10 Tips For Beginners - Space Haven Starting Guide - How to play Space Haven

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Pro tips. you don't need lights in the grow room. it says in the tooltip that u don't need lights, they are grow beds with lights. and another one, you don't need a space suit door, use a normal door, select it and turn the vent off. ;)


Just started playing this game, and I love it. It seems so peaceful and the soundtrack is really nice and calming


Awesome video, dude. I'm only just getting started, but you've already highlighted a few things that would have totally caught me out. Who would have thought that my campaign would be brought down by my crew sleeping in their own soiled pants?


fantastic. Great content and some of the best editing I've seen on youtube. It was direct and straight tot eh point, you cut all the crap. Exactly what I wanted. Thnaks


Hi Collins, good vid thanks for sharing. tho this really should have been a start of tips, you missed some of the Really VIP ones:

Heat management in power plant area- Heating is also aircon use it to control the temp in the power plant area.

Plan your ship with expansion in mind. Just because you have 4 or 6 crew now you need to plan your living quarters to be able to handle MUCH more.

Airlocks should ALWAYS and I Mean ALWAYS be put at the edge of any build area, be it N E S W Build your airlocks in such a way as NOT lose Build space. The same applies for Engines Even MORE so with them as the needed space behind them is far greater then an air lock.

DO NOT take on refugees from multiple factions stick to one ONLY. this will save you a lot of headaches - Having multi refugees will essentially lower ur rep with the faction ur returning them to. Keep this in mind when accepting Fugees.

When taking prisoners CHECK faction before making mistakes... Allies can surrender and look like ripe pickings, Question is can you afford the consequences? (Eg: Millitary or any other faction ur neutral with or allied with)

When Planning ur ship, Have a Largo cargo bay outside ur airlock this Helps greatly.

Having a sickbay close to an airlock is also advisable, it might mean the dif between a dead crew member or a healed one... ur choice.

Two tile hallways gives you a HUGE amount of leeway to correct any deficiencies you might have made plan accordingly.

Ok I could ramble on for a while longer but this is enough for now
If this helped you or anyone reading this feel free to leave a comment. Thanks.

P.S. Mr Collins u really should make use of Description to link ur other vids in there along the same lines, AND should you do another top 10 make it a top 20 and feel free to include whats here. Shoot me a link if u do please. That goes for anyone reading this.


Now you can place windows in room where you grow plants. Providing more then enough light and not consuming energy. Small saving but if someone building separate greenhouse ship, base only on solar panel that saving can make big difference.


Very helpful tips! Thank you for making a nice quick video. So many who are doing them are so damn long. I like a nice quick tips video so I can go back to the game! Ha.


Great video, will start to play soon, thanks for the tips.


Been playing for a couple of days for my first play through. (Well revisited) and thinking of starting over as we’re about to run out of food. Haven’t yet been able to make a grow room yet. Might do that tonight. See if I can salvage this group


It's better to have them sleep and eat at the same time so if you are fighting then no one is tired or hungry


no friendly fire but you can poop ur pants...and apparently poopy pants DOES have friendly fire...makes perfect sense...


Learned a few things here I didn't know. Having trouble getting them to do things like load power rods. Keep losing power and nobody wants to do it. I can't even assign someone though you can make someone produce more rods, but they're not picking them up.


Over 20 hours in the game, it is so much fun! Do you need help for some specific things?


Nice video, I didn't know about the "reclaim instead of salvage" thing for more parts, but it seems counter intuitive.
I've found that having my people all have a break at the same time really helps them socialise, wouldn't they get really lonely otherwise?


I don't get why we should have two different rooms for Artificial Meat and fruits & vegs. Can't you simply have a temperature between 0 and 30 Celsius to make them both work perfectly?


allied ships die, and pirates often die too.. I've had 5 or 6 ships on a map for my crew to strip... The secret.... watch for combat of ai....


Great tips. Been playing for a while now but still picked up a couple of good tips? 

Is it true you can buy out a ship through trade so that they can’t move and starve to death? I heard this from another video but not sure if it’s true?


poop in their pants? this game need serious tutorial on crew management..


I am on my second run. First one i died shortly after my first jump when i boarded a derelict. But I learned quickly from my mistakes. My second run is much deeper, my ship is more compact, had a better plan, got a better starting crew, etc. But now i think im screwed and have to restart. I am out of steel plates, which apparently my hull stabilizer has been eating up since my game started (hull stabilizer was one of the very first goals they make you build - if i knew it ate up a limited resource that i cant even get from salvaging, i would have waited). Is there anything i can do to get steel plates or do i need to quit?? I'm so disappointed with this feature, it feels game breaking to me. if you need steel plates continuously for your ship, they should have made it something you can salvage. I can't make a furnace or whatever yet, because research is SOOOO slow. This game could be so good if they changed the hull stabilizer and significantly sped up research


I will say great tips but not really for beginners, maybe for someone who has been playing for a few hours. Still great video.
