How & Why GM Will Go Bankrupt

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I am shocked still how far behind GM are in the EV race and technology, despite having been making the Bolt for so long. Let's talk about how and why GM will go bankrupt and what the government will do to help.

Also how Tesla is affecting GM so much, that they really have such little chance of survival as Tesla is going to eat up so much of GM's market share.

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"You did it Mary... all by yourself!"


Of all the legacy auto criminals GM is by far the worst. Bankruptcy is the very least punishment they deserve for their century of manipulation, bribery, corruption and yes, murder. I will not mourn their passing.


You did it Mary - you led GM into bankruptcy!


"GM is a junk brand with junk cars"
"You may think they are gonna fake it until they make it, but they are faking it until they break it."

Couldn't have said it better myself.


I am currently an owner of a Honda Insight, Suburban, and Silverado. I have finally switched to Tesla. I have order Model Y for my wife and Cyber Truck for myself. As the pace GM is going they will need a bail out from the government again to survive. If they don’t evolve fast enough they will become irrelevant.


I think the Stilantis CEO remarks were most telling. Legacy autos rush to develop EVs will bring about technical problems and increase their loses.


GM is fighting with pop guns and Tesla has Gatling guns. Lets go Mary.


What's going to happen is ICE vehicles will depreciate at faster rates than ever, while Teslas will appreciate.

This is the moment that GM will be unable to sell new ICE vehicles, because nobody will want to buy an asset that exponentially decays. This will happen way sooner than 2035, so they'll be forced to lose profitability if they want to continue ramping up their EV space.


Osborne effect, poor management, extreme debt, no batteries and a member of the corrupt UAW! MARY, YOU DID THIS, ALL ON YOUR OWN! ………💎🙌🇨🇦😎TESLA


Mary the mouthpiece. Tesla threw billions into constructing Austin and Berlin working 24/7 in some cases. Simultaneously, the manufacturing technology for the lines that will go inside were being evolved! It even caused some on-the-fly changes to the facility layouts. Neither GM or Ford will go all in and work on their new plants 24/7. Time is not on their side.
While I wait for a Tesla I still have to get my ICE junk repaired at times, that my friends is going to be increasingly expensive as Ford GM and others put the money squeeze on us.


Oh, the Noes! The ButterKnife brought to a fight analogy! Oh, the humanity! :)


As a consumer, it’s nice to think that all the models Tesla comes out with will be great.
So more models = more good.
This is not true.
The most efficient use of capital is to get better at producing the models they already have.
Start producing enough cars that they can cut wait times, then prices.
Buy machinery that makes a line $1 cheaper per car that costs 1 million dollars per year because they are producing 2 million cars per year.
That’s what GM can’t do. Let GM make 20 models and sell 10000 of each of them.
Let GM waste their money and go bankrupt.
Let Tesla manufacture better cars for less money because of the economics of scale.


GM needs to repurpose itself. Perhaps in the promising washer dryer market.


So true. I tried to convince my parents to get a Model Y, but they've always been Cadillac people and owned an XT4. Then I let them drive my Model 3. They had their Model Y three months later and will never go back. They are toast.


Glad I don't own NKLA, RIVN or SPCE, as well.


I'm waiting for the model y with 4680. That would be the best value ev car until the tesla compact is released.


Well, do not underestimate the level of corruption and/or powers of endless bailouts.


Nobody wanted to bail out GM last time either, except maybe George W Bush and Barrack Obama back in 2008-9 during the crash ... and then the brilliant move by Obama to pay Rick Waggoner 20 million to skidaddle ...


Some years ago I heard that GM was paying for healthcare for 1 million people (employees, retirees, families). So I worry that politicians will try to hobble Tesla to preserve GM.


At the end of the day, after all is said and done, the only thing that matters are the numbers and the numbers don't lie and are a harbinger of what's coming. Both GM and Tesla are following irreversible and accelerating diametrically opposed trajectories . None of the legacy manufacturers (GM specifically) will escape the coming carnage. The only arguable question, which will be answered in due time, is what will be the extend and magnitude of the coming carnage.
