Helldivers 2 Beginner's Guide

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Today I'm bringing you my Helldivers 2 Beginner's Guide, so that you too, can spread Freedom and Democracy across the Galaxy in Helldivers 2.

Game Provided by Playstation Portugal:

#helldivers2 #rurikhan #helldivers
0:00 Helldivers 2 Beginner's Guide
0:32 Ship Services / Upgrades & Loadouts
3:22 Galactic War Map / Mission Select
7:55 Weapon Settings Options
8:35 Planning Your Deployment & Stratagems
9:57 Weapons to Deal with Heavy Enemies (Armored)
12:45 Crouch at the Start (Avoid Detection)
13:15 Deploying Stratagems (Start of Mission)
16:28 Change Weapon Firing Mode and Aim
18:15 Recoilless Rifle & Co-op Weapons
19:40 Drop Supplies at the Start
20:15 Using the Map, Pinging & Pinning Objectives
23:30 Combat Tips & Bug Breaches
24:30 Superman Dive & Healing (Stimpack)
25:23 Reloading Tips
26:20 More Combat Tips & Offensive Stratagems
27:15 Dealing with Heavy Enemies (Armored)
29:59 Re-arm Your Planes During Downtime
30:45 Side Objective - Radar Tower
32:10 Death and Reinforcement
32:55 More Heavy Enemies Combat Tips
34:43 Reverse Superman Dive into Firing
35:05 More Combat Tips and Side Objectives
35:43 Bonus Loot Areas
36:34 Engaging a Bile Titan (Main Objective)
41:50 Killing a Heavy by Landing on It.
42:30 More Tips
43:16 Getting Bonus Loot
44:53 Extraction
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It’s like little me staying home from school to play old school cod online with the boys except now it’s old me staying home from work to kill bugs/terminators with the fellas. Let’s do our part for DEMOCRACY!!


Tips from lvl 45:
Railgun and personal shield are a MUST.
CC and delaying the enemy becomes more important than damage output.
Heavy armor is a death sentence.
Bile Titan takes 3 rail guns to the face.
Charger takes 3 to the arm or two and then small arms fire.
KILL STALKER NESTS AS SOON AS YOU CAN. They will end your run.
And lastly keep moving. Staying in one spot guarantees mission failure.


It's really cool how the overall war looks like developer vs. Player base.


I'm level 21 but I'll still watch, love me some propaganda.


This is the best warhammer 40k game without being warhammer 40k. This setting is perfect for being a space marine, dropping down on planets to fight tyranids, necrons, orcs or demons. And you could have different space marine chapters as helldivers, ---- bolter, melta weapons etc.
When someone pointed this out I was so mad and now I cant unsee it, please Arrowhead, get a collab with Gamesworkshop and make this happen!


The Strategem Hero mini game is part of the Super Citizen pack (deluxe pack).


This is the game ive been wanting forever, can't believe the amount of fun you can have! Simply amazing. 40$ is kinda nuts for this game


One thing to note is that healing also gives you infinite stamina for a short amount of time.


Change the strategem controls in your settings from WASD to your directional keys so that you can key them in without impeding your movement control. When the fight is at it's nastiest and you need to call stuff in faster than ever, only being able to move in the direction that matches your strategems will get you killed so many times.

Dynamic aiming setting is also a real convenient way to just 3rd and 1st person aim by holding/pressing the same aim button (while aiming in 3rd is plenty fine in most situations, even most assault rifles are surprisingly proficient at sniping via tap firing in 1st person at long range).


The magazine waste is low key the best part of the game.


Just for clarification, the SOS Beacon prioritize showing your lobby/session to other players. Even if you don't call it in game, people can still join you as long as your matchmaking is set to "Public" and not "Friends only" in the gameplay menu.

Have fun Helldivers :)


thanks for this break down!! i realized when i would play with my friends it was so much going on that i didn’t really understand what was happening besides securing democracy haha


I love the smell of Liber-Tea in the morning!

I noticed no tips for Automatons.

Aim for the head. With the exception of tanks and heavy mechs, headshots can kill the rest very quickly (even the ones with shields).

The Automaton dropships can be instantly destroyed along with their passenger(s) by hitting one of their 4 thruster pods.

Use cover or the Ballistic/Energy Shield equipment. They can save your life if you get caught by a large swarm all firing lasers at you.


While you didn't have any unlocked, boosters are an absolute godsend and a tip I would give is to try and prioritize unlocking them as soon as the page they are on becomes available: boosters are equipped in the drop prep screen just like stratagems and they apply to the entire squad. The first one is already useful since it applies both at the start of a mission and whenever someone is reinforcing after getting killed, but there are also other really good ones like the increased stamina capacity + regen combo that makes traversing the map in general as well as, ahem, "tactically relocate" much quicker since you can sprint for longer and more often


The EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank actually calls TWO rocket launchers down, not one. You can share it with your friends, or just use two yourself. 70 seconds per call-in is surprisingly short, and unlike the GR-8 Recoilless Rifle, the EAT-ITs don't take up a backpack slot. I'd actually put them about equal in terms of usefulness, but it does depend on the situation.


Thank you. Got the game a few days ago, and only did the intro so far. Definitely going to be better prepared going into the first mission. Subbed.


I love Rurikhan guides. Always long form with tons of detail.


Very well put together video, subbed...FOR FREEDOM!


This game is amazing-- came out of left field to deliver something I didn't know I desperately wanted-- for democracy!


This is cool man I’ve never really seen anyone do like a gameplay analysis. This game is awesome learned a lot watching
