Mind Uploading

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The ability to be able to copy or upload the mind has been discussed much in science fiction, and increasingly in science in recent years. Today we will examine many additional uses of Mind Uploading, along with how it works and some of its implications for concepts like Consciousness, Identity, and Individuality.
Whole Brain Emulation: A Roadmap
SFIA Recommended Books:
Listen or Download the audio of this episode from Soundcloud: Episode's Audio-only version:
Isaac Arthur
Jerry Guern
Keith Blockus
Mark Warburton
Sigmund Kopperud
Isaac Arthur
Cover Artist:
Graphics Team:
Jarred Eagley
Jeremy Jozwik
Ken York
Kristijan Tavar
Isaac Arthur
Dennis E. Taylor
Music Manager:
Whole Brain Emulation: A Roadmap
SFIA Recommended Books:
Listen or Download the audio of this episode from Soundcloud: Episode's Audio-only version:
Isaac Arthur
Jerry Guern
Keith Blockus
Mark Warburton
Sigmund Kopperud
Isaac Arthur
Cover Artist:
Graphics Team:
Jarred Eagley
Jeremy Jozwik
Ken York
Kristijan Tavar
Isaac Arthur
Dennis E. Taylor
Music Manager:
Can You Upload Your Mind & Live Forever?
How close are we to uploading our minds? - Michael S.A. Graziano
The Future of Eternal Life Uploading Our Human Brain into Technology
The Future of Mind Uploading Technology (with Nick Bostrom and Randal A. Koene)
Mind Uploading
Mind Uploading in 20 Years | Masataka Watanabe | TEDxUTokyoSalon
When will we upload our consciousness to the cloud?
How to Upload a Mind (In Three Not-So-Easy Steps)
Mind Uploading: Are we ready for Digital Immortality?
Vollständiger Mind-Upload gelungen! Werden wir jetzt alle digitalisiert? | Raumzeit (2023)
Mind Uploading: The Future of Immortality?
2050: Mind Uploading & AI Immortality | Tech News
How ‘mind-uploading’ stands to shake the core of humanity | Steven Kotler
AI and Immortality: Mind Uploading Will Change Your Fate
What If You Could Upload Your Brain?
Immortality: Can we upload human consciousness? | Michio Kaku, Michael Shermer & more | Big Thin...
What Happens to You if You Upload Your Mind to a Computer?
The Unsettling Truth about Human Consciousness | The Split Brain experiment that broke neuroscience
Mind Uploading: Das digitale Leben nach dem Tod mit Kurt Schmitz | JWR Podcast #111
Could We Upload Our Consciousness To A Computer?
Can Your Mind Live Forever? The Truth About Mind Uploading
Mind Uploading - Alcune brevi considerazioni
Upload Your Mind To AI and Live Forever!