Nietzsche's Guide to Destroying your Life | The Last Man

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Friedrich Nietzsche has been called many things: a deep immoralist, an alarm bell for a nihilistic world, and a syphilitic madman. But today I want to talk about his philosophy of happiness, and why I think we can all learn a lot from his warnings about how a person can become truly miserable, wasting their potential in a lazy nihilism, and losing everything that makes them unique and peculiar in the process. We will begin with The Last Man and then explore through The Joyous Science, to see what insights it has in store for us all.

00:00 The Philosopher of Joy
01:17 Pursuing Comfort
04:28 The Fear of Power
08:25 Hell is Other People
12:16 Excesses in Seriousness
15:13 Amor Fati

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I refer to the eternal recurrence as a "thought experiment" here but it evolves in Nietzsche's later philosophy to be more than this, amounting to almost a metaphysical doctrine by the end (though there is much scholarly dispute here).

I realise that my language about "freedom" here is misleading, and stems from my particular philosophical conception of freewill (I am a bit of a compatibilist). It is important to note that Nietzsche does not believe in freewill as the ability to do otherwise. He instead saw things as a matter of strong and weak wills. This was an oversight on my part, as I am so used to a compatibilist definition of freewill, under which Nietzsche's concept of a strong will would involve having more freedom (where freedom means will aligning with reality). I apologise for any confusion caused.


"Too much comfort, make us fragile"
My life in a single sentence


Joy is for the man that upon encountering suffering improves himself, rather than avoid the problem.


Joseph- Intelligent, insightful young people like you give me faith in the younger generations.


As someone who is a deacon by force and has been serving in church by being pushed by my parents. I knew exactly what you meant by "People are Hell..." The expectations they had for me is insane. As a result of my experience with power dynamics in the Orthodox Chruch, I made a personal quote - "I Love Humanity, but I deeply hate people" maybe one day I'll love people who's Value and Will align with mine..


This young man's videos are so intelligent and interesting. He also seems like an old soul. I'm excited to see where his impressive talent will take him in the coming years.


Whether we agree on your interpretation of Nietzsche's writings and what he meant by it or not, one thing is for sure, your eloquence and your way of communicating is mesmerizing. I am in awe!! Keep up the good work!!! I can't get enough of your channel.


1. Tell your mother and sister you do not like them.
2. Get rejected by women over having a large mustache.
3. Lie down next to a horse and cry.


Very well put together; best 20 minute summary on Nietzsche one can get. The harvest of many hours reading the less concise of them all, I guess.
Thanks for sharing and congrats.


Don't underestimate the genius of Nietzsche. His Genealogy of Morality was so insightful. So much of what he predicted has come to pass.


Just want to say that I truly admire your videos and what you're doing, thanks for getting me into philosophy!


This was the only reason I found peace, even if things continue or something bad happens *knocks on wood*
I know I’m happy that I got to see today, to feel today, to see everyone again. It never ends and maybe that’s the prettiest reason I’m still going..


I love how this channel presents philosophical ideas and concepts in a way that awakens my critical thinking.


I think is also important to think critically about the things we say "yes" to in life. Having an affirmative and creative doctrine also implies saying "no" to those things that limit our own potential and restraing ouserlfs from affirming life. Saying no in order to keep saying yes.


I’ve experienced amor fati, and I’ve lost my way from it recently. It’s challenging, but it’s possible. And it’s incredible. I needed this wake up call to get myself back onto my path.

I agree, it takes a rare spirit to truly be capable of surviving the hardship required to get to that stage of wisdom 💚


I really thank you for your effort in making these videos. They really had an impact on my life and made me love philosophy more and get to know it and the greatest thinkers


i love this… i dont like pretending to be stoic.. i feel so deeply, but i felt guilty because my family is rather stoic and i feel that my emotions are burdens


I agree with almost all of this video and it is very well done, Nietzsche did address a lingering concern by acknowledging that each soul is at a different level with different drives and ambitions. I'm not sure anyone can be all things, at best we self reflect and guess our path. I found myself born into the same paradigm as Zarathustra in this lifetime and it has been a violent journey. I come to serve as a lightning rod for the societal herd and while awful at times, it has served in my unique development. Also agree with Nietzsche we are in some kind of time loop but our roles and development may advance until each of us is ready to put on the Zarathustra mask, but it becomes a tricky thing when you dig into the patterns, you wonder if that is you or if you've only immersed yourself in the part so completely like a method actor, that it's just another role but hopefully a graduating opportunity. I don't think you can see this from another role and decide to be it, but you have to be born into this "time out" life. To go to your room and think about what you've done, it's the best way to truly develop. I like to think we all make it, we all break out of the underworld but I don't know the answer. Being a part of the herd has its benefits, camaraderie, fellowship, protection, structure but I see it leaves souls wanting, there''s no finer thing than to learn to sail alone against the wind. And I think it was about this herd predicament and the responsibilities therein that led Thoreau to observe "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." It's the cage and the herd that snuffs out our fire, almost all are born into this fate but also I believe each will have his moment in the sun to "Make your own kind of music"


Great content!!
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