I burned out. Here's how I recovered.

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Earlier this year, I hit burnout. After ignoring the signs for months, I eventually got to a point where I was creatively exhausted and felt cynical towards my work. But thanks to the help of some people close to me, I was able to work through it and recover. If you feel burned out, hopefully this can help you find a way to recover as well.






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I'd like to share a little bonus story, which will show how my life is often a process of learning the same lesson over and over:

In college, I was in the honors program. Graduating with it would've meant I'd be able to put it on my resume and wear a cool gold cord at the graduation ceremony. However, there were some requirements; I had to take some extra classes and do a big project during my senior year.

About halfway through college, I was putting a lot more time into building my business, and trying to juggle that alongside classes, my job, and the Honors requirements was becoming incredibly stressful. Additionally, my time was very fractured; I wasn't able to focus for very long on any one thing, and everything suffered as a result.

So - even though I really wanted that additional resume item - I decided to quit the Honors program during my senior year. It was hard to give that up, but the time and ability to focus that I gained was worth it. And looking back, I can see now that having "honors graduate" on my resume wouldn't have helped me as much as all the extra time I was able to invest in building my business.

I still struggle with living by the lesson this taught me: Letting an opportunity go doesn't equal failure. And even if that opportunity would have helped me progress slightly faster, it may not have been worth it.


If you don't take a break, the break takes itself.


man because of this vedio i learned to get back from burnout i was burnedout in 2020 my grades dropped heck i even failed one class i used get all "A" but in 2020 i got all B's even they were online exams now again iam on track now i took a long break from studying from long hours and month rest no study only watching movies i got all "A" again

thank you thomas


Huge respect bro.
It's very difficult to look on one's self objectively and diagnose the problem and the cause and discoverthe treatment and the hardest of all is to be brave enough to take the medicine which is very sacrificial on one side but it's very liberating on the other


I really f***in needed this, thank you so much, Thomas. This is how my entire year has been.


Omg this is exactly what I have just realized in my own life. I also felt trapped by my schedule (full time university, part time job plus other committments), wasn't realizing what I could actually cut back on (taking off work for one weekend isn't going to kill me) and created a worst case scenario (like you not being able to pay people) that when I actually sat down and worked it out, wasn't even true. Such good timing, I feel this so hard.


i really like how chill and lay back this video was


This described my current situation so perfectly well. Glad to see I’m not alone


that's exactly what I needed to hear right now. seems like I've been struggling with the same issues for a while now and even if somehow I knew I should do something about it, I just never could. it's like a big bang in my head. thanks for opening my eyes, Thomas!


You're going as fast as you can _in the direction_ you're heading. Sometimes, *not slowing down* keeps up the pace, yet pivots you toward a bad place. Keep up the good work (quality, not necessarily quantity)!


My passion is art. I started drawing for as long as i can remember, and i'd draw all day and night. It was really fun to do, but recently i've been feeling unmotivated to draw. Not even just sketch. It felt painful to draw or paint anything and for some reason i can't think of anything to draw anymore. I don't have a tight schedule, and the only thing pressuring me is school.

It might be art block, but i've never had such an intense unmotivated feeling before. I'm getting worried that i might be losing interest in my passion because it's the best thing about me. I've invested so much into my passion.

I need help. Is this burnout kinda thing just part of the journey? Should i just keep my mind off my passion for a while? I really need guidance.


As others have said, don't let anything guilt you into ill health. I took a job where I worked 70 hour weeks for two years. I was known in the office as "dead man walking". I got really good at my job, and... aged 10 years in two. That's not a good use of one's time.


But honestly, super helpful so far. Thanks :)


This is perfect as people in college are starting to get hit with the burnout


When I quit my job because of my burnout I knew it was a life or death choice to me. I chose my health over money and thank God I did. Needless to say that the recovery was long. On the last day I came home and my body just shut down. I would sleep 16 hours a day but in sequences. I would wake up, eat something and then all of a sudden I would pass out on the couch for 5 hours with no recollection of falling asleep. This went on for a whole month. My body decided to take matters into its own hands because I wasn't able to make any decisions. That month of rest was like a rebirth. When it ended I felt like I was coming out of a coma that had lasted during the whole time I was at my job. Just a black hole I was leaving behind. Never choose your job over your well-being.


Dude, I loved the honesty and transparency here. I was impressed with how well you were able to articulate such a tricky topic. And I'm glad to hear you're doing better!


The biggest red flag in before becoming burned out - *not having a balanced life*
You can work intensely a short period of time but winding down is crucial both for health and creativity


2019 is a hard year for everyone, huh



4:36 starts talking about what he did to recover


Perfect timing as always, exactly what I need right now
