Parenting Advice : How to Parent a Highly Sensitive Child

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We talk to family therapist and social worker - Talya Ressel
about raising a highly sensitive child.

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I’ve been struggling with how to balance technology and faith in our home, and ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’ provided some amazing insights that we’ve already started using


So lucky both me and my husband are highly sensitive people. We don't have autism or other conditions related to sensory issues, but we are both extra sensitive to light, sound, scents, stimulation, itchy clothes, emotion, etc. we understand each other and make our home very calming space. It's very likely our children will be the same way, so I'm glad there is more information about it now.


My baby boy is so sensitive and so am I. My parents always told me to stop being a baby and I never understood why I was like that. I'm so thankful we know now what this is. He's the sweetest kindest human ever. He's my favorite person and I support him just the way he is.


Thank you for this. It’s definitely hard to parent my son who is highly sensitive but so rewarding. His memory at three years old is astounding and he’s so creative and sweet


Im a highly sensitive dad and my daughter is highly sensitive... Sometimes I feel that being highly sensitive myself is an added difficulty because her feelings can overwhelm me, which makes me deviste from gentle parenting... :/


Orchid child and dandelion child. Brilliant!
Describes perfectly the difference between my daughter and son. 💕


yes my son is really definitely empathetic and he is very self-aware. yes i know that i am a raising a great child. i have been close with a lot of healthcare professional and working in the field as a caregiver. I can really sense when he isn't feel his best. this is great news. i love being able to know my child well.


I came looking for this information because one of my twins is highly sensitive and I just want to make sure I’m doing everything in my power to guide and raise her the best way possible and give her the tools she needs to navigate life and the world. Thank you for this content!!


I hate the word sensitive. Has such a negetive conotation. The word she be "attuned" or "perceptive". Deep thinkers, self-aware, intelligent, creative, thoughtful. Sensitive implies a subtle weakness, that one can't handle the world. Highly sensitive people and children are the most Genuine!


I am a HSP which I think is a good thing. I have said that being an HSP is like watching a movie in an IMAX movie theater. It is like living life in high definition which has pros and cons. We feel everything more intensely: joy, sadness, anger, etc. Also, we can feel other peoples emotions. I can tell who is toxic and who is not by the energy they give off.


I'm highly sensitive and so is my oldest child 💗


Amazing video - packed a lot of great, easily digestible info in a short time frame. I was looking for something to send my brother as he's parenting at least one highly sensitive child. Thanks so much for an excellent segment - I'll be sharing this with him.


Me. Thankful finally abling to help rather the yrs of abuse so many have endured or turn into those bad adults.


Yes, then the parent hits them and says, I'll give you something to cry about. At least mine sure did. LONG time ago.


Does anyone talk about how to survive parenting an HSC?


Hi, I was always fairly highly sensitive as a child, and now I'm highly sensitive as an adult. Unfortunately, I am also on the autism spectrum (very little delay in or loss of verbal communication or cognitive skills), which I was diagnosed with as a toddler or very young child, back in the '90s. Sadly, if you are highly sensitive, girl/woman, AND on the autism spectrum, you might be seen as 'mean, ' when you're really not. At least, I'm not. This did not help when I was 8 or 9 and starting puberty, and beginning to focus more on fashion. For as long as I can remember, I have always LOVED all things cutesy and girly, and would have preferred a cute, stylish sundress to a baggy shirt and jeans or biker shorts any day. I would have preferred digging in the glitter over digging in the dirt.


I'm that child and my life was horrible as child my parents would neglect me as I'm a middle child I got bullied 😔 several time 🥺


I think the symptoms between girl and boy children should be distinguished as highly sensitive children, especially girls, will be less likely to "lash out" in the same way because they've picked up on social cues girls are given from an early age particularly if they're coming from a conservative household.


I was an orchid child and my parents ignored it all along.


I’m the parent, who is struggling at 3:24am with my HSP son, only because he suddenly remembered his Venus flytrap plant he’ve forgotten for months.
