Top 10 Hardest MMO Raid Bosses of All Time!

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Today we take a look at some of hardest mmo raid boss encounters off all time. Covering many different kinds of mmos like world of warcraft, guild wars 2, elder scrolls online and classics like Lineage 2.

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Dad told me a story about an old EverQuest raid years ago. My uncle played in a top raid guild Clan Ta Varen and apparently there was a boss soo difficult that even a GM/Dev had trouble killing it. It took a heal cycle of some of the best Terris Thule clerics including my uncle, and the best raiders at the time to defeat it. Devs ultimately had to nerf the mob and gave the win to CTV which angered and made other guilds confused.


there were NO instances in the classic Everquest timeline (Launch-Kunark-Velious) so all bosses were world bosses. they all had around 1 week respawn timers.
It sounds like a crazy time.


I was surprised to see Maw of Lorkhaj here. I've played ESO for over 6 Years with 10K+ hours played and basically cleared every endgame content in the game with some score records. With today's survivability, damage output and the ability to skip a lot of mechanics, a lot of people don't have any idea of how hard Rhakkat, or even Twins were back on release. A lot of players don't even know what Lunar Phase looks like because the boss dies way before it. It's sad to see how ESO has lost its difficulty over the years with new broken sets/classes and Balance issues.

Although, Rhakkat deserves a mentioning, i do think Z'maja from Cloudrest, fought with all her 3 Shadows (aka vCR+3 or vCRHardMode) is the hardest and mechanically challenging fight in ESO.


As a longtime on/off EQ player, I was very pleasantly surprised that you mentioned Tunat from GoD as the guild killer (the entire expansion was honestly, original GoD/OoW era was the initial mass exodus from the game to WoW).

Have seen too many similar videos referencing the legendary server-wide kill of Kerafrym the Sleeper. While a cool note in history in its own right, the sleeper was never originally meant to be awoken. The devs actually force-wiped all of the players IN REAL TIME the first time they almost killed the Sleeper. Players were so fucking mad they couldn’t see straight. Props to the old devs for backing off and listening to their player base. The Sleeper was awoken, and he flew all across the actual in-game world and murdered thousands of NPCs spitting maniacal RP text in global chat.

Conversely, Tunat was literally fucking impossible. The entire Gates expansion was the literal progenitor of the phrase “overturned”. We literally couldn’t kill shit.

To paint the picture, Alex Afrasiabi (yes, same dude in WoW history/development), was the head of the legendary EQ guild, Fires of Heaven. He played a Wood Elf warrior named Furor Dragonslayer. He made a post directly to the EQ devs threatening to quit and take his entire guild to WoW if they didn’t fix Gates lmao. Then he became a their senior creative director

MMORPGs and the internet were wild back then man


WoD Archimonde was by far the hardest boss ever released in WoW, far harder than Garrosh or KJ. If the best raiders in the world were to be flung back to that boss with the appropriate power level, but the modern restrictions on addons, I'm not even sure they could kill him.


we're just gonna ignore brelshaza fom lost ark huh? brutal


no oldschool runescape inferno challenge is crazy


I think cloudrest veteran is just way harder than maw of lorkhaj in general


I would say the hardest boss even made in an MMO who was not terribly tunned of bugged is Dragon Song Reprise (Ultimate) in FF14.
He was not bugged, perfecly tunned, player had the same gear during the whole progress (full BiS from the start), and the class where also very well tunned.
So the only thing slowing players where the actual boss's mechanics.
It took 7 days for it to die, with hundreds of players going full hardcore 16h a day (not sure how much, the world first team wasn't letting out any data), but we know that among the top 10, people took around 1000 pulls on average.


The hardest pve anything I ever had to learn and succeed at was MC hard mode in Tera Online back in the day. That shit literally broke people. They tried to recreate the madness years later with Abscess Hard Mode but it didn't really even compare. And I have player every raid tier and difficulty of wow history and almost every mmo to date that had any real traction.


I like the direction you’re taking your channel man. Keep it up


I actually pugged Dhuum cm in gw2. Spent around a month just looking for a squad and a week trying to clear it because the same dumbasses kept being destroyed by echo


As someone who has like 10k+ hours in Lineage 2, I can tell you why it Epic Bosses are so difficult. First of all, getting even decent gear is pain in a nut sack(imagine doing mythic raid in WoW in questing gear, that's L2 life for you), second you need to do difficult tune up quests that you'll have to do every time you wanna fight that boss(and in some cases, you need to do attunement quest twice for a single boss fight, and yes, everyone in your group has to do it). Wipe is not an option as there are no second chances. Third, epic bosses drop a piece of epic jewelry that everyone wanna get, so there's a lot of PvP to get to the boss and only top clans can get it(boss don't have instance zone) Forth and final, bosses may be easy mechanically, but they are hitting like a truck, easily one shoting non tanks(and tanks don't fare much better).


I think the twins in maw of lorkhaj was alot harder than the last boss. Would be a mess if people weren't listening and doing mechanics


Update: in Classic WotLK, the race through Ulduar did see top guilds wiping at times, including Algalon, so even with all the knowledge, guides, practice (pservers and PTR), it does seem that Ulduar is a little step up for Classic raids.


Is the video about the first mmo raid out? Thanks MetaGoblin for the hardwork, you and Wille always manage to keep me engaged!


Legion and the Hibernia dragon circa 2002 were top difficulty in Dark Age of Camelot


The Oblivion music in the background is clutch


#1 is EASILY Morshabaal from the game 1 mistake and everyone dies, 1 person attack at the wrong time, everyone dies. Also in Tibia dying on high level mean you lose 2+ levels.


Everquest raids were called raids. Instanced raid content wasn't added till the 6th or 7th expansion. You'd talk to an npc to be ported into the raid expedition but it was still called a raid.
