How to START learning a new language on your own?Step by step tips! (Subtitles)

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In this video I will be sharing with you my experience of starting to learn a language from scratch by myself. I will be sharing with you what I did step by step, what mistakes I made, and when I started practising with a native speaker?
00:00 Intro
01:17 My language journey to learn 6 foreign languages
02:25 Step 1: Do research
03:56 Step 2: Prepare the tools
05:11 Step 3: Choose the right resource
07:26 Step 4: Make a study plan and know when to practice with a native speaker
08:26 How to study your first 100 high frequency words?
09:02 How to study a lesson? (Tips for using Anki)
14:00 How to study grammar from the begnining?

Here are my other videos about language learning tips:
⭐️How to make a good study plan to learn a language effectively ?
⭐️How to learn vocabulary in a smart and effective way?
⭐️How to improve your speaking skills by yourself? The shadow boxing technique!
⭐️3 tips for learning a language effectively on your own

Here are the resrouces that I mentioned in the video:
📘Le Turc, Assimil, 2018
📘Cahier d'écriture arabe - Les bases, Abdelghani Benali, Assimil
📘Manuel d'arabe moderne (volume1&2 ),Luc-Willy DEHEUVELS, ASIATHEQUE
📘Persian Verb Conjugator:
📘DW Deutsch Lernen
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Why I'm again watching videos about how to learn laguages instead of really learning a language. It's a addiction 💀


Pro tip if you're trying to learn Arabic and can't choose a dialect, just choose Egyptian it by far has the biggest media influence also the geographical location of Egypt is the closest to the middle of the arab world you'll get. And the dialect has softened many sounds that are usually hard for non-arabic speakers


I was raised in a rural village in the Philippine, where people struggle for studying. To be honest, I didn't even graduate high school in that village cause of lack of financial. However, I'm very happy of having an habit of learning new languages. So now, I'm able to express myself in three foreign languages such an English, Arabic, and Korean. I learned all of these by myself. This video really motivates me to learn more. Thank you. #selfstudy.


This is actually perfect for me. I’ve been trying to learn Japanese on my own but it’s been so difficult because I don’t know where to start. So many great tips thank you! 🙏🏽💛


"Learning a language is a marathon, not a race." 😌 Happy to have helped 😄, ..keep up the great content Zoe!


Iclal’s schedule for Nicos Weg A1 and A2 levels:
1. Go to the lesson page
2. Go to the vocabulary section. Read, memorize and write down (into the according notebook) the vocabulary. Note: Write down only vocabulary without the translation. After practicing several times you will remember these words and expressions without translation.
3. Watch the episode 3 times without subtitles, and 1 time with subtitles (in German of course).
4. Tip by Zoe: Practice your pronunciation with the shadowing technique. Watch the episode again, listen, pause and record yourself, then check similarity.
5.Go to the exercises, do all the exercises. Write down the mentioned text with the highlighted words and expressions (I will take another notebook for it). Write down dialogues without translation.
6. After completing all exercises go to the grammar section, read it, and write it down in another notebook.
7. Watch 1 episode and complete these tasks (1 lesson) every day. After 5 days or 1 week take a break, and watch previous episodes together (5 – 7 episodes together), the total duration will be 10-15 minutes. Then you can memorize all vocab, all grammar tips, all dialogues, and all texts.
8. Before taking an exam, I’ll recommend you to watch the entire movie and read and memorize everything you wrote down.


I think it's great to be honest about how your actual languages' learning journey was by mentioning, for example, that you already went to academies or learnt them since school, that gives people more perspective and a hit of reality. It's not the same learning a language by yourself, using just internet with not guidance, than learning with a tutor and practicing with a native speaker (or be able to afford to pay for a service that provides exchange partners, like italki). Of course there is a chance you can learn a new language by yourself, but that can be challenging and without a routine things can be difficult. Also, not all of us have the skills to learn a new language easily. It's going to depend on each people's style of learning, habilities and income. That's why I appreciate that youtubers like you are more open-up/sincere about the polyglot thing. Thank you for sharing these tips.

