🤦‍♂️7 Mistakes I Made As A Beginner Paracordist | DON'T DO THESE!

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Welcome to The Weavers of Eternity official paracord tutorial channel! Here you'll find paracord tutorials, videos, tips, tricks, and lessons on everything related to paracord weaving, paracord bracelet making, knot tying, and paracord education. Please enjoy your stay and subscribe for new content on a weekly basis.

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I've ended up with several keychains while trying to figure out how much cord to use for bracelets. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m not a paracordist. Never have been. Never planning to be. And yet I’m here watching the video like “wow that’s such a good point”


The trick I taught myself for making sure the loop is the proper size for the closer knot (on a snake knot bracelet, since I’m a total beginner) is to tie the first knot of the bracelet to create the loop. Then I tie a dummy closer knot at the bottom to test out how it fits through the loop, and adjust the loop until it’s just right. Once satisfied, I undo the dummy closer knot and complete the bracelet, then re-tie the actual closer knot at the end to finish it off.


I have found the easiest way to avoid the buckle problem is to snap them together into mated pairs before storing them, and only taking them apart when you’re starting that bracelet.


A lot of them, but the sizing part is the one that I am struggling more. I’ve been in this hobby/job two weeks but I love it. Thanks for all the tutorials are helping to get this fast.


Mate that last one was amazing I don't know how you do this but I guess it happens to the best of us 😂🤣😂
Love your videos keep it up.


I've had the buckle upside down twice on the same project. That was a learning experience. Now I doublecheck that and I also started using knot/loop closures.


As a beginner I thought that I could just "wing it" for the length, not to waste any paracord. Now I mesure!I ALWAYS MESURE AND DONT BE CHEAP on giving extra length. I learned that in macrame too lol.


In order to avoid the loop size problem, I begin weaving on that end of the project and adjust early. I also prefer a slightly larger loop and use a brass plumbing collet as a sliding keeper bead. They patina quite nicely after a while.


Your videos are great teaching tools. I’m close to binge watching them! I am subscribed and will look forward to your future posts. Thanks so much.


Great info. I've made a few of these. Also putting the dominant color on wrong side of 2-color bracelet. Easy to catch after made 3-4 loops.


When melting the end of para cord😀 to lock it, don’t use a torch to burn the cord but heat the tip of an old knife and use that to melt the cord. It leaves a nice finish and doesn’t blacken the cord as much!


I’ve been weaving paracord for about a week now, have done four projects, and... have basically made most of these mistakes. XD The cobra weave, now I know how to do it right, the running out of paracord — grr! XD I never accidentally used two sides of the same buckle, but that sounds incredibly frustrating!!! Ooof.

It’s very encouraging and heartening to hear, though. I commiserate! And now I know! The one thing that I was stuck on the most was how long to cut off the excess at the end — mine kept being too long or coming undone, or too short it slipped back and came undone, so eventually I just gave up and melted together a bunch on the underside with my tuck-ins. LOL. (If it keeps sticking out and therefore coming apart, JUST MELT IT ALL TOGETHER is what I’d come to, MAKE IT ALL BLACK and then covering it with something decorative). It worked, lmao. But it’s funny to see how we all make similar mistakes on our own and somehow we figure out our own ways to make it work. XD And get better!


Common sense For this beginner's appreciated I learned something very easily to forget love the videos thank you. Experience and practice will be my friend.


Thanks for making this video.
I find help such as you give here to be of great value.


The only one that I’ve made was having to little paracord. I love your videos and you free my boredom. Stay with it!


Hi Weaver! That problem with the sizing for the loops, you solved that in another video: you made the loop just a little long, and then you put a cinching ranger bead on there to allow Easy donning and removal of the bracelet, as well as securing it. I really liked that idea. It made for a really nice looking bracelet.


When doing a thick bracelet I normally place my finger under the the core strands around my wrist and compensate that way and it works for me


Re: #2, my rule of thumb is leaving a length equal to the cord's width. When i melt that and squish it down, it makes a nice-sized stopper.


good video, allows people to see your humble side and to know everyone makes mistakes.
I've definitely made a few of these, mostly the small wrist issue as Ive done 3-4 now that are just too small for me. thankfully they fit my son and/or wife so at least it wasnt a waste of time and it gives me more practice.
funny thing... my very first weave was a rifle sling done with the "Covenant Oath" weave from para planet and it came out perfect !
I cant seem to get the crusader weave though, neither the basic or the hardcore. but Ill keep at it and will eventually master those weaves/knots !!
