How good is RAW video? (Canon 5D mark ii)

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In this video, I test the new RAW video recording with the Canon 5D mark ii.

PS. Be careful when installing the hack, because it may damage your camera.

Since the RAW hack on the Canon 5D mark ii doesn't support FULL HD video capture when using the whole sensor, I shot everything in 2.35:1. To capture RAW video, you need a really fast CF/SD card. It's quite complicated to work with the RAW files in post production, but since it's RAW, it's a dream to colorcorrect the videos :)

Thanks for watching :)
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8 years later and the color rendition on the raw video from this 16 year old camera is still way better than most cameras available today and the level of detail is enough for most use cases.


The flickering on your video comes from the Shutter Speed and the current that is pumping into your electricity.  Adjust your shutter speed until you see the flicker stop.  Usually somewhere in between 1/50th and 1/60th


This honestly had me saying "wow" throughout the whole video. I am in awe, the RAW video is so beautiful! 


I believe you can not record audio when filming in raw. Do not worry though, simply use a slate when filming. Hold the slate in front of the camera before you start a take(make sure the audio is running) then simply clap the slate. Later in post find the peaking point in the audio and the clap in the video and simply line them up. You can also use a program like Plural Eyes. I hope I was able to help you some.


Thanks, and no problem :) I used Canon 50mm f1.4 when talking to the camera, and Canon 24-70mm f2.8 for the indoor shots and Canon 24-105mm f4 for all other shots.


You are very photogenic and your smile looks amazingly good on camera. More people should learn from your videos. I can really feel the positive energy and excitement you exhibit in your video regarding the use of RAW video quality. Your enthusiasm is remarkable. 


HOLY The amount of detail lost with the lossy formats they use is unbelievable. Even the colors aren't accurate.


I am home because of an episode of depression. And I try to do things that are Fun for me and help me get out of this again, for example video editing. But this incredible music made me cry so hard (I cry easily at the Moment) 🥴😅😶🙈


DSLR filmmaker here. For some reason, my eyes welled up when I saw the first RAW images in your video. Technology is beautiful. Well done.


This comparison is not really fair in my opinion, the picture profile you chosen to shoot h.264 looks desaturated, like neutral or other flat picture profile, and RAW footage looks graded in your videos, so that obviously shows such a big difference in quality. So this is you leaning towards suggesting how cool is the RAW and not letting us decide under same picture profile how much difference there is... interesting thought RAW looks a slight bit like HDR...


That footage looks great! Was the in-camera sharpening turned down all the way? there were definitely some aliasing issues, but still a far clearer image. It may just be a problem that the Mkii has.


Not a real comparison. h264 footage was not color corrected at all and the white balance is off (it's blue). RAW footage on the other hand had to be color corrected and is warm, that's why colors seem more pleasant. This is pointless. I want to see a comparison between color corrected h264 and color corrected RAW. I'm sure RAW will win, but the difference won't be nearly as big.


Light flickering is more likely happening not because of a tweak\program, but because of the shutter speed. Normally you set shutter speed 1\25 to 1\50 if you record 25fps. Also, it might depend on light sources.
Source: movie making experience with 5dmk2


Giant difference there... RAW is definetely worth it...


You look like a honest guy with a true passion behind the lens. I wish you good luck man! Amazing how simple you visually explain!


People are complaining that the RAW is graded wheras the h264 is not. The main difference in shooting raw is how far you can actually "push" the grading without breaking the image and causing artifacts. RAW has much more color and value depth, you can crush the blacks without them looking flat, squeeze more vibrance and saturation without it looking messed up or pixelated. Personally i prefer it for shadow quality--if you shoot overbearing chiaroscuro without the aid of raw, you're going to lose a lot of detail and the darks are going to look flat and homogeneous. If you want to boost the shadows in H264 the only thing you'll end up boosting is noise.


wow the sensor picks up so much more detail in raw


I have to laugh at the thumb's down. What the hell do people expect? Thank you for taking the time for yet another FREE video for the public. Fortunately you can see those who appreciate your time far outweigh the thankless few. Great vid.


Uhhh... That piano music is HEAVEN to my ears! :)


In the shot in 1:21, I attribute the non-raw H.264 giving that indie film look of the 2010s while the RAW is giving that Netflix indie look. Though, I love the non-Raw version because it is really nostalgic and there's a charm in it. The RAW video is really good to. More so, my liking is only pulled through sentimental feelings.
