Jordan Peterson: 5 Hours for the NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE (MUST WATCH)

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Jordan Peterson's Life Advice Will Change Your Future. Be sure to use the Video Guide listed in the description to watch this
motivational speech!

Special Thanks To Jordan Peterson for allowing us to share!

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Video Guide:
00:08 Sacrifice Current Impulses For Future Gratification
05:37 Don't Strive For Happiness
09:56 King Of The Losers
12:06 Start Your Day By Cleaning Up Your Room
17:44 Your Story Means Something
29:33 Meaningful Experiences Matter
36:30 What To Aim For In Life?
59:12 The Danger in College
1:15:09 Dealing With Chaos
1:22:36 How To Interpret Dreams
1:30:13 Your Untapped Potential
1:39:41 The Buddha
1:52:12 Responsibility
2:03:37 Creative People
2:15:00 How To Listen To People
2:24:57 Relationship Advice
2:32:37 Potential Mate Traits
2:42:42 The Hero Myth
3:18:27 How To Motivate Yourself
3:26:14 Food Of The Gods
3:31:52 Religious Experience
3:38:10 Psilocybin
3:42:40 Mystical Experiences Through Psychedelics
4:09:39 Psilocybin and DMT
4:17:27 Nietzsche's Beyond Good And Evil

Special Thanks To Jordan Peterson for allowing us to share!

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Hey everyone, this video is different than normal, so I suggest that you 'LIKE' the video or to add it to a playlist such as 'WATCH LATER' so you can go back in a time of need and re-watch specific sections that relate to you.


Thanks so much for supporting the channel, I appreciate you all! God bless you and I hope that you have a fantastic day


The very fact we all have to learn how to be human from youtube is absolute confirmation that school was a complete and utter waste of time.


For every one of us who ever said, "I could listen to this man forever."


At the age of 30 I finally started cleaning my room today. Life is suffering but we can always overcome. Thank you Jordan for helping me help myself


I’m 13 and Jordan Peterson has lowered my worries for the future by an incredible amount, God bless him and everything he does.


If only I had access to this guy when I was in my early 20's, how my life would be so different. I feel weird being 37 and learning how to be a man, I guess it's a lot better than never learning.


Dr. Petersen, I am a 61-year-old woman. I am reading '12 Rules to Life An Antidote to Chaos". I am also doing your Self Authoring program. I have also watched almost everything of yours on YouTube. I have had the weirdest life. I cried many times reading your book. It has just been so personal to me. So I just want you to know, if you don't already, that your 'demographic' of people listening to what you have to say is expanding. I am beginning to think much clearer as I work through the self-authoring program. You are not just speaking to young university students who are mostly male. I want to thank you for what you have done for me. It has been life-changing and transformative. I had been beaten up so much that I just couldn't revive myself anymore. But that has changed and my spirit is coming back and I'm becoming more articulate. I think you are having a great impact on the future, helping to eliminate suffering. God bless you.


I grew up fatherless and never had a father figure to model myself in the correct ways after. Spent lots of my life trying to find out what it means to not only be a man, but a good and desirable one. Thank you Jordan B. Peterson. My gratefulness for you is incalculable with words.


Dear Jordan Peterson,
I will start locally!
I will clean my room!
I will break the chains!
I will heal the wounds of my family!
I will be the peace maker!
I will see what I need to see!
I will find meaning and never give up on the search!
Thank you for sharing!
God bless you and the people you have impacted!
Through the dark times!
Forever and always!


I listen to him every morning before I go to work.. He gives me courage like a father.. I don't have anybody so it feels like home somehow when I wake up super early, take my time with breakfast and just sit there listening to him before I go to school working as a teacher myself eventho I have a severe chronic illness.. I often cry but I still force myself out there..


I am 15 and I am glad that I have found this man and his knowledge.


Im nearly 26 and ive wasted the last few years to many external and internal factors. No more. I want to be better. I can be better. My eyes have been opened recently and i hope i can truly understand what that means and use it to create an actual life for myself. This video has been helping me stay accountable and motivated to keep going even when ive fallen so low. Its only been a week since my "awakening" but ive made more progress in this week than i have in the last 3 years. I will carry on. I will push forward. I will survive. I will live. I choose life. Thank you for posting this.


Imagine the possibilities if everyone listened to this video and reflected, understood, and took everything to heart and converted it into action.


First I thought "Oh I'll just glance through, 5 hours is too I've watched the whole thing!, and I'm re-watching it over time again!!!
God bless you Jordan Peterson.


Showed this to my cat, It's a lion now.


I just listen to all 5 hours of this during my 12 hour shift. Really gave me what I needed


My mom has been telling me to clean my room for 22 years. It took Jordan Peterson to make it happen


Wish i knew of Jordan 15 years back (when i started studying at 18) or earlier even. Years wasted with parties, depression, eternal doubts, not contributing anything to the world, not taking responsibility of my life. Finding your meaning and create life goals should be a school subject!


Imagine rocking up at college and getting JP as your lecturer. Life improved 95% Immediately 🤯


I discovered jordan peterson in 2016... He has been my friend, father, teacher, psychologist, joker, coach etc etc ever since... I just wish i could talk with him, like phone him up, hey Jordan you got me through a crazy dark time.. thanks... ALOT...
