Why Women Make Better Business Leaders

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Recent research from the Harvard Business Review and others suggests something that most of us already know--firms without women in high-level leadership positions are missing out on some meaningful growth opportunities.
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But when men successfully run companies, no one ever comes out and says "The firm is doing great because the CEO is a guy and guys are better at bla bla bla..." Psshh..


So you don't link any sources for the claims you make, that's a red flag right there.

Also, let me ask you this: if women are so good at business, why don't they start businesses and grow those businesses to the top? Why must they be included in already successful businesses?

Are those success stories due to the fact that they are women, that they are exceptional individuals, or that there are other factors contributing to the successes? How many businesses who include women fail? What is the rate?

Did you study countries that have mandatory gender quotas? How do businesses there perform on average?

What was your sample size for these studies?

This presentation is sloppy at best.

Link to your sources. This is the internet, use the medium properly.


Irrespective of gender, the most important part of being a leader is figuring how to become one on your own. Whoever can achieve that is a true leader.


had to watch this video twice. first time i was looking at her drawing skills.


Let take another bit misleading information:

"firms with women on their boards have a 66% higher return on invested capital"

Ok so if true is that because women are better leaders or because companies with higher returns on capital tend to be the ones that are more enlightened and modern and thus open to women? Conversely the companies with no women directors are perhaps more likely to be the old school, very mature industries with typically low returns.


It depends actually how do you look at it..from witch side..


Ya this is 100% spin. Yahoo is a sinking ship. She got on and she's from google and I'm sure people bought stock thinking she could turn yahoo around. Also they're already talking about firing her. Yahoo stock was plummeting when she jumped on board so the picture isn't quite what they're making it. Stock is based purely on buyer confidence and people who own shares have to feel that they will appreciate to hold onto it. So realistically the idea that she's been beneficial is inaccurate. Not only that Jerry Yang has been on his shit as well. I think the bottom line for growth for women in the workplace is that companies get away with taking more of their pay effectively raising their bottom line.


well that seems to be sound i wish to see the stats


Wow, this video had one of the most sexist titles I've ever read.


a good video, but the lady is speaking so fast, I used it in my lesson so apparently it's hard to comprehend even for strong upper-intermediate students.


Meg Witman took over Ebay during the internet boom, the company was already growing very fast before she took over. She almost didn't want the job, the founder of Ebay had to beg her to take it. Now you have to prove, what if it was Witman's leadership or being at the right place at the right time.


I'm 23, young and vibrant and very athletic, and because of that, Nobody gives me guidance or help, i do not get ANY handouts or help that girls + women get, they get special treatment and then ask for more special treatment, i work 60 hours a week, which i earn about $900 2weeks, I try to save money but it's hard when my girlfriend is older than me, more experienced and tells me she wants to go out, of course im expected to pay for the night out, so i cant save any money.


If this video was titled 'Why men/whites/black, Christians/Muslims make better leader', would it be acceptable? I think not. Wouldn't it be better if we didn't big up 'our group' and shit on others, and not judge people because of how they look, period?


WOW!  Great information, and way to back it up with hard intellectual evidence.


Yahoo don't your email in a while their it goes


This video does more harm than good. You really couldn't find a good case studies? Andrea Jung, former CEO of Avon. You could have definitely talked more about Indra Nooyi. In shock you didn't mention the current CEO of IBM! Or Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. It was almost as if you were trying to not prove your point.


So many brilliant women in the real estate industry! I would like to see more in Top Leadership roles


Women..we love you. but you do not speak fewer words in a day than men..lmao


Lots of huge statements with very little proof.


Well I rather my boss be a lady anyway, they're kinder then most men.
