Helldivers 2 - how to spread your jump pack wings and fly

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In Helldivers 2 we can run and dive but we need a backpack to help us jump. As someone who loves movement options, the jump pack is one of my favorite backpacks to bring into my missions.

PATCH 01.001.104
- Cooldown reduced from 20 to 15 sec
- Stronger thrust force
- Thrust vector has been tweaked
- Will have a slightly higher jump and more forward momentum

Comment your thoughts on the jump pack and any tips or tricks you have. I'm excited to see what you all think and know!

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0:00 Intro
0:30 Jump Pack Basics
1:05 Jump Pack Charge
1:50 Jump Pack Distance
3:50 Jump Pack Height
4:50 Weapons, Grenades, Utility
5:52 Strategem Weapons
7:00 Gameplay Tips
8:41 Jump Pack Tips
10:19 Overall Thoughts

Background Music: Left Bank Two by the Noveltones
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Brethren. The mobility this offers is insane. Imagine being locked into left and right. Couldn’t be me, I’m going over.


I am a jump-pack connoisseur and I have some other tips and observations: 1) Beware of fire with the pack. Too many hulks have caught me, and you will die if you catch fire midair.2) Getting to higher ground tends to have less fog so you can see and sniper even better. While your team is approaching an object and getting set up, work on getting higher. 3) While playing the bots, if you jump on a flat-topped terrain feature, but are getting overwhelmed lay down to avoid fire. 4) If you are planning to jump or if it is a remotely important jump, seek higher ground. Even standing on a barrel can get you the perfect jump. 5) I like the energy weapon/jump pack combo because I do not run out of ammo when I am stuck a rock spire and surrounded. 6) Beware that the jump pack's braking shot will trigger if you fly too close to an object. If you are jumping from on high and just miss a fence, your brakes will fire early, and you will hit the ground a little too hard causing you to take damage. Sometimes you got to do it, but just be aware.


I still think the jump recharge time should be reduced. The fact that the shield pack regens faster than the jump pack is kinda BS!


I hope they add a module that increases height of the jump by 10% or maybe a module that gives us 2 uses per charge.


I used to "not" to like jump pack before because i thought it was useless. But i gave it a shot again and after learning on how to really use its potential, boy i was dead wrong. Im in love with this thing now, will not play without it. It saved me many times more than the shield, especially against bugs. It gives you that 2 steps ahead kind of thing when youre using it, as long as you know how and when to use it.


Vaulting over fire tornadoes, mines and napalm eagles. Infiltrating bot Jammer bases. Taking a group's aggro and flying off behind terrain, effectively making them run after your ghost.Guerilla tactics at its best.


2 things. I think the jump pack should have a 10-15 second recharge, not 20. And I think it should have 3 modes. Height mode which burns the launch and the recovery to get you higher and is less reactive to existing forward speed when you launch, Launch mode which is the current normal mode, and Speed mode which doesn't lift you at all and burns both the launch and recovery to add ALL of it straight to your running speed, basically tripling it for 2-3 seconds or whatever the total burn time is.


Some of the strats I’ve been using with the jump pack are

1. Force bugs to walk around terrain. This is way more noticeable the more you try it, anything that requires a vault to get over, almost all bugs have to go around instead. So even the smallest ledge forces them on a longer path where you can start dealing damage.

2. Going down hills gets you insaaaane distance and time save vs running. You can start a fight at the top of a hill or bring a group up there, just to jet pack down and sort of corral the enemies, giving you a ton of time to shoot them.

3. You get to “solve” extraction by just getting up to the highest rock and lying down. You can either stealth or wait out aggro’d enemies till the shuttle lands then fly over to the door very consistently.

4. Cannon turrets don’t seem that good at hitting you flying, hasn’t happened to me once yet. I think you can just reaction jet pack to the red light lighting up.

5. You can clear the explosion of a cluster bomb with a little extra height from starting up on something, same with an impact nade (throw it as you start the jump), you can make it over a napalms fire to force bugs to walk through it to get to you, etc etc


Jumpack goes so well with a turret oriented build... allows you to place very good turrets on heights.


1. Jumpack can be used to easily hop onto friends' mechs to provide additional cover
2. You can jump onto chargers and ride them! yay! Don't ride bile titans though. They're almost a 100% guaranteed death.
3. You can use jumpack to easily sneak onto many Automaton objectives and important targets, couple examples:

- Skip a long way to disable a jammer
- Hop onto a factory strider, this requires a bit of height (the AT-AT doggy)
- Easily jump over tanks blocking paths. You can also stand on them to confuse them, if situation allows this can help your teammates A LOT. Beware of tracks.
- Easily get to that small, fenced area that is under a Gunship facility so it can be hellbombed hella easy

4. Change elevation heights often with bugs to make them chase you around the terrain while u just skip it

Nice vid btw


You completely left out my favorite use for the jump pack, extending the range of your strategem throws. If you throw the grenade while jumping, you get about 20 meters of extra distance. Great for reinforcing, orbital barrages, and throwing down supplies while on the move.

Edit: you didn't leave it out, just didn't have any footage showcasing it.


I didn't think someone could spend 12 minutes giving actual useful advice... about a Jump Pack. This actually has helped out a ton!


Titanfall mentioned. Now you have converted me to a jump pack main.


300 hrs in game and have always used the jump pack. Glad to see others seeing how slept on it is


I also run the jump pack all the time! Great tutorial that goes over a lot of the basics of using it -- I've seen a lot of folks poo-poo it because its not entirely obvious how to best use it and it is rather inflexible.

One great tip with the jump pack is that the secondary burst of jet to cancel fall damage triggers based on how close you are to touching the ground, not on a set timer. You can use this to great advantage if you're at the top of a hill or cliff and need to clear a lot of distance quickly. Doing a sprinting jump at those high points can mean easily clearing 30 to 40 meters in a matter of seconds, depending on how high the hill or cliff are.


Additional tip I have found is that if you do a stationary jump, you are able to aim weapons like the EAT and Quasar cannon accurately and get a shot off if you do it at the peak of the jump. This is super useful for quickly shooting at cannons, tanks or dropships behind cover.


Level 58, just started using it on Bug missions. I'm not sure if it's usefulness is quite worth taking up a slot, but
damn if it doesn't look, sound, and feel cool as Hell when it activates. Jumping off of a cliff or hilltop so you get maximum
height and flight time never gets old. It is effective for jumping over enemies and getting out of tight spots too.


The Jump Pack exists a layer above the shield pack on the survivability onion. Instead of not taking damage, just don't get hit entirely!


I think a cool buff for the jump pack would be to always let you fall softly like at the end of a jump, it would still use fuel but it could make it useful in situations where you need to go down, not up


I'll definitly be using the pack when available now

Another movement tech I use a lot is with those mushroom spores on hot planets like hellmire
If you shoot them, they explode and send you flying, I've now gotten good at standing on top of them, jumping back, and firing to fling myself across the map. Generally the lower the angle you get the lower the damage unless you hit a wall directly.

Usually you'll need a stim but sometimes ive gotten away with minimal damage even in light armor.

Its been fun for just crossing the map slightly faster than someone sprinting but its also been useful when your trapped in a desperate swam with no way to run out.
Pop a stim, and take a leap of faith, gave me enough distance to get running and put a strategem between me and the swarm