And for those who want to embark on this kind of journey, go for it! But keep it realistic, be patient and avoid comparing yourself with others. Good luck everyone ^^


I completely agree with everything you said! I keep telling my students my best tip to success - listen to the sentences, get a set of couple and keep listening to them. Not only will you learn words in context so you remember them easier than just as single words, but they sort of have a personal connection in your brain now.

If you learn a sentence: mom went to the store and bought eggs

Listen 25x - I guarantee you will be imagining your mom going to the store and buying eggs. Then you will remember all the words from this sentence. Just have them written down and translated and listen to them and look at your sentences and translation.

Good luck to you guys learning languages ❤️😍


I am also one of the ppl you inspired to re-learn a language. In my case Chinese and French. Thanks! This video is sooo great! I decided to focus on grammar for French and for Chinese I focus on re-learning the signs. I think it is important to find out your „weaknesses“ when you re-learn a language and focus on that :-)


Personally I like to start learning any language
•first, with an introduction just as you said, for having a general knowledge about how the language is,
•then the alphabet, meaning, how to read and write
•Next the sentence structure and conjugations
•Lastly I like focusing on learning as much vocabulary as I can, so I can talk about many things!
Obviously, this is not everything, I just take this like my “basic structure for learning languages", because they have so much more things that you have to learn, and it can be so flexible depending on the language you are learning, for example, I'm learning korean and portuguese, in korean there are a lot of different ending conjugations and they are very important, so I will focus on learning them, but in portuguese is totally different, so I will focus on learning other kind lf grammar points than korean has, so depending on the language you will study one thing or the other, but for me, that list of points that I told you at the begging, has worked very well to sudy languages in general, in that structure, I've notice that learning one thing, takes you to learning others and so, so that way I know what to study next!!
So for all those self-learners learning any language (like me), I hope my way of learning can help you to learn a lot! (Remember it's just a base and it is flexible depending on the language you are learning) So let's keep going!✨💖


I'm studying Japanese(just to explore the language since I'm going to live there) and Korean (Master, where I'm thinking of doing my postgrad in 2-3 years), I was in a slump and did not succeed, even with Japanese for the past 3-5 years but never moved forward. I saw your channel and started taking your tips to heart, creating a schedule and a goal in my life. I'm way ahead what I was when I first started. Thank you!


Hello, thank you so much for being generous and patient to explain all these details step by step.
I am learning German and I wanted to start with a good and strong base and this was very helpful! ❤️🌹


Thanks my teacher I from somalia I life in Uganda, I started to learning English language. This video make me decide improved to learning language thanks.


You inspire me, I have a dream to be a polyglot. Of course I know this process will take time, but I am willing to but in my time and effort into it. I am currently learning Swedish, I’ve been taking it for almost i month but I stumbled on your video and decided to watch it. It was actually helpful even after almost a month of learning.

Tack så mycket!! 🇸🇪


Zoe, very thank you for your advises.
I'm very falling in love with learning other languages, and what you do here by sharing your experience is just really helpful for self-learner like me.
Thank you.🙏🏽


You're my favorite YouTuber for language learning motivation! I don't find media to be very helpful and much prefer a structured course. I really need to work on my consistency. I get lazy when I'm tired and overwhelmed and end up wasting so much time!


Very great tips! What you said about writing notes rather than utilizing it is so true. In the beginning of my language learning journey, I used to write key concepts and wrote down examples but it never sunk into my head.


Thank you so much for this video! I grew up speaking English and Korean but never really became conversational in any other language. I'm now going to try using these tips to help me learn French and Latin American Spanish! Thank you!!!


I’ve never thought of learning a language with excel sheets… this is actually mind-blowing to me!


What a great video Zoe. Some invaluable tips here. Thanks!
