What happens if you shave daily. 😮 [EXPLAINED]

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Nice, finally a positive for us clean shaven men! Plus my skin breaks out if I don’t shave!🤙🏾


If you get irritation shaving daily its time to learn to use a safety razor. YMMV but it only took me a 2-3 shaves to get the hang of it. I shave daily.


Shaving my cheek areas are a must. When I let hairs grow on my cheek areas for a day or two, my face starts irritable. At times, it becomes hard for me to speak to my friends and family as well as chew my meals daily.


Use shaving cream or soap don't use foam, use safety razor don't use cartridge razor, shave daily


Did I just hear him say “Skrin” in the first 5 seconds? 😂


Man i can confirm phones are listening, usually i trim but today i got a shave. And this vedio is recommend to me 😮😢


I personally can't stand facial or body hair on myself, so I shave everything besides my head and eyebrows on a daily basis. Yes, literally everything gets shaved daily. Over the years I have learned quite a lot about my skin and how it reacts to different methods of shaving and what works for me. Everyone's skin is different, so there's really no one way to do things. What works great for someone might end badly for someone else. I have known people who actually get a better shave with cold water. Personally, that did not work for me at all. That's just one example. What works best for me is a good triple head electric shaver on the chest, belly and arms and then Shick Hydro 5 razors on the face, legs and buttocks. If I use the electric shaver on my face, legs or buttocks, it breaks out horribly. And if I use a Schick or any other type of cartridge razor on my chest or arms, they break out horribly. It's very bizarre what works best for what areas of skin you are shaving. For electric shaving, I need to be cool and dry. Very dry. For cartridge razor shaving, I need lots of hot water, moisture and Gillette shave gel. Not that awful foam stuff. So essentially the exact opposite conditions between the 2 shaving apparatuses. After electric shaving is done, I need nothing afterwards. However, after shaving face, buttocks and legs with a razor, I use a good aftershave on my face and Dickinson's Witch Hazel on the legs and butt. All of these methods come from years of shaving daily. Using this routine, I basically never get shaving bumps anywhere and I never get razor burn. So, you can shave daily and look basically perfect, you just need to figure out what works for you.


This actually makes a lot of sense. I've been maintaining a tony stark style goatee (doesn't look like it yet though) and I've actually had skin irritation from me shaving per day.


That green truly remind me of early 2000's Green Hornet logo. ( Or is it the Green Lantern suit?) . I deduct that all the Shield Razors suits for those that prefer high efficiency/aggressive as I just cannot find any of their razor with 0.7mm gap and smaller.

A fantastic shave there as always.


I shaved every 3 or 4 weeks day because my skin is really sensitive mainly to my neck


I used to get crazy with the stubble on my neck and go against grain with the moisturizer, only to feel it again a end of day


I dont shave frequently as my beard really grows faster i usually trim first then shave it off after as it removes the pores


I have to skip shaving every two days because i jave sensitive skin. But thankfully it doesnt grow that much.


Unfortunately my school has us shave daily no matter what


As long as I use a safety razor, menthol based products, and just go with and across the grain, I can shave daily with minimal irritation. Surprisingly, I get a closer shave and less irritation by shaving with cold water.


I usually don't shave daily or sometimes not at all.


I have never had ingrown hairs, but my skin does burn if I shave everyday.


And then if you sweat, it bacames red and itchy


if i did that id look like a victim from the HELLRAISER movies daily


Use raw coco butter fat get rid of razor burn keep your face cool and moisturize after every shave
