Why ALL Christians Should Believe in a YOUNG Earth

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God has told us how and when He created the earth. He has not deceived us. We deceive ourselves if we ignore His eyewitness testimony.

Genesis records God creating the earth on Day 1 of the Creation Week and man on Day 6. The genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11, and Luke 3:23-38 enable us to calculate that the earth is only about 6,000 years old.

The Hebrew word translated “day” in Genesis 1 is yom. Whenever that Hebrew word elsewhere in the Old Testament is preceded by a numeral and is described as having an evening and a morning as it also is in Genesis 1, it always means a literal day of approximately 24 hours. So, it is very clear that it also means that in Genesis 1, which is confirmed by Exodus 20:11 and 31:17.

Most dating methods scientists have used to calculate an age for the earth yield a young age. But scientists now use the radioactive methods to some earth rocks as billions of years old. When a parent radioactive atom decays it produces a daughter atom of a different element. Thus, uranium decays to lead, and potassium to argon. By measuring how many daughter atoms are in a rock today and knowing the decay rate of the parent atoms, it can be calculated how long ago all the daughter atoms were originally parent atoms. That is then declared to be the rock’s age.

However, this assumes:
1. There were no daughter atoms in the rock when it formed
2. Daughter atoms are only in the rock today due to radioactive decay of parent atoms
3. The radioactive decay rate has been constant at today’s measured rate

None of these assumptions are provable as no scientists were there when the rocks formed to measure the atoms and the decay rate. Nor are they even reasonable because many examples are known where these assumptions fail. Daughter atoms are known to be inherited by rocks when they form. Subsequent contamination occurs with daughter atoms not derived from radioactive decay. And multiple lines of evidence point to radioactive decay rates having been much faster during a past catastrophic event such as the Flood.

Furthermore, there are many methods using measurable processes which demonstrate the earth must be young. Galaxies are winding themselves up to quickly for them to be billions of years old. There are only thousands of years’ worth of supernova remnants in our galaxy. Comets can only be still existing if the earth is less than 10,000 years old. Likewise, the earth’s magnetic field can only be less than 10,000 years old. Continents are eroding so quickly and there is so little mud from that erosion on the ocean floors. The amount of salt in the sea and helium in the atmosphere also point to a young earth. Likewise, soft tissue and radiocarbon discoveries in fossils. Agriculture and human history are short.

The age of the earth matters because Jesus in John 3:12 said if we don’t believe the earthly things he has told us, then how will we believe the heavenly things, such as the Gospel message itself.

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I'm a retired NASA aerospace engineer and performed many complex analyses during my 35 years working there. And always the most critical part of the analysis was selecting the initial conditions or assumptions for the computer simulations. There were always a few critical ones where even small changes in the starting values would result in dramatically different results. You see much the same phenomenon in other fields such as climate modeling. Generally, as you would expect, the longer the time scales the greater the sensitivity of the results to changes in the initial conditions. I can see where you would see the same effect in this radioactive dating. Too many laypersons accept conclusions from the scientific community at face value without questioning the underlying assumptions. I tell my kids not to be afraid to challenge their professors on critical assumptions. A case in point is my son who is studying molecular biology and learning about all the complex intricate chemical mechanisms in the cell and DNA. In Darwin's day they had no clue of the complexity of a living cell. There's no such thing as a "simple one cell organism." He asked the professor how such a mind-boggling complex structure could have originated from a "primordial soup" through the random natural processes of evolution and the instructor simply said he didn't know but it must have happened over millions of years because after all we're here


God knew many men would claim science over scripture, so 2000 + years ago in anticipation he said `Look through your telescopes, but you won't find the source of your creation, because what was used is not in the creation', see revered in Hebrews 11:3` By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible'


It just so happens I was reading 1st Corinthians last night and I realized something it says that God chose the simple to confound the wise and that wise people rarely ever see the value in what God is doing the reason is because their mind is focused on what they see in front of them what their flesh cares to gain. It is those of us who have a tear in thier eye while watching all of this go down that god is coming for so find a tear in your own eye so you can see the flood coming only this time its on fire.


I have been following you as speaker and religious philosopher for the last, 8 or 9 months. Your energy is invigorating. I was born a Catholic and over my 70 years on earth I was not oriented to .any type of formal religion.
When my 3 children were small my wife attended Quaker meeting. 2 of our 3 children attended a quacker primary school.
We tried a few other types of religions- Episcopalian, and some other new age type christian churches. As our children aged my oldest daughter became a self processed catholic- we supported her, "until' she lost feeling for the catholic church. My son had a very high "IQ"and passed on religion. He was spiritual not quite an atheist. I wish I had your thoughts when sit in then!- for both of them.
My youngest daughter has a private connection. She witness her boy shot and killed. Her mother passed away during the COVID social collapse, but not of COVID. As she was in long ye care we could not be with het. Recently her brother, my son died from a medical mismanagement
Hence she keeps her faith personal., I respect that.
I am disabled and live in my oldest daughter basement, I have exhausted all my money caring for my wife, who'd serious health ossues. Caring for her was ok by me.(In sickness and heath). I took my marriage very seriously I deeply loved my wife.anf my children.
I am glad I found your site for your talks, thoughts and religious Commentary. I will be in touch again.
Finally I do want to
thank you for the wealth of knowledge. At night before putting my grand children to bed I read or play some of your biblical presentations
I am slowly educating them about religion, morals and Jesus Christ. Again thank you and your staff for you quality work.


What I've found does not contribute to the consistency of this absolute possibility is the scripture in 1 Peter 3:8 that reads that a day is as a thousand years to God. I'm willing and flexible to whatever possibility. There is nothing man can say or claim that will or has the ability to discount the truth about God's creation regardless of the time it took. Praise God.


