How close are we to uploading our minds? - Michael S.A. Graziano

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Investigate the possibility of scanning the human brain and uploading our minds and consciousness to a digital world.


Imagine a future where nobody dies— instead, our minds are uploaded to a digital world. There they could live on in a realistic, simulated environment with avatar bodies, calling in and contributing to the biological world. Mind-uploading has powerful appeal— but what would it actually take to scan a person’s brain and upload their mind? Michael S. A. Graziano explores the challenges.

Lesson by Michael S. A. Graziano, directed by Lobster Studio.

Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! João Henrique Rodrigues, Sebastiaan Hols, Aries SW, SANG HAN, Amy Lopez, ReuniteKorea, Vinh-Thuy Nguyen, Liz Candee, Clovis Norroy, Danielle Downs, Nik Maier, Angel Pantoja, Nishant Suneja, 张晓雨, Srinivasa C Pasumarthi, Kathryn Vacha, Anthony Arcis, Jeffrey Segrest, Sandra Fuller Bocko, Alex Pierce, Lawrence Teh Swee Kiang, BRENDAN NEALE, Jane White, Karmi Nguyen, John C. Vesey, Yelena Baykova, Harshita Jagdish Sahijwani, Won Jang, Nick Johnson, Tariq Keblaoui, Carlos H. Costa, Eimann P. Evarola, Aleksandr Lyozin, Mohamed Elsayed, Alan Wilder, Marcus Appelbaum, Francisco Leos, Kevin O'Leary, Les Howard, Ten Cha, Mehmet Yusuf Ertekin, Arlene Weston, phkphk123321, Jennifer Kurkoski, Ryan B Harvey, Austin Randall, Abhishek Bansal, Jayant Sahewal, Dian Atamyanov and igor romanenko.
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The brain is literally finding ways to save itself


Narrator's voice and beautiful animations make the Ted-ED videos to standout. Well done :)


The animation is very cool..
It's like abstract art in motion.


One thing that always scares me as a kid on the topic of mind uploading is whether we are evading death or simply creating a copy of ourself. If we preserve our brain and turn our body into a cyborg then it seems like the former but if we are copying data and information of our brain into a digital system, it seems whoever is enjoying the benefits or sensation of that is not us (we still die) but a copy of our memory.


The question I have about this hypothetical technology is: If you upload your mind, you are really just creating a copy of yourself and since you are not the copy, but rather the original, what's the point? After they finished they would say, "your mind was successfully uploaded" and you'd say "shouldn't I be in a computer simulation right now?" and they'd say "a version of you is in the computer simulation right now" and you'd say "a lot of good that does me, I'm still stuck in the real world". This also begs the question, after the upload which one would be your real consciousness?


I'm 20 and studying especially for this. Hope that 60 years will be enough...


This is the video game SOMA. It tackles a lot of the philosophical and ethical issues about this, and is both terrifying and brilliant.


A show called Pantheon explores this whole concept and its repercussions incredibly well. It's a really well written show and I highly recommend it.


I’ve always thought about this as a way to achieve immortality, but one of the big issues is if we scan our brains how do we know we didn’t just clone ourselves and our consciousness is left behind? This video explained each part of what we need well and my question will eventually be answered in the future


In the future when this is possible, would our consciousness actually “enter” the computer? Or would it be more like a digital copy and paste of the mind creating a new version of you in the computer? From the video it seems like the latter.


trump: we need to build a wall
digital trump: we need to build a firewall


imagine your grandchildren watching you dancing in the kitchen at 3am with this technology


“The point is: If we can store music on a compact disc, why can't we store a man's intelligence and personality on one? So I have the engineers figuring that out now.”
-Cave Johnson, Portal 2


Imagine getting lost in the internet cause your kid reroutes the WiFi To his game. Going straight from lofi music to call of duty


I would love to hear this narrator’s voice again in another TED Ed, it’s just so calming.


Damn in the future I can share files from my mind to others

Friends : " Yo dawg do you have that embarrassing event from 10 years ago? "

Me : Say no more fam.


That was the best video I've seen in a while. Unexpectedly good. Huge thanks to Michael Graziano, who made this possible.


I also have some ethical questions that comes to mind...
If we at some point have many minds uploaded, would they ever be against more minds beeing uploaded? Or what if they didnt want to contact the real world anymore, feeling superior?
How secure should the servers be? What if a person destroyed the uploaded mind of someone, does that count as murder?


TED-Ed asking the philosophical questions that may be a reality in the future.


This is truly fascinating to think about. How would a mind function without a body, a vessel to assist it in sensing the world? Both work together in shaping each persons reality and how they see the world. Without a body and without our senses how would our minds then perceive the world around us? 😮
