Is for Rudy, Coach (1993) HD

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Rudy's (Sean Astin) teammates all tell Coach Devine (Chelcie Ross) that they want Rudy to dress in their places.

A young man learns to let nothing stop him from realizing his ambitions in this drama, based on a true story. Ever since he was a little boy, Rudy Ruettiger (Sean Astin) has dreamed of attending Notre Dame University, and playing on the Fighting Irish football team. However, Rudy's dream doesn't seem very practical; Daniel (Ned Beatty), his father, works in a steel mill and can ill afford to send his son to Notre Dame, while Rudy's grades are not especially impressive, and standing a shade over five feet tall and weighing a little over 100 pounds, Rudy is hardly built for the gridiron. However, with the help of Father Cavanaugh (Robert Prosky), a sympathetic priest, Rudy is admitted to nearby Holy Cross, and in his junior year manages to squeak into Notre Dame as a transfer student. Rudy works as an assistant to the football stadium's groundskeeper, Fortune (Charles S. Dutton), to pay his tuition (often sleeping in Fortune's office since he can't afford a room), studies diligently, and appears at tryouts for the football team. Rudy is made a member of the practice team, which means he's little more than a human tackling dummy, but Coach Ara Parseghian (Jason Miller) is impressed with Rudy's devotion and determination, and pledges that he'll allow him to dress for one game before he graduates, so his name can be recorded as an official member of the team. However, the arrival of a new coach and a tough season that allows for few unnecessary players may put a stop to Rudy's dreams within sight of the finish line. Rudy also stars Jon Favreau, Lili Taylor, and Scott Benjaminson.

TM & © Sony (1993)
Cast: Sean Astin, John Beasley, Ron Dean, Peter Rausch, Chelcie Ross, Kevin C. White
Director: David Anspaugh
Producers: Robert N. Fried, Jeffrey I. Friedman, Lee R. Mayes, Alan J. Mintz, Angelo Pizzo, Cary Woods, Richard J. Zinman
Screenwriter: Angelo Pizzo

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I don't care if this didn't actually happen, it's one of the greatest scenes in all film. Makes me cry.


Next day at kickoff, Rudy’s the only one on field against Georgia Tech wearing everyone’s jerseys.


I know this never happened, but from a film study point of view it is one of the finest scenes in cinema.


The look on his face when he realizes that they are acting as a team/family as more jerseys continue to drop- - het gets it!!


Rudy walks in..." Me too, coach", and drops his jersey on the desk😄


Reminds me of one of the best compliments I ever had:
I wasn't a football player, but I was in the marching band at my university.
I loved it; it was one of the happiest times of my life.
They had two rules; miss a practice, you don't get to perform at the next game.
Miss a game... you're out of the band.
My routine was basically: friday night get home after practice, lay out my uniform, watch some tv, grab my trumpet and head for a bar in dogtown. Members of the marching bad got free Bud Lite all night; all we had to do was play fight songs every 15 minutes.
I'd get home at midnight or 2 am, go over to the 7/11 for a burrito, maybe get a couple hours sleep.

At 5am on Saturdays, the music majors (I was majoring in playing video games with a minor in skipping class...) would meet at a Perkins, have breakfast, and then head over to the music building to transport the equipment over to the stadium for pre-game practice.
I was the only non-music major there. Every Saturday.
We'd haul the equipment to the stadium... have our practice, then I'd drive home and get something to eat, relax for an hour or so, then put on my uniform, drive back to the stadium, perform the pre-game show, cheer in the stands for the first half, do the halftime show, go around with the pep band during the second half, help haul the equipment back to the music building after the game, head home, take off my uniform and crash.

One Saturday, I went home after practice, put on my uniform and made the mistake of laying down... I woke up with only a few minutes before the pre-game show began. I raced across town, got to the stadium just as the band was starting to march in.
Not only was my coach there... the director of bands, Mr Christiansen, head of the entire music department of the university, was there.
I immediately began apologizing as two band members helped me reverse my overlay (it was wrong side out for pre-game) and I replaced the clarinet player they'd stuck in my socket... I was humiliated, ashamed and certain I was going to be kicked out of the band...
All Mr Christiansen did was smile, and say, "That's alright; we were afraid you were dead. We knew you'd never miss a game".

That's the closest I've ever gotten to feeling like Rudy... and it was a terrific feeling.


"I believe I am." Was the cherry on the absolute top for me. So much in so few words. Fantastic film!


Dan Devine: You are an All-American and our Captain, act like it!
Steele: I believe I am.


When he's told to act like an All-American athlete and the team's captain, and he replies: "I believe I am...."   I get pretty choked up.  What real leadership looks like.


Character and loyalty are some of the most underrated aspects of being a good human being.

Both of these are displayed brilliantly in one scene. This goes far beyond a kid wanting to play in a football game.


Dan Devine stole Jobu's rum.
Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum.


Legend says Jerseys are still piling up on that desk.


I’ve watched this movie a gazillion times and I still get teary-eyed by this scene.


Rudy's effort and passion inspires me to keep playing and trying hard for my high school team even though I've never got playing time


"You're an All-American and our Captain, act like it."

"I believe I am."


Amazingly, Georgia Tech runs the exact same offense in 2018!!!


One of if not my favorite scene in the whole movie. Just shows how much Rudy means to the whole team


Hard to get through this scene without fighting your tears.


'Our integrity sells for so little, but it's all we really have. It is the very last inch of us, but within that inch... we are free.'

So many things in life have overrated value, but kindness isn't one of them.


Joe Montana "nah coach, I'm good w my jersey😏"