As Dr. Snelling quoted from the New Testament: Jesus said - "From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female". [Mark 10:6] We all need to accept the Words of our Lord Jesus. He is telling us that Creation happened only 6000 years ago. Jesus linked 'The beginning of Creation' with 'Adam and Eve'. Adam and Eve were created 6000 years ago.


I've been considering science my whole life. So far your science is the one that's holding water.


Can God perform a 6 day creation 6000 years ago ? Does that obey the laws of physics? I'd bet the sun standing still on one day, turning the Nile to blood, turning water into wine, a floating axe head, walking on water, etc doesn't obey any laws of physics either. We either believe the authority of scripture or modern experimental science. Science is always changing. Scripture has always been a reliable constant.


Love this message! Every Christian must see this.


I knew a scientific guy who did a Carbon dating test on his 7 year old daughter. She was 1019 years old. Haven 't believed in "science" since.


God does not need a hammer to create a universe. He can simply speak it into being. Man cannot wrap his brain around it so most ignore it.


Ah, i see we are trusting, a 2000 yr old book, over modern scientific method. Nice one aig.


So from a geologist, can I get an answer on impact craters. Earth created on day 1, but when are the asteroid impact craters in this timeline. The Bible mentions the Flood in detail, but there are no writings on these other massive events. There are recent discoveries of the Theia impact remnants and the creation of Moon. Why is this event not mentioned? Then the common examples of Chicxulub and Vredfort impact craters. There are many more, including the very weathered Deniliquin structure. The heat added to our planet in just one day with all these impacts must be explained.

Why aren't these global catastrophes mentioned in the Bible when each would have caused a supersonic global tsunami of ash and rock and a global winter that would have wiped out Photosynthesis and vegetation food stocks for years.

Or then, why did God, who never lies, create the Earth with so many obvious impact craters in the geological record, but these impacts never actually happened...

Then in astronomy, gravitation waves from a supernova were recently detected using newly developed detection methods. These arrived simultaneously with the light, revealing our first real indication that gravitational effects also travel at C. But under YEC, this supernova must then have occurred before Day 1, so it never happened... So why does my God, who never lies, create light in transit of an event that never happened?

55.25 Use of Carbon dating for coal deposits - A simple Google search shows Carbon Dating cannot be used for determining the age of coal seams... Please is this true?

56.14 Can't contaminate Diamonds? Yes, contaminated Diamonds are quite common and have industrial uses. And again, Google search shows Diamonds are not Carbon dated... You mention this, but you still have MYs.

Then if you accelerate the radioactive decay of planetary rock, where does this heat go? Not mentioned in your talk and need something please to explain this.

The sales pitch at the end and all the shouting make the presentation hard to handle.


Who on earth can tell how everything was formed? Except a supernatural being who is ever present since time immemorial can tell and have witnessed such an event.Let us not act more knowledgeable than the Bible. It's a book of life and everything revolves around it.


Thank you so much for doing what you’re doing with this ministry. People need to hear this and as Christians, it’s important for us to be equipped with this information so we can defend our faith and proclaim the Lord Jesus as our Lord, our Savior and Creator!


Jesus !!!! … the Son of God and my Lord and Savior !!


I am interested in more information about the claim that “Yom” only means a 24 hour period when attached to numbers or terms such as “morning, ” “evening, ” and “night.” Also, I have seen Hosea 6:2 being listed as a refutation to this claim. I recognize immediately that Hosea 6:2 is using the poetic formula N, N+1–in this case, 2 followed by 3 (“third”). Given the poetic structure, it makes sense that this exception would not undermine the claim that the language in Genesis clearly describes 24 hour days. However, it does appear to negate the claim that combining “Yom” with numbers always clearly means 24 hour days outside of Genesis 1. I am also looking for additional information about the claim I’ve seen elsewhere that Genesis 1:5 clearly states “one day” as opposed to “the first day.” It appears that the word “echad” can be used as an ordinal, so what evidence is there that it is not being used as an ordinal in Genesis 1:5, and therefore is defining what one day is?


Problems faced are about what you already believe as in an atheist and a science driven belief system is your worldview you just will not accept biblical explanation for anything. Same as a bible believer will not accept anything other than creation. It's a worldview issue and how you interpret any data and proofs. Science has brilliantly described alot in the universe but cannot answer the real and difficult questions. We should not hate on one or the other and ridicule each other for our thoughts and beliefs we could be using both to explain the whole picture (doubt that will happen though) until you have proof and faith in the data analysis then you cannot answer the questions. We can't theorise and use just that as an explanation. I believe in creation and jesus is our lord and saviour just my opinion on the evidence I've seen and heard after a life of being an atheist for 32 years I'm now a follower of christ for 5 years now. The lord is amazing I love jesus and what was done for us all and I also love science and it's ways of explaining things around us it shows how truly wonderful and powerful our creator is. Love to you all ❤


Stars are thousands of light years away from the earth. What we see base upon the distance of a star, those stars would have been there before the earth was created. However, if we see Genesis 1:1 as the starting point, those stars fit within that timeline.


There is a difference between creating (form from nothing) and making (transforming for service).
I contend that all celestial bodies, stars, planets and moons were created in the beginning. After the earth was created, a mist caused the earth to be entirely covered with deep water. So deep that the surface of the earth was dark (darkness was on the face of the deep). Here the pre-existing sun did not light the surface of the earth. I contend that the six days is the "making", transforming it for service. The smooth ocean covered earth was transformed into an earth with continents and oceans, probably by an increase in diameter causing the continental crust to split apart. The first day is when the water was shallow enough over the continents for the sun to break through.
