Catalonia independence from Spain explained in 4 minutes (Catalonia referendum 2017)

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Catalonia independence from Spain
Catalan independence vote 2017
catalan independence referendum
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READ THIS!! Misstated "Catalan Kingdom of Aragon"
New updated version of the video, updated drawings & narration ( I am not sick anymore! )
Fixed a couple misstatements and unclear statements pointed out to me in the comments :)




I just noticed that Portugal is shaped like human face looking to left while Spain like his hair :D


I am from Spain, I know my country´s histoyry, and few important things that are told in this video are not true. I will list some.
1- Castilla y Leon didnt exist as a kingdom. Castilla and Leon were 2 different kingdoms that once united took the name of the first one, even if people from Leon dont like the fact. Castilla y Leon is the new name of a big region (comunidad) in the northern half part of Spain.
2- Aragon was not a Catalan kingdom. Catalonia was a very important piece of Aragon at that time. The duke of Catalonia got married with an Aragon princess, thus, becoming the king of Aragon. The king was catalan, right, but the nature of the kingdom, with 500 years of hisory at that time didn´t change at all. Their son and succesor was Fernando of Aragon, and this guy was born, like most kings of Aragon, in Zaragoza, Aragon´s capital, which is completely out of Catalonia.Think that even different language (fabla) was been talked in Zaragoza; different than catalan or castellano, and remained like this for many many years.
4-This is not false, but it would be nice if you explain that, in Spain, the money produced by every single region is redistributed to try to equalize the economy of all these regions. The region with the higuest deficit (paid taxes - incomes) is Madrid, followed by Catalonia and Vaskland. In Catalonia taxes are the same, but less money is sent back, in benefit of poorer regions. So the rest of Spain do not benifit from this, only few regions.


"Castilla" does not mean "castle".... that would be "Castillo". It just translates as Castille.


Most people don't believe me when i say Portugal is a must older country than Spain. People just assume that became his own state, like Catalonia is trying to do. In truth Portugal was already a country when the rest of the Iberia Peninsula was divided in several kingdoms. Portugal as a country dates back to 1143. Spain only became a country in 1516.


The independence of Catalonia explained in 5 seconds: "we are richer than the rest of the country"


Hello, as a Catalan I must say the information given here it is not accurate at all. Firstly, there was no Catalan kingdom but only Aragon; Catalonia was a region of the Crown of Aragon and had its own local aristocracy and law. Secondly, Aragon was not conquered but "aqcuired" by Castilla as a result of aristocracy business. I'm sad to admit that Catalonia has no historical reasons to split for Spain. Please review your sources.


Technically Spain and Portugal were still separate countries during those 60 years... they happened to share the same king (Filipe 1 and Filipe II) but not the same Courts or borders. It was due to Filipe II not respecting what his father Filipe I had promised the Portuguese when he succeeded the throne (Portuguese running the Portuguese Court and being different nations with different languages) that Filipe II's reign in Portugal ended in a coup. He tried to conquer Portugal with the help of the French but Portugal defeated him with the help of English. The map should show different borders during those 60 years.


Hi - you are using the wrong flag for Catalonia. The flag with the blue triangle and the star is not an officially recognized flag. The official flag of Catalonia is simply the red and yellow bars, no blue triangle.


I don't know if you have ever been to spain but the idea that the spanish government will let any part of the realm secede without a fight is frankly laughable


we the portuguese, were lucky it was due to spain fighting the catalans, theyr army was dispersed and we regained our independance back in 1640, our thanks and our hearts, to them...GRACIES


Sir you just skipped over the whole Spanish Civil war like it wasn't important.


I know this is an old video, but "León" the Spanish region and "león" the word for "lion" actually have different origins. the region of León takes its name from Llion, which itself takes its name from the Latin "Legion, " as it was a the base for the Roman Legion VII. later on they took the lion on as a symbol out of coincidence.


Catalan Kingdom of Aragon??? No, it was aragonenses kingdom of Aragon, Catalonia it was just a part of Aragón


"the vasque region"
>Points Navarra


"Leon" in this case, isn't from the Latin for lion. It's from the vulgate for Legion. Specifically, the Seventh Legion based at Leon.


And my friend, you are wrong at one thing: "The entire Iberian Peninsula was unified" 1:47, that's kinda wrong due to the fact that Portugal, wasn't really, really, really unified with the kingdom of Spain because the kind Fernando I (II in Spain) told the Portuguese Cortes that we were indeed the King of Portugal, but he let the portuguese people still talk Portuguese, assemble the Cortes wenever the nobleman wanted, Spain would only have an "ambassador" in Portugal representing Spain.
Sooo.. it was like the Kingdom of Portugal, and Spain, but at the time was Spain territory (still seperated).


This reminds me so much of Yugoslavia, it is Scarry, because we all know how that ended. Madrid is worried with good reason, because after Catalonia it could be the Basque country etc. I am not saying they should not have independents, it's Just, once the domino falls, it's hard to stop. All the best to every one in Spain.


1:10 You didn't tell the whole story, because what happend there was that the legitimate heir to the trone, Joana (Daughter of the previous King), was overthrown by her aunt, Isabella, and because of this, there was a Civil war, where the Joana's side was backed by Portugal (while she was supposed to marry the King of Portugal, Afonso V) and France, while Isabella's side was backed by Aragon. The war ended up with a victory by the side of Fernando and Isabella on Land and a Portuguese victory at sea.
