Beginners Guide to The Aquarium Hobby Part 1: What You Need to Do BEFORE You Buy a Fish Tank!

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Hello Everyone,
In this video we discuss what you need to do before buying a fish tank. We look at the planning that goes into buying a fish tank before you make thew purchase. Following these steps will make the aquarium hobby much easier from the start!

Want to learn even more? Here are the rest of the videos in this series!

For the latest in the fish room check us out on Instagram primetime_aquatics

For more cool behind the scenes stuff consider becoming a member!

If you want to see all the cool stuff Joanna does with other types of scapes check out her channel!

Thank you so much for watching!

#aquariums #nanotank #aquariumfish
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Want to learn even more? Here are the rest of the videos in this series!

For the latest in the fish room check us out on Instagram primetime_aquatics

For more cool behind the scenes stuff consider becoming a member!

If you want to see all the cool stuff Joanna does with other types of scapes check out her channel!


I’ve been keeping fish for 30 years. You can never learn too much. I wish I had you tube to watch back when I started. A lot of fish would have been spared! 💀🐠☠️


I'm working at a large chain pet store and just started my training in petcare. Your videos are educating me so much on proper aquarium keeping and I hope I can try and discourage certain stubborn customers when they reach for the 2.5 gallon tank for their 3 African cichlids


After watching this, I'm considering improving my betta fish's setup. I was thinking about going from a 10-gallon tank with a regular filter to a 20-gallon tank with a sponge filter. I kinda want to improve the aquascaping a bit, maybe by adding a carpeting plant. I might use the 10-gallon to make my younger cousin a cool fish tank as he likes whatever I like.

I know some people will say "it's just a fish", but he's my fish.


Dude knows more about aquarium maintenance and fish care than i could hope to learn in a thousand lifetimes. Excellent series of vids.


love how he starts off his videos with the biggest flex known to fishkeepers


I get so excited when we catch a glimpse of the lowboy molly tank! Your advice for new hobbyists is great, and I'd add one more tip: DON'T PANIC! It's easy when you first get into the hobby to see a detail or an element you've never seen before, immediately assume the worst, and start throwing meds/chemicals/radical water changes at something that's not actually a problem. It's a case of a little knowledge without experience being a potentially dangerous thing. Notice, observe, research, ask questions...but DON'T PANIC!


I have been keeping fish for almost 50 years and I "loved" Jason's tutorial. Great job, I loved your presentation and considerations.


Been keeping fish for about 3 months, started with 12 now only 4 left. Got alot to learn thank you for the advice.


I'm not new but I'll still listen lol


Your language and delivery is spot on! Love the clear, concise information! I Had tanks growing up 25 years ago ... just recently got into a 20ish gallon tank for my 2 daughters, transitioning away from 'artificial' decoration...just added 4 Nerite snails, few plants .. tank is looking amazing, having creator content as a resource now is indispensable!


My daughter has wanted fish for 5 years. She's now 10. We are going to give it a try.


I love being a newb! I want to be one forever as I like to learn and experience new things in the fish world! IN the old days a 20 gallon was for rich folks and what the heck was a hang on back? That is how long ago it was when I got my first tank!


I wanna give you a shout out for expressing the absolute importance of doing your research to give the fish the best life.

Not only did it make me subscribe, but if and when I do get into this, I will be that much more vigilant and make sure these goobers have the best life possible.


I also suggest that new fish keepers consider the longevity of a fish breed. Some only live a couple of years while others live for 20 plus years, that's older than most dog breeds. If you can't see yourself spending 10 plus years looking at the same fish then you might want to choose something with a shorter span. I know in this hobby it is "normal" to trade off fish or rehome them, it's just not in my nature.


Just want to say “”THANK YOU!” I’m in the preliminary stages of considering whether or not I might want to keep fish (again— I had a couple in a 2-gallon tank years ago, and throughout my childhood I watched my dad keep an aquarium he enjoyed), and I can not tell you how helpful this video is in guiding me to do a personal inventory & reality check about my abilities, expectations, and preparedness. For the sake of the lives of the fish that are at stake when we humans make these pet-keeping decisions, I want to celebrate & thank you for this public service video! I’m going to peep your other videos as I continue to evaluate whether or not fish keeping is REALLY something I can accept responsibility for at this time in my current home space. All the best to you, and thanks again for sharing/educating!!💐💐💐


I was researching care for an axolotl because I really want one as a pet. I realized they're very complicated and I have no where near the knowledge I need to have one. Instead of making an animal suffer because of my ignorance, I'm gonna start from the ground up with a beginner tank. Hopefully one day I'll have enough knowledge to be able to care for one!


I just found your videos while trying to solve a ammonia spike with my new tank! My wife and I are doing a 3 month run before going to a 55+ gallon setup. Just lost my 3 bloody Mary shrimp due to ammonia spike, but my guppies and mollies seems to be pushing through. Just ordered a filter sponge. First tanks setup I've had in 20 years and my 7yo daughter absolutely loves watching the fish doing their things


I'm not new to the hobby, but I LOVE your videos!! You remind me of my favorite Bio Teachers! Thank you for explaining the basics of fish keeping!


Thank you for your "itemized list "that anyone's honest answers and personal introspection WILL separate them from being one who IS READY to be in the hobby as opposed to one who is merely suffering from a "WHIM." This IS one endeavor that IS NOT A "CHEAP PURSUIT" in regards to time, energy, and financial resources !
