Все публикации

The Big Problem with Religious Arguments

The Perfect Philosopher for The Modern Age | Franz Kafka

How Ordinary People Become Monsters

The Problem with Modern Love

Why You Hate Modern Work

How to DESTROY Anyone in an Argument

The Terrifying Ideology of 1984

The Philosopher who Hated Everyone | Diogenes the Cynic

The Dangers of Young Love

100K Philosophy Q&A

The Stoic Guide to Destroying Your Life

Dostoevsky's Wisdom for the Hopeless

The Only Self-Help Book Worth Reading | Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics

Tolstoy's Guide to Wasting Your Life | The Death of Ivan Ilyich

Why The Modern World is Doomed | The Abolition of Man

Nietzsche's Guide to Destroying your Life | The Last Man

How We Let People Die | The Ethics of Peter Singer

How Good People Lose Power | Machiavelli's The Prince

The Freedom of Loneliness

Nietzsche's Most Controversial Idea | Beyond Good and Evil

Dostoevsky’s Warning to Great Thinkers | Crime and Punishment

Why You Can’t Trust Good People | Kafka's Metamorphosis

He could only move his left eye | The Philosophy of Jean-Dominique Bauby

Sartre's philosophy of why you hate people (Sartre's No Exit explained)