The Art of Softness | How To Be a Soft, Feminine Woman

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Hello everyone! Today, we're going over The Art of Softness. Softness in women has developed a bad reputation as of late since people often mistake power with aggression and violence. But, as women, when we allow ourselves to be softer physically and mentally, we can be incredibly strong. We can enact so much positive change through our softness. And femininity is strength *through* softness. Softness is effortlessly disarming. Softness enchants and invites people to let their guard down because you don’t have to be defensive in the presence of what is soft.

I hope that you all enjoy this video. I'll be creating more "art of" femininity videos like "The Art of Grace" and the "The Art of Mystique" so please do like & subscribe to see those videos! And please check out my other "art of" video, "The Art of Submission".

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If you can't join the channel then you can still support my content by clicking "like", commenting, sharing it & watching the video all the way through 💞 Thank you *so* much for watching & please subscribe for more content like this.

Intro - 0:00-1:14
What is softness? - 1:15-2:27
Disclaimer - 2:28-6:21
I. Gentleness - 6:22-7:23
II. "May I?" - 7:24-9:13
III. Authenticity & vulnerability - 9:14-12:14
IV. Flexibility & cooperativeness - 12:15-14:04
V. Overthinking - 14:05-16:36
VI. Address your negative emotions - 16:37-19:38
VII. Handle conflict calmly & gracefully - 19:39-21:00
VIII. Speak softly - 21:01-22:55
IX. Ask for & accept help - 22:56-25:29
X. Avoid judging others - 25:30-26:15
XI. Cultivate a safe environment - 26:16-27:03
XII. Cultivate inner security - 27:04-27:47
XIII. Say "I'm sorry" - 27:48-28:49
Outro - 28:50-29:24


Hello everyone, welcome to my channel! I'm Jasmyne Theodora, I'm an Orthodox Christian and I make content about the art of femininity (from a virtuous, Godly perspective), lost female education, and traditionalism. Please do subscribe if you enjoy my content and thank you so much for watching.

Height - 5'9"
Race - Biracial (black & white)
Religion - Orthodox Christian
Background - Bachelor's degree in psychology
Relationship status - Married
Location - Pacific Northwest
Favorite book about femininity - "Eve in Exile"
Some favorite Bible verses - Proverbs 31, 1 Peter 3:3-4, 1 Timothy 3:11


(if you see this, please comment an unpopular opinion of yours!)
Рекомендации по теме

As a child I was naturally very sensitive and nurturing. Instead of these traits being cultivated, I was told I'm weak because of my sensitive traits. I feel like a lot of my softness was beat out of me.


I’m a guy that found this video looking for examples of positive masculinity. Just commenting to say that it seems like both men and women are trying to ‘find our way back’ and become more in tune with our gender roles. Femininity is beautiful; thanks for sharing it.


“Prioritising the appearance of something and not the essence always leads to a disaster” So profound 🌷 so necessary


She’s so sweet. She sounds like she gets a lot of sleep. And it’s rested and she speaks so clearly. Loved this video.


I’ve grown so much because I used to pride myself on being very rude, outspoken and independent. I thought it made me powerful, although it was detrimental to my well-being, I’m learning that being gentle and kind is powerful too. Thank you 🌷💌


When she said “gentleness is how young girls play with their dolls” : I was reminded of 6 year old me breaking my dolls limbs in an effort to make it confess that it’s real like in Toy story 😭


Femininity is strength through softness. Love that


A feminine Woman is in no way weak. She is beautiful fragile like a flower.. a rose. Do we therefore consider a rose as weak ? No, but as truely valuable and honour, cherish, protect and love it for its true beauty. Femininty is the true power Woman have over men.


Your comment about kindness disarming people while in conflict is so true. I used to work at a restaurant where the cook was just hostile to everyone. One day it was just him and I and he YELLED at me when I made a mistake and gestured to me and was just speaking very aggressively to me and I just calmly apologized for my mistake and that I'd be more careful next time and he shut up for the rest of the shift. At the end of the night he PRAISED me for how I handled his anger. He said that he struggles with anger issues and that all the other waitresses just yell back at him and work becomes very hostile and unpleasant. He said I was graceful and so mature and he felt so sorry for talking to me that way. We were great friends after that up until I left town.


An observation: that rock you were holding in the beginning of this video looked rather smooth. In the natural world, rocks get like that not because of other rocks, but because of water. Softness really is powerful!


“Softness enchants, and invites people to let their guard down, because you don’t have to be defensive in the presence of what is soft.”
Beautiful presentation! Thank you so much for articulating in such lucid detail, "The Art of Softness" :-)
(minor concern that the background music may be a little too loud)


I love your videos bc as a 15 yrs old girl becoming a women, I needed this, please if you have time please pray for me.


This is the kind of femininity that needs to be talked about in modern society, and not trying to turn women into men.
You don't have to be a man or act like one to be powerful.


Channels like this are an incredible gift for women of all ages. I’m 57 and just now truly discovering how to return to femininity. Thank you so very much. 🌺


Jesus help me😭😭😭 I am trying. I don’t even know if my voice can be this sweet and soft.


i am one of the people who got told that my femininity and sensitivity is weak and will get taken advantage of until i created a shield to protect myself and on top of that this society and feminism being pushed on to me but deep down i knew that it’s not what i am or want and i wanted to get myself back from what was pushed out of me and this is honestly one of the most helpful videos ive seen. you’ve explained everything so profoundly and specifically to each problem and how to do deal with all of these things, genuinely thank you so much, this helps a lot 💗


I use to be a very "feminine" and gentle person, very soft spoken and always Polite, I still am but unfortunately I am stuck in an abusive household and if has taken away some of my gentleness because in order for me to survive in this environment until I can get out, I need to be rougher... This video is very helpful, and I cannot wait until I am out of here to go back to the person I truly am inside ♥️


A women of natural angelic beauty. And by that I mean inside and out. Its like love itself. They move you instantly. A day without beauty is like a life without love. You have to be in the light to receive the light. Love your spiritual empowerment. You shine so bright


I’ve been independent for so long… when it comes to my relationship, it’s tricky because he is very in tune with his masculinity and there’s an imbalance. I’m still learning to be more in my feminine energy. I notice that when I am, it’s amazing how we interact with each other. It flows so nicely. This video is super helpful, thank you.


I've been fragile, sensitive, and overly kind as a kid but when I was sent to the city to study high school, my parents always told me that I should change my personality because the city is not like the peaceful countryside. People won't go easy on me there and they would most likely prey on me because I'm too vulnerable. I was told to toughen up so I did. I still have a caring and nurturing side of me but I concealed them with being reserved and vigilant
