NASA FINALLY Reveals New Helical Engine that Breaks the Laws of Physics

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NASA FINALLY Reveals New Helical Engine that Breaks the Laws of Physics

In today's video we look at NASA FINALLY Reveals New Helical Engine that Breaks the Laws of Physics...Keep watching to see near light speed engine,nasa designs near light speed engine that breaks laws of physics,nasa new engine,helical engine,elon musk reveals,nasa engine,raptor engine,starship new engine,spacex new engine,light speed engine,nasa near speed light engine,nasa's newest machine breaks the laws of physics,rocket engine,starship engine,spacex reveals,engine,spacex engine,merlin engine,elon musk reveals their new light speed engine!

Subscribe for the latest news on NASA, space travel, and rocket ships. Inspired by Ridddle, Destiny, and Kosmo.

Inspired by NASA Designs Near Light Speed Engine That Breaks Laws Of Physics

Inspired by IT HAPPENED! Elon Musk & NASA FINALLY Reveal New Light Speed Engine!

Inspired by Nasa Genius Invents Light Speed Engine That Defies Physics

Inspired by USA & Elon Musk FINALLY Reveal New Light Speed Engine That Defies Physics!

Inspired by NASA Designs Near Light Speed Engine That Breaks Laws Of Physics

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Hello. Alien here. You're too focused on going faster. Focus more about moving the actual space out of the way. Like swimming through water.


We're never leaving this system alive.


Just find a saucer with the keys in it!


I figured this would be like jumping on a trampoline that oscillates back and forth, and when you land, you travel in one direction, when airborne the trampoline oscillates back. Not sure if counterbalancing centripetal force with magnetic could get a better effect or not. You could increase "relative mass" by rotating the disk in one direction without resorting to exotic matter, but how do you conserve that rotational force on the bounce? Well, I suppose if part of the box and the spinning disk were a ferro-fluid or electrical metal, then you can use EM fields to transfer that rotational energy on impact, and "melt" the moving mass for a moment by turning off an EM field. Well, that's what I thought about a while back and then, sure, the particle accelerator.

Needs a lot of power. That means fusion.

I figure there are a lot of ways to improve efficiency here, it's a great improvement (theoretically) over propulsion -- but, you are really SLAMMING that particle accelerator back and forth and that would probably require two materials phased into the same lattice (currently, this doesn't seem possible to our science). Even then, it's not FTL. FTL is far closer than we think, but, I guess we aren't thinking right yet. We need to be applying our technology on computer chips and quantum SQUIDs to solve the fusion problem. Then, well, that's another discussion I only want with people who can think outside the box. We are a lot further along then when we were talking about string theory. We are now less sure -- it's a good opportunity for real growth.


If we truly want to travel the universe we’re gonna have to go WAY faster than that.


It's just one person's idea. It's not revealed as something NASA has made or anything like that. And it probably won't work.


Is there any updated info on the Helical Engine? Because all referenced material I can find is from 2019, and every video I see being posted about this has no references but states this is a newer concept that has been released?


OK from everybody just giving the history of all types of thrusters used in videos I'm guessing they don't have this so called engine.
What they have is a quest to receive a schematic of a working prototype that somebody is working on somewhere for free


Here is my question! What is the point of the universe being infinite if we are just on this one planet called earth and here we are just watching youtube a working a 9-5! What is the point then of the stuff way out there like trillions of light years away! Not like we are ever going to see them or reach them! I belive that there is an end to space because there is an end to everything but what is at the end cause there has to be something after that then its just common sense! Think of it at our scale! Take a black block and place it on the table reprenting all of space litterly everything and the edges are the end! Well the box isnt just the end, there is more which is the table and us and the earth etc. I dont understand!


To do interstellar travel, we're gonna have to travel without "using" speed. Not trying to get faster.


Who on earth would guess NASA would be researching near-light travel in Alabama. I know the stereotypes aren’t realistic but it’s still funny


I'm just thinking. The lore says a magnetic field can convert light in to matter plus light can be condensed by a lens and a helical-like engine only requires matter for inertial propulsion; they seem to want to do spaceflight without a propellant stored on board I think this could do transit around the solar system. You'll want a magnetic material to make where the fused matter would hit but it won't if you make it out of copper. Add a Halbach array as the magnetic field and you could stand on the back with a light source to copper for propulsion.


Lets be clear it doesn't break the laws of physics. it might violate some of newtons laws, but it uses physics which are familiar to us thanks to Einstein's theory of special relativity. Namely harnessing relativistic mass.


76 days to mars at 186, 000 miles per second? I dont think mars is that far. Thats like 1.2 trillion miles away.


People including me have checked the calculations. They are wrong


If we traveled at light speed, how are we going to avoid crashing into an astroid?


Potrzebna byłaby bańka wokół statku stworzona z próżni, wówczas, i energii, i siły byłoby mniej potrzeba .. oraz punkt zerowy wewnątrz by astronauci nie odczuwali przyspieszenia i hamowania :) You would need a bubble around the ship made of a vacuum, then both energy and strength would be less .. and a zero point inside that astronauts would not feel acceleration and braking :) idea with an air bubble in the water and oxygen trapped in this bubble


It can't "break the laws of physics, " it simply modifies them. Or, better stated; if this is true, we need to modify our understanding of those laws.


But how are UFOs able to fly around without any evidence of thrust? This is what we need to figure out.


Well gas and electric isnt the answere! We would have to use particles somehow!
