NASA Designs A Near Light Speed Engine That Goes on Mars in Minutes

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For many years, mankind has had grand plans to travel faster and move easily across our planet. If we look at the history of transportation, we can see that each vehicle has managed to surpass its predecessor in speed, reflecting our yearning to move faster in our engineering works. However, today traveling at higher speeds could pass from being a convenience to necessity a necessity, since the earth is on the verge of collapsing. But even speed has a limit that is far from easy to reach.
According to the genius physicist and mathematician Albert Einstein, there is nothing faster than the speed of light. That is why if mankind could conquer these speeds, designing transports capable of traveling at the speed of light, no place would be beyond our reach. Even the darkest corners of the universe.
But what if I told you that mankind has found a way to reach the speed of light? That a NASA scientist is working on a rocket engine capable of taking you to the moon in just one second? Get ready, because what you are about to discover is breathtaking.

How could humanity benefit from this technology?
One of the biggest problems afflicting the earth is the lack of fresh water, along with high pollution and overpopulation. Our resources are getting scarce, our planet is getting smaller and smaller, and people are dying as a result. The earth is on the verge of collapse, and with it, humanity could face annihilation.
Fortunately, all is not lost, as NASA researchers have been able to locate other earth-like planets full of freshwater, with an ideal climate to be habitable. However, these planets are thousands of light-years away from our solar system, so if we tried to travel to them, we would die of old age, if we had a rocket that could hold enough fuel to make the trip.
Even Mars, which is in our solar system, is about five months away, so to travel there, we would need enough fuel to propel a rocket into space for at least ten months, not to mention all the food that would have to be transported for the crew to survive for at least a year. Our current technology limits us from adequately exploring the universe.
In other words, we know that the universe is full of thousands of planets, and wonderful things waiting to be discovered, but we have to settle for seeing them through a telescope, which limits our research capacity, and that’s why this discovery could change everything.

What is the helical motor?
A few years ago, a NASA engineer came up with a design that would allow the development of a rocket engine that could almost reach the speed of light. If this machine were created, mankind could travel to the moon in just one second, or reach Mars in just 13 minutes, which would make all our dreams of moving through space in just a few moments come true, as if we were characters from the Mandalorian universe.
A helical engine is a theoretical machine that would allow us to fulfill this purpose, making no planet seem far enough away. It is a design developed by NASA engineer David Burns, which is intended to allow us to travel to distant stars much faster than any existing technology. But this project is not limited there, since David claims that it could also be used to perform maintenance on satellite stations. However, I think the most powerful advantage of the helical engine is that it would not require the use of fuel, which would help us save billions of dollars.
Today modern spacecraft, such as those used by NASA and SpaceX, require tons of propellants, such as liquid hydrogen, to get our astronauts to Mars and beyond. Because of the large amount of fuel needed to travel in space, modern fuel tanks are too bulky to be used for interstellar flight, since the more fuel you put in a spacecraft, the heavier it weighs.
The helical engine does not have this problem, because it uses high-tech particle accelerators such as those found at the Large Hadron Collider in Europe. These tiny particles are fired at very high speed, using electromagnets, which are recycled around the engine to be fired again. By accelerating the confined ions in a loop to moderate relativistic velocities, varying their velocity to make slight changes in their mass, and moving the ions back and forth along the direction of travel, the thrust the spacecraft needs to move is generated. With this engine, one of the loopholes in the laws of physics could be exploited to allow any rocket with such a motor to reach speeds approaching 297 million meters per second, taking advantage of how mass changes at the speed of light.
Although this design complies with Einstein's theory of relativity, its mere existence defies Newton's law of motion, along with the laws of physics. However, this scheme is not as far-fetched as it seems, as there have been proposals for other engine concepts that would not require fuel to propel their rockets.
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Can we send all the politicians and oligarchs to live there? If not...I'm not really interested. I will never afford to go in my lifetime.
