If There's 1 True God, Why Are There So Many Religions? w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, OP

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In this segment, Fr. Gregory unpacks a viewer question, "If there's 1 true God, why are there so many different religions? Wouldn't there be just 1 religion?"



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Before I became a Catholic, having lived among people of several religions in different countries, I asked myself this question when living in Singapore. My own answer was that Jesus was the only one who had claimed to be God, so either He was mad or He was the Truth. Madness led down a path where nothing made sense. I became a Catholic after fighting against it, in 1958, and I am now 87, and still thankful!


Fr. Pine makes reference to many of the reasons why someone cannot/will not convert and it sometimes has nothing to do with logic or reason. I converted to Catholicism after 40 years as a Southern Baptist. It cost me my relationship with my parents and much of my family. Following the truth will often be hard and it will seem like you are swimming upstream. Depending on where you live in America, you may find yourself in a Bible Belt area where bucking the system of being an Evangelical Protestant will be tough. They look upon Catholics as the upstart, the apostasy, and something of the dark ages.

Two observations I've made since my conversion - Strong Protestants make Great Catholics, and Weak Catholics make Good Protestants. I've run into former Catholics who either don't attend Mass or they go to a Protestant church. Their arguments usually go like this, "I wasn't being fed spiritually in the Catholic Church. The Mass was not bringing me closer to God." I get that. The Protestant worship service is more geared toward building the body of believers up with the contemporary music, sermons and not homilies, and only focusing on a narrow passage of the Gospel at a time. Their conversion was one of emotion not necessarily reason. 

Catholics, who like myself have converted, usually tend to be more well-reasoned and logical in their conversion. They've studied the ancient church and discovered the early Church Fathers were Catholic. They've often read or watched material not only from this channel, but the apologetics like Trent Horn, Jimmy Akin, Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, Kieth Nestor, and even Matt Fradd. I tried to come up any reason NOT to be Catholic and I could not. My belief in Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide soon fell away and I accepted the truth that for better or worse, the Roman Catholic Church is still the apostolic Church that Christ established through St. Peter.


When I was led to the Catholic Church by the Holy Spirit and I was Protestant at the time. I then asked the Holy Spirit why so many other churches and the answer I got was man's, PRIDE.

Since being Catholic, all other religions are wanting. ALL.

I Love being Catholic.


#AskFrPine this video is an answered prayer. I have been struggling about this topic for weeks now.. I have tried to search in YouTube on how to start learning about this topic and practice making an account for the hope that is in me.. And this video is the only one, from a Catholic perspective. So I thank God for this.


Hi Father Pine, could you make a video for husbands about how to lead their families spiritually? maybe also about miscarried babies & limbo. Thank you for all your great videos! Ive loved listening to many of them


Great video, Fr. Pine. It is such a gift to have wonderful priests like you who are able to explain answers to difficult questions with lucidity and gentleness.

My own answer to this question is that, really, the question is flawed in its outlook. In other words, the question itself seems suspect because the worldview that leads one to be puzzled by this is faulty.

Ok, so I'll explain. First, we know that there has to be SOMETHING that is the truth. Whether that truth is that we are brains floating in a vat, Islam, or Atheism, is irrelevant at this point in my argument. Now, if we know that there has to be at least one thing true (such as "I think, so I am" as Descartes argues), then we know (since I am assuming that PNC is true in this argument) that anything that truly contradicts this SOMETHING cannot be the case.

Moreover, it just seems to make sense that whatever it is that is true would be of enough significance that it would touch on most parts of life. Thus, IMHO, it makes sense that there would be many different, conflicting religions which all try to comprehend much of the human experience. This is no different than any other sphere of human life, such as politics or science. For instance, if, in a debate, say, on whether we should illegalize abortion, if I said that because there are many different views on the matter; and concluded that there is no right position, this would not follow. I may say that I have no idea whether we should or should not illegalize abortion, but I must say that there is some kind of right position here.

As for why God doesn't make it more clear which religion is right, I think, is a more difficult question. For me, even though I think you can (intellectually) provide an adequate answer, it is nowhere near as easy to convince my heart that this is the case. Nonetheless, I think the simplest answer is that God doesn't "spoonfeed" us all the answers because, otherwise, we would not develop into the kinds of people with the necessary dispositions to truly love God. Moreover, I would say that the Catholic Church that God has established is fairly clear in its teachings (e.g., the Catechism) and has been (perhaps less so now, but still) a universal light to all the nations. Not to mention, I think you can point to the many miracles attested to by the Catholic Church. All of this, most of the time at least haha, seems convincing to me, at least.. Of course, faith is not always an easy gift to receive; and I pray for all of those experiencing doubt right now.


I think the differences in religion is not because we are fallen, it's because different cultures will inevitably express the divine in different words, signs and symbols


I always go with history and theology to argue my points with Protestants and Atheists 😅


In the Bible…. Paul talks about a split in the early church….. it’s human nature……Some liked Paul, others Peter, others Apollos……Paul warned to focus on Jesus only!


Thank you! I needed to hear this message. God bless in Jesus' name.


It was hard to leave a lifetime relationship with the episcopal church because of familiarity, friendships, etc., even though it was clear the modern day episcopal church has undergone serious changes, like condoning and promoting homosexuality. The episcopal church allows unrepentant homosexuals in unholy same sex marriages to be bishops and deacons and has become a haven to the homosexual community who are told homosexuality is NOT a sin anymore.


Can you please answer why Catholics revere Mary and how to defend our beliefs to Protestants who think Catholics hurt Jesus by our devotion to the Virgin Mary.


Catholicism is not a religion it is TRUTH. Everything else is an approximation or rejection of said truth, thus a religion.


Thank you Father! Just what I needed to hear.


Father Gregory am a Pentecost and just discovering the Catholic faith. This 16 minute clip answered almost all my questions. As to why we are not unified and in our different faith…..
I like more of this


Your videos are very dense. I believe it might be beneficial if you talked more about the subject that humans are weak and wounded (Aquinas) and how it affects in reality our will, mind, appetite and emotions and what we are to do about it in very practical ways.
This point really spoke to me this morning when I was listening to your talk and I want to do a better job in guarding/guiding my heart which to me is sometimes really difficult as I am very emotional and sensuous.


What is the difference between Christianity and all the other religions of the world?

All the other religions can tell you something about God - but in Christ you know God!


Hi Father Pine! Could You please make a video about The Holy Trinity? How is it that 3 person became one? Thanks Father and God bless You!staysafe🙏❤️


Im an ex muslim ex atheist Christian in a muslim country, this helped a lot to see how the church makes sense of the problem of plurality of religions


Another way to ask this question - why would God, if there is only one, and one who insists we don't worship other Gods, only reveal himself to ancient Israelites?
