Find your style - in 6 steps | Justine Leconte

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Finding your personal style is possibly the biggest challenge in fashion. This video gives tips and tricks to help you find your own style, with 6 main points to consider:
- What is your body type?
- Find your "uniform", the look that fits your lifestyle and that can be styled up or down endlessly.
- Find one (several) reference person who has your body shape and of whom you'd like to wear the clothes in daily life. Recommendation: choose someone famous but not too much, or somebody you know personally.
- Define your color palette, taking into account your skin undertone.
Recommendation: some neutrals + max. 5 solid hues + prints.
- Make a list of shapes and cuts you know work well for you.
- Consider accessories and shoes to up your look.
Once you have gathered all the input, keep it all in one place so you can refer to it any time you need it.
Recommendation: Pinterest is a great place to do that and the boards are flexible enough to evolve with your style.

[FREE GUIDE] Your own style, without depending on trends:

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New videos: Wednesday 5pm & Sunday 12pm (Paris/Berlin time).

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How to measure your body type & the playlist of all body types:

How to find your undertone:



Lipstick: P2 matte in Forever Cayenne.



Facebook: Justine Leconte Fashion
Twitter: JustineLeconteO
Pinterest: jleconteberlin

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#fashion #style #wardrobeadvice
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I´m not a "fashion" person, never I was nor I am. But your videos transcend fashion and make us think about clothes as an extension of your personality. Thank you for that!


"Trends go, style stays."
~Coco Chanel


Justine, I said it once, I have to say it again. I am so happy I found your channel. You've quickly become my favourite youtuber.


My mother (Happy Mother's Day, Mom!) taught me this growing up: Buy allll the fashion magazines twice a year - the giant Fall and Spring editions.

While you page through them, pull out any page that makes you go WOW. Just rip it out.

Later, after you are done, go through your stack of pages with a critical eye. What do you like about it? Maybe it's the cut, or the styling, or that gorgeous skirt. Next, will it suit you? Pencil skirts on my body are a no go, so if I love one, I can say 'nice, but not for me' and move on.

Last, look through the smaller stack again and decide what trends you will decide to incorporate. Moto jacket is your favorite? You might not buy the Balenciaga, but you can find a great jacket with that trend, to suit you, at your price point.

Dad never quite did get the point of buying huge stacks of magazines and tearing them to pieces immediately...


This kind of youtuber is the REAL DEAL. She knows what she's talking about. Very informative, straight to the point and no nonsense. Good job Justine.


My style is the sale section literally 😂😂


"if you knew you wouldn't be researching it"
cracks me up every time I watch this video
Justine, you are just a ray of sunshine :)


I've recently found Justine's channel and have been binging the videos. And I just love her! Her attitude, her type of instruction and explanation, her sort of gentle way of guiding instead of saying, "this is the only right way, " just all of it. I think, especially for people who are more timid about expanding their wardrobe, her manner is just exceptional. She doesn't insist, she doesn't shame and judge, she acknowledges they are opinions, but doesn't fall over herself apologizing for having them. She doesn't have more time spent on making sure she doesn't step on people's toes than giving actual information, but she does it in a way that demonstrates she's just guiding. It's really an interesting mix and it's really refreshing. I've not been disappointed by a video yet!


I love how real and transparent you are. You talk in a calm and slow tone, you have a trustworthy body language and a very sweet demeanor. I don't want to say anything bad about other YouTubers, but you're unbelievably better than any of them. I started to like fashion just because of you. Never lose this, please!


I always come back to her, the most reliable person when it comes to fashion ♥️


Of all the youtubers online, I learn the most from you. Not to mention you changed my view about fashion (fast fashion talk, etc.). Thank u so much!


My shopping style is to donate blood. Our blood bank gives a free donate-blood t-shirt when we donate. The t-shirt design changes every two or three months.


It would be totally cool to watch a video where you help someone find their style using these steps, I would love to see that . <3


In my attempt to fit in at work, I've lost my personal style. This show was a good reminder to re-connect to my true self and find my true style again. I'm excited to start! Thank you!😊🤗❤️


I have always felt pressure to be stylish! it made styling a task rather than something fun. But after many years I finally found what I like: very feminine dresses, lace, soft colours, midi skirts, ballerina shoes. Now I am not trying to take fashion too seriously, more like appriciating what I have and just find things that I feel amazing in! love your channel!


Finding my style has made my life so much easier. I used to buy clothes that I thought were interesting and exciting. What really changed everything was the mantra "Buy what you wear". At first, it felt so boring, but now I find it incredibly liberating.


Very sage advice. I particularly appreciate the tip about color matching when shopping. A lot of times, you think the piece you're buying will match another item you have at home but it turns out to be the wrong shade/color when you actually put them next to each other.


Im addicted to the way you say your intro...


I feel like I enjoy too many different styles.
Most of the time I'll wear a simple sweater and jeans in the winter and a dress in the summer. But I also enjoy alternating between girly, casual, sporty, classy depending on my I guess i don't have a personal style...? :/ Anyone else like this? :)


When decluttering my wardrobe 2 years ago, I inadvertently discovered my style. My uniform is jeans with a button down shirt and boots - simple yet classic. Usually block colours and an occasional printed shirt to keep it interesting. Or if I want a pop of colour I use a scarf. Knowing I’m a Summer has been incredibly valuable. Great video.
