You’ve Been LIED TO About Running - It’s NOT Healthy | Mark Sisson

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Mark Sisson is a health and fitness expert, entrepreneur, NYT bestselling author & the founding father of the ancestral health movement.

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At 58 years old I once a week play soccer - walking & sprinting. 3x a week whole body weightlifting. On carnivore diet past 6 months I feel great !!!


Everything I really needed to know about running I learned from Jim Fixx on July 20th, 1984.


Strength and health is way more important than struggling to be fit at the expense of strength and health!


I’m 55 Switched from water sports to running 18m ago. 2x/w, one 8km and one HIIT track session. Its been incredible for me Increased every parameter of health and I feel stronger than ever


I don’t run because my upper body is not suited for running. However, I don’t necessarily agree 15:12 with you. You do have a valid point. I know first hand. My great grandfather, his brother, my grand mother, my great grandmother, they all walked. Two lived into 90’s and two live d over 100’s. None of them run. They all walked daily, many times per day. They walk to and from their farms. My great grandmother carried fruits and vegetables in a tray 5 days a week for sales. My grandma always weeding with machetes. Daily gardening and planting vegetables. She lived with a heart condition from the time I was aware she has a condition to the time she died in her 90’s. She didn’t died from the heart issues. She died of TB she contracted years after all her supported church members left for the US. Due to loneliness she invited people from South American jungles to live with her. They brought TB with them. She refused the TB medications and checked out of hospital against her daughters’s wishes. She opted for self-treatment with herbal remedied. Of course, TB ravished her. My grandmother was not used to doctors and hospital. Up to that point, she has never been admitted in a hospital. She say a doctor occasionally through the years. She worked daily in her garden. Forking up the ground, cutting weed, or on the go. This was a seven days a week. Gardening Monday-Friday, Saturday Visiting people far away. Sunday church. Say this to say. You may be onto to something. Walking, short sprint, and lifting weights, not too much might be the way to go.


Gets out. Pushes yourself. It's painful but you're proud. Not losing weight, joints get damaged. Pushing harder. Real damage, no benefit, lost time. Stops running. Gets lectured by doctor, family thinks your lazy. Starts drinking alcohol hiding in the basement, fat and with a damaged knee. Your son finds you passed out. You wake up ashamed, vows to starts running again, knee gets completely whacked, ends up in hospital, begs your brother to get you some liquor. THE END


At age 65, walk an average of 15, 000 steps a day, some of it at a very brisk pace. Pushups, squats, light weights, recently started wearing a weighed vest as well. Early morning walk of an hour, a mid-morning one of 25-30 minutes, an evening stroll. Some stretching / yoga. Also, keto/low carb. Male, 5'6", 135 lb.


running is not for everybody... my ankles say no. my flat feet say NO. too many injuries. not worth the risk for me....


I walk and do 6 second gor me


Our bodies were designed to run. Sure, if you’re heavy and haven’t learned to run properly and have bad gear that can create problems, but good form, good gear and good weight and running are very enjoyable and can be done your entire life.


Common sense told me running wasn't that great for humans, especially on concrete or black top.


I like running. Every day. But I’m not fat and train like a reasonable person.


Sprinting lowers resting heart rate similar to endurance training without trashing your left ventricle, calcifying your arteries and causing Afib. Sprinting also burns visceral fat.


Arch support changes biomechanics and leads to injuries. When you walk in wet sand the arch does not touch the sand.


Small children never jog. They sprint, walk and stand still. Jogging is an adult invention.


You dont need any carbs. Eat fatty meat


Many people run to lose weight but diet is way more important than cardio. Stress reduction and good sleep can help with weight loss. But it's mostly diet. Fasting is way better for weight loss than running.


Bullshit. I run 5 days a week, and it's great. Steady BMI and never sick. My mom is in her 60s and runs 3 marathons a year. But yeah, so unhealthy.


60. I limit running to a 1 mile hill run with a 300 foot ascent. Lots of walking and weight training.. some sprints and many hikes.
