7 Dividend Stocks That Pay Me $500+ Per Month

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In this video I share with you 7 Dividend Stocks in my portfolio that are paying me now $508 per month.

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0:00 - Don’t Skip, Important
1:59 - Stock #1
3:47 - Stock #2
6:18 - Stock #3
7:54 - Stock #4
9:26 - Stock #5
11:07 - Stock #6
12:50 - Bonus Stock
13:34 - Stock #7


PS: I am not a Financial Advisor, any investment commentary are my opinions only. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I do receive a commission for & they help support the channel
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Note: I do receive a small commission if you sign up! This helps keep our vids free!


Rate cuts commence in June 2024, taking 6-8 months to complete. A potential crash, if any, might occur by March 2025. The soft landing narrative is gaining traction, making this big recession everyone is calling for less likely. With $1 million from a business sale, I'm seeking profitable investment opportunities for the next 3 years.


I started investing because I liked the extra money from stock dividends. The key, in my opinion, is to make enough money through both investing and dividends, so you can live off the dividends without selling anything. This way, you might pass on this financial advantage to your kids. I've put more than $600K into dividend stocks over the years, and I'm still buying more, planning to keep going until prices drop more.


My dividend journey began when I realized that two particular expenses in my budget were always going to go up and never go down. The two expenses were taxes and insurance. I realized that the dramatic rise in both will need some added income. So, I started buying shares paying dividends. I can now see that this will be the path I need to take to make sure those two expenses will not overtake my future income.


I just initiated my investment journey, planning to put in at least $80k into dividend stocks. I am project a 30% per year on dividend returns. I seek advice.


I've been an investor in Apple because I strongly believe in the company. I've always believed in the stock, but now I don't know whether to re-distribute my $70k portfolio and put some money in Nvidia, especially now that we are experiencing a market correction.


I like investing in close-end funds that pay monthly dividends. The trick is to hold long term and reinvest the monthly dividends plus buy more shares on a monthly basis or when ever you can afford to. This can be easily done because close-end funds are bought and sold on the stock market just like regular stock. That’d be enough to create a portfolio that would pay you between $50k to $70k in dividend income


I agree that many people are considering NVDA as the "Stock of the year." However, I'm curious about which stocks could potentially become the next META in terms of growth over the next decade. I've allocated $200k for investment, aiming to retire comfortably.


If index funds started to distort the market, there would be opportunities for stock pickers to out perform the index so the market would self correct .I'm curious, which st0cks could potentially become the next META in terms of growth. I've allocated $350k for investment, looking for companies to make additions to boost performance


As an avid investor, I often mull over how accomplished investors are able to amass fortunes through their investment endeavors. Presently, I hold equity exceeding $545K from a recent home sale, yet I'm uncertain about my next investment move. Should I consider buying stocks at this time, or should I await another opportunity?


1. J.P. Morgan Chase
2. Abbve
3. PepsiCo
4. Kraft Heinz
5. ExxonMobil
6. Home Depot
7. Voo Vanguard 500
8. Johnson & Johnson


The stock market rally still appears to be in the midst of a normal pullback. I’m looking to remunerate a lump sum into the stock market for the bull run, is this a good time to buy or no? my reserve of $450K is laying waste and I don't know what to do at this point tbh.


Is this a good time to buy stocks? I know everyone is saying we are in the bull market and all, but obviously there are strategies to maneuver when there is a bear market but these strategies doesn't come common to the average folk, I'm attempting to create a portfolio for me and my children that will at least be $1.2m in value.


The markets generally are unpredictable, so that one has to have different scenarios. The idea that you can actually predict what’s going to happen contradicts my way of looking at the market. My advice for investors is to get an expert.


A lot of folks have been going on about a January rally and said stocks that would be experiencing significant growth these festive season, any idea which stocks this may be? I just sold my home in the Boca Grande area and I’m looking to remunerate a lump sum into the stock market before stocks rebound, is this a good time to buy or no?


Is it a good time to buy stocks right now? How long will it take for us to recover? I know everyone claims that equities are now inexpensive. Although there are tactics to be applied in this market, the common person cannot access these strategies. Would I be better off investing my money somewhere else?


The Market have been suffering over the past month, with all the three indexes recording losses in recent weeks. My $400, 000 portfolio is down by approximately 20%, any recommendations to scale up my returns before retirement will be highly appreciated.


I’m confident the current market has an equal possibility of making high-value gains or losses, so I'm cautious with my selections; I recently read an article about someone that accrued over $250k in this current market crash, and I could really need ideas on how to achieve similar profits.


great video, dividend stocks are just great. a steady and safe way to earn .. ehh unless the company reduces or cancels. I diversified last year into an AI trading firm ( birizon), gold, and real estate. little by little


To my understanding this just proves how much we need an edged as an investors because playing the market like everyone else just isn’t good enough. I’ve been quite ensured about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it’s the best time to get started on the market, what are your thoughts?!
