How to Thread a Machine | Sewing Machine

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Hi. I'm Jennifer from Workroom Social, and right now I'm going to show you how to thread your sewing machine. So, you should always look at your sewing machine's user's manual for exact instructions on how to thread a machine. But there is kind of an intuitive way that you can think about it, so that you can kind of walk into any machine and know how to thread it.

So, the first thing you want to do is take your thread and put it into your spool pin at the back. Now, you want your thread to roll off the spool in a counter-clockwise fashion. The thread should be towards the back. Now, my machine has numbers listed though the processes to show you how to thread the machine. So, I'm just going to follow those.

First thing I want to do is put it though this top loop, and then I'm going to pull the thread down, and that's going to pull the thread through the tension disks.

So, you always want to make sure that your thread is through the tension disks, which will change the tension on your sewing. So, it's helpful if you kind of just hold this still, because as I'm pulling with my left hand and threading the machine, this is going to move, which is kind of annoying. You're going to end up with a huge tail. So, just hold this.

Now, I'm going to go down, around, and back up. And now I need to put my thread through this piece that pulls the thread up and down. So, you noticed it wasn't there. All you have to do in that case, is to use your hand wheel on the side, and you want to twist it towards you, and that's going to send your needle up and down, and it's going to pull the lever up. So, I want the lever in its highest position, and then I'm going to pull the thread through. So, the thread is secure there.

Then, I'm going to pull it down. And on the left of my needle, there's a little hook. So, I'm going to put my thread through the hook on the left. Sometimes they're a little more forward, sometimes they're on the left, sometimes they don't have it. It's not a huge deal. But, basically, you want to think about your thread going in a fluid motion to get to the needle.

Now, I've kind of got that long tail so I'm just going to clip my thread off, and the last step is to take the thread and put it through the eye of the needle. Now, some machines, like mine, have an automatic needle threader. If the needle is in the highest position, I can just pull this down, and a little, tiny hook goes though the eye of the needle. It pulls the thread right through the back.

If your machine doesn't have that, you can thread your needle with a magnifying glass, maybe. Just cut your thread off so it's a nice sharp edge, and you can just do by hand, putting the thread through the needle. Now, be sure to check your user manual. Most modern machines thread front to back. I have seen some vintage machines that thread back to front, and then industrial machines thread left to right.

So, just double check and make sure, but most machines are front to back. And then take your thread and put it underneath your presser foot, and you are done. You've threaded your sewing machine.
Рекомендации по теме

28 yrs in construction, almost took sewing machine apart trying to thread it, ooops. glad i watched your video first, thanks


**this all becomes harder when you haven’t used your sewing machine in two years and it’s all dusty and you can’t tell where the hole in the needle is**


I can not tell you how helpful you are to me right this moment. I have been trying to thread a “new” out of the box machine that was in my late mother’s closet. It’s a Kenmore if that tells you anything. Your comprehensive step by step was exactly what I needed to hear, and watch. Guess what. It worked. I’m sending you hugs and thanks at this very moment 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🧡🥰🥰🧡


Thanks Jennifer, I have inherited my grandmother's old Janome machine (Contessa) and considering it's been 20 years since High School, I had forgotten the basics. Very helpful thank you, now I am going to carry on with her passion for sewing.


I got a sewing machine for Christmas and I've been trying to figure this out thank you so much!!


Great tutorial! And, from 2013, the quality of the camera is amazing


Great video for beginners... trying to find something for a friend to watch & help her with her 1st sewing machine... but the only 1 labelled for beginners on you tube was just some one flexing with a machine no beginner would ever buy!


“put the thread through the... this piece”


Idk why but when i was really young i would watch howcast videos non stop


I mentioned wanting a sewing machine very casually. My grandma took it literal and bought me a machine a few years ago. It's been collecting dust as Ive only used a machine once or so in home ec class 25 yrs ago in middle school.
Today I will attempt to make my dogs a harness. 😅


This was so helpfull it took me one hour to get the thread through the needle till I saw this video.


You just made my day...Thank you! Things we take for granted 🤦🏻‍♀️, I last used my machine three years ago.


Who's watching this cause now they gotta make masks to fight the Coronavirus


thanks so much!! my sister just gave me her sewing machine that she no longer uses, i can’t wait to get more into sewing!!


1:33 When she says "this piece" that is actually called the "take-up" because it takes up the thread. 2:05 When she says "these hooks" they are really called "thread guides" because they guide the thread toward the needle. I learned this in 7th grade sewing class, decades ago, back in the 60s... ----Jake's mom


I saw this 6th grader threading it while talking to his friend, like it was super simple


Thankyou finally someone with Simple instructions that are easy to follow.
Was even the same machine as mine


Thank you for this really helpful tutorial! I just received a sewing machine and I had no idea how to do that (how to thread a sewing machine), thank you again 😊


I love that Google's top result for threading a machine is a half-finished tutorial that leaves out the bobbin entirely. What's even the purpose if you're only giving half the information?


this is by far the clearest guide thank you !
