Why is it important to believe in biblical inerrancy? | GotQuestions.org

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Is the Bible true? Is the Bible accurate in what it says? Is the Bible reliable according to the facts and information within it? These questions relate to what’s known as the inerrancy of scripture, asking the question, “Is the Bible is inerrant?”. What is Biblical inerrancy, and what does the inerrancy of scripture mean? In this video Pastor Nelson answers the question: “Why is it important to believe in biblical inerrancy?”

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After 36 years of believing Biblical inerrancy I finally rejected inerrancy last week. The Bible is more rich and beautiful now. I didn't really know how much stress the presupposition of inerrancy was putting on me (and the text) till I let it go. I loved the Bible before but I truly love it more now. I can now let the Biblical authors argue with themselves and let contradictory witnesses be just that... they remember differently and/or they believe a little differently, a scribe screwed up, or political influence changed the wording/beliefs, etc... I can finally let the prophets hold to their positions without forcing my presuppositions upon them. The Bible is an argument with itself.

I want to add that I love apologetics. I turn to _Got Questions Ministries_ for many answers to my questions. I've also listened to every James White debate I can find and I follow David Wood and his ministry. I love to listen to Jeff Durbin, Doug Wilson, Todd Friel, and Ray Comfort. One of my favorite modern day preachers is Paul Washer. I'm not some charismatic mystic Christian. I didn't drop inerrancy lightly. I want to know what is TRUE and, like James White says, I want to be CONSISTENT with the text. Probably everyone I follow and highly respect would disagree with my rejection of inerrancy.

Christians do not hold to the same hermeneutical principals when they judge other other religious works (Quran, Book of Mormon, etc.) as they do their own scripture. I know James White tries really hard to but at the end of the day there truly are problem-verses in the Bible. The Bible is littered with contradictions and the Christian, in the name of harmonizing scripture, is forced to jump through all kinds of hoops to explain them away. Some just cannot be explained away so they are simply filed away as "we'll never know this side of Heaven" and ignored.

I discovered that I had _cognitive dissonance_ with the Bible. I held to Truth statements that contradicted each other. I viewed everything Biblical authors claimed as truth from God when they actually disagreed with each other, sometimes being completely opposite. The presupposition of inerrancy that I blindly applied to the text forced me to hold conflicting views and beliefs. Lost in this reality I found a book _"The Human Faces of God"_ by Christian author and scholar Thom Stark. He came to the same conclusion and makes a very good argument against inerrancy and proposes that we should simply let the Bible speak for itself with grammatical/historical understanding in mind.

Every Christian who takes the Bible seriously and tries to be consistent should wrestle with this. I bet if you were honest with the text you too would kiss inerrancy goodbye.


It’s amazing that so many Christians think that the God they trust and worship some how lost the very word He gave us?

The Bible is the Word of God, and therefore it is trustworthy, authoritative, and without error.

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16–17).

If any Christian thinks otherwise then you should ask yourself, are you truly a born again Christian?


Here's a question you never thought of before: If an Arminian and a Calvinist both equally ascribe to full biblical inerrancy, exactly how does that commonality help them resolve their interpretive differences?

Or maybe full biblical inerrancy's purpose is something other than assisting the believer in arriving at the correct interpretation?


I don’t need a perfect book to find God.


But “pick and choose” they did, in the history of the the church.


But is every book and chapter of The Bible God’s word? There appear to be some historical inconsistencies. Imperfect man determined which to include in The Bible. What were the Psalmist referencing when he said “The Word of God is Perfect”? The New Testament at that point was never written and the books were not chosen.


The doctrine claiming that the Bible is the perfect, complete and inerrant word of God is extra-biblical. By what authority is the doctrine of the Bible’s inerrancy declared?


I believe that Scripture as it was originally written is innerant. The problem I have is that when people read a given passage they come to drastically different interpretations all claiming to be led by the Holy Spirit. Here's an example. The gospels mention that if a divorced person remarries they are committing adultery. But then there are clear reasons for divorce being permitted. But there are no specific verses allowing remarriage in those cases. So there is serious division within the churches over remarriage under any conditions! They claim it's a matter of salvation.


1. God cannot err
2. Bible is the Word of God
3. The Bible cannot err.
Complete and total inerrancy.


In 2 Kings 13:1 in the 23rd year of Joash's reign over Judah, Jehoahaz begins his reign over Israel for 17 years. 17 + 23 is 40; but in 2 Kings 13:9-10 Jehoahaz dies and his son reigns over Israel in the 37th year of Joash''s reign, which is only 14 years, not 17. Explain.


So my process is challenging that know certain issues of “translation” are just off (ie “eternity”, “hell” as Gehenna and not current teaching, and other terms either inaccurately translated or the term didn’t change with the times.
The assumption that “if” inerrant “then” holds true for all times, people’s and situations.
There are many things Paul wrote about that we assume we get but probably not because we assume “direct” change-over from one culture to another…simply not true.
Having said that, is the Bible Gods Word for “life and godliness”…? Yes I believe it is, just not the way most Protestant, evangelicals think it is.
For clarity, I’m not wanting to begin an argument, just collaborating with other ideas. Thx for your video and time invested.


Well, the Bible can't even tell you whether the disciples met Jesus in Galilee or in Jerusalem after his resurrection. 💁‍♂

The Bible tells you there was a census by Caesar Augustus, when in reality, there was never a census done by the Roman Empire. 💁‍♂


The only perfect word of God is the ones that come from his mouth. And we only have clues in my opinion. The Bible has a lot of clues, but we need the Holy Spirit for wisdom. I think the church has used it’s authority to determine what the word of God is. Maybe they did it in good faith, but to claim complete inerrancy is intellectually dishonest.


Maybe we should base our beliefs in The Holy Spirit, the one thing in this world that The Bible claims to have come directly for us from the realm of God.


You’re trouble is u pick the wrong examples it has errors and contradictions these r minors and as far as I’m aware the bible isn’t like the Muslims claim for the Quran, the bible can b relied upon in matters of faith and practice
For example Ure using psalm 12:6 as an example of inerrancy but it’s about gods promises to protect his people from the evil around them


What was Psalms 19 referencing when it was written?


Psalms 12:6 is speaking about the Lord's words, and to loosely attribute any writings automatically to God's word is circular reasoning, and quite foolish, in terms of methodology


Maybe the fact that the Bible has some errors, yet still points us to God despite the devils attempt to lead us astray in some way, actually points to another deeper truth?


You didn’t answer from a biblical perspective. You answered from a philosophical perspective. There is no such thing as a “biblical” perspective. You bring plenty of unconscious or unspoken philosophical assumptions of our proper relationship to scripture.

Step 1 is assuming the conclusion that the Bible is the word of God in order to prove it’s the word of God. That’s a logical contradiction and self-defeating

I don’t even know where to begin. Jeremiah 1:2 does not even remotely claim the something about scripture. It says Yahweh spoke a word to Jeremiah.

This video is dark. Really dark


Did you know the story of the woman caught in Adultery was not in the Original
