6 Steps How to Choose the Right RC Lipo Battery

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Many people have confusion on how to choose the right RC lipo battery - this video is here to help!

There are 6 basic steps to ensure you select the right battery for your RC vehicle.

Other resources:

Common RC lipos that I use:

0:00 Intro
0:48 Step 1
1:36 Step 2
2:33 Step 3
3:17 Step 4
4:43 Step 5
5:58 Step 6

*Note: The provided links to the items recommended in this may be associate links. The great news about this: you pay the same price for the item, but I get a small kickback that helps me fund this channel!

Music provided by T2NATE and the YouTube library.
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I'm glad I know now what I didn't when I started in wonderful hobby about batteries lol! Great video! 👍


Great info Troy especially pointing out how you can get a less powerful battery and sort of de-tune the car for a longer life. Interesting how some of this parallels what is done in 1:1 cars. Thanks for all your videos Troy and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


Happy thanksgiving Troy and family.. great video


Great vid, great channel! I have a noob question though, if I may (which you kind of answered in the video I think). I have a Quantum Maverick MT and the manual says it can run on 2S or 3S LiPo, but @ 7.2v… what does it mean to have a 3S run @ 7.2v? The exact excerpt in the manual says “3S LiPo or 9 NI-MH : 540 or 550 size motor ≥ 18T RPM < 2000 @ 7.2v”… If you can help me make sense of that I would be so grateful and will leave you a Thanks donation (: Just trying to learn here so I don’t have to ask my husband everything!


Troy > great stuff as usual. Looking for a link for one of our “Newbies” & you nailed it > thx man.


I mostly use Zeee brand batteries at this point. I run their standard shorty 2C batteries in 5500mah with 100C discharge for turbo/boost heavy and bashing. And their small cute little 2C 1800-2200mah 50c batteries when I just wanna slide around the kitchen or crawl. :D The smaller ones have yet to fail during turbo/boost for me but I dont hit it all the time on my slick floors. I do miss the weight the shortys bring though.


This is my personal preference.

Bashing around or any high speed racing - Hard-case Lipo for extra protection


Hai bro.. what is different betry lipo 4s with 15.2v vs 16.8v, my zop betry 4s he can't go to fully charge he just stuck at 15.77v


Do you use a hard case or soft case for your bashing vehicles? Thanks


I’m just getting into the hobby and purchased a used Arrma Granite. What battery would you recommend ? Nothing to pricey please. As there is so many options out there and after reading some ratings on amazon I’m really lost. Please help


Rc noob here....which battery upgrade to get for typhon grom? Just want to extend play time.


What types of batteries last the longest. Are there any that last longer than 15-20 mins? Or maybe even an hour?


I've had horrible luck with ovonic packs. I mostly ran them in my 6s arrma mojave. They just can't supply the amps to push the big trucks like my CNHLs or Gen Ace packs. (This really shows in their smaller FPV packs) Even running them in my 1/10 scales trucks the run times is only about 60%. I'm 100% confident you get what you pay for when It comes to lipos! Buy nice or buy twice in this hobby 🤣


Which 3s battery good for hyper go 14210


All 4 of the 6s rc lipo packs I’ve had puffed and dropped cells on me… Unfortunately I’ve talked to numerous other people who had the same problem as me.


The C rating (even not considering it is usually fake, even more than the capacity) must be considered with a grain of salt: a battery twice as big (capacity) can have half the C rating of a smaller one and still deliver the same high current capability (Amps), since the C rating is a multiplier of the rated capacity, and not an absolute number.
Additionally a bigger battery not only increases the running time, but also the weight, so it decreases the performance. Additional weight is never good, that is why racing cars are as much lightweight as possible.


i like yowoo graphene lipos they’re super fast


Why is it S, cell starts with C 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


guess could be a bit of a minefield but your information should help a lot
*full view🥸Au💯👍left a like for you*
