Top 10 Greatest World Of Warcraft Raids

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World Of Warcraft Raiding, It's one of the main reasons people play WoW and throughout the years Blizzard have designed some amazing raids, In this video we count the Top 10 Raids as voted by you, the WoW community, to my surprise there was at least one raid from each WoW expansion make the list which gives us hope for the future of WoW raiding.


The rest of the songs are from the World Of Warcraft Soundtrack, specific track names are found in the credits at the end of the video.




In this video I got the WoW community to vote on the Top 10 World of Warcraft raids throughout the various expansions, here we have the results and I have to say there's some that I expected to make the list that didn't, let me know in the comments below if your Top 10 Raids would be different to this one.

If you'd like to suggest a topic for a future discussion or top 10 please comment or tweet me via the links above.

---Text Spoilers---

10: Throne Of Thunder - Patch 5.2
9: Blackrock Foundry - Patch 6.0
8: The Sunwell - Patch 2.4
7: The Firelands - Patch 4.2
6: Black Temple- Patch 2.1
5: The Siege Of Orgrimmar- Patch 5.4
4: Naxxramas (Vanilla & Wrath)- Patch 1.11, 3.0
3: Karazhan- Patch 2.0
2: Ulduar- Patch 3.1
1: Ice Crown Citadel- Patch 3.3

Legal footnotes

- All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Top 10 World Of Warcraft Raids
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Out of all the raids I still like Ulduar the most, it's just so important lore wise and gives us a lot of information about the titans. Plus the atmosphere is amazing and has all of the gigantic rooms and doors.


"I am the lucid dream. The monster in your nightmares. The fiend of a thousand faces. Cower before my true form! Bow down before the god of death!" favorite boss quote of ALL time.


Really shows you the difference in progression... back in BC - about 14 days /played to hit level 70 (from my experience), then normals/heroics/rep/crafting for gear, then Kara, Gruul/Mag, Serpentshrine, TK, Hyjal, BT, Sunwell... 

And now it's 100 in less than 2 days /played, gear thrown at you, then a couple of raids and it's done.

Seeing top raiders back in the day gave you a real goal to push for... it's hard to muster such enthusiasm now.

It may be more accessible for players, and many may argue that "I payed for the content, so I should be able to experience it", but that leaves nothing left to strive for.


great list =)

only thing i would add is the mighty lvl 1 Hogger raids, Fun times XD


Ulduar is the best raid ever, it's so unique, diverse, epic and massive


I really hope they do something with Karazhan too. I miss that place.


They should get rid of LFR and catch up methods. Make raiding and leveling hard again. Also professions should be worth it again.


Karazhan <3
Because of variety of scenes, themes and the story it told throughout it's length. It wasn't the most challenging, but it was the one I actually liked revisiting without getting bored with eventual repetition.


Shame I didn't play WoW sooner.
I came in at the end of Panda and BRF is currently my favorite.
Yeah the environments can be dull but the mechanics are crazy!


nice video, I joined WoW within a week of it being released. I spent literally months raiding with my guild in MC and BWL, battling Onyxia, Naxx and eventually AQ, my last memory was being in the only guild to be attempting C'thun. Real life took over, I quit, returned months later and after a brief foray into the BC I never went back again.

My best memories were taking down Rag in MC along with Nef in BWL, the whole server would celebrate when one of these first got took down.

I was on Terenas and I used to raid with Sanctus Mortis, Corebound and Headhunters.


As a lore my absolutely favorite raid is dragon soul.
As a gameplay Molten core. I remember when i had to taunt with the other tank the sons of flame and kite them around the Snail-like area. We never killed Rag tho but it was great experience even to reach him despite the endless add fights.


I Beta tested Naxx in vanilla... I took a 7 year hiatus after BC, but I can't imagine anything ever being harder than 40 man Naxx. I would LOVE to see Karazan rehashed... it was the first time you had such a fun and personal raid. My best raiding memories stem from that place...


UBRS (classic version). That was my first ever raiding experience, and will as such always hold a fond place in my memories.


Top 3 is in the wrong order.

1. Ulduar
2. Kara
3. ICC


1. Ulduar
2. Karazhan
3. Sunwell Plateau
4. Tempest Keep
5. IceCrown Citadel
6. Black Temple
7. Naxxramas
8. Blackrock Foundry
9. The Firelands
10. Throne of Thunder


Icc feels overrated to me, but Karazhan seems like the best raid ever to me, I didn't play in TBC but it seems to be the raid i'd want to experience, more than any other.


The "outdoor raids" were pretty cool too. When we used to fight (Alliance vs Horde) to kill Kazzak, Azuregos or the Emerald drakes. Damn the PvEvP was really intense at that period!


problem with Icc is outside of the Lich king there was hardly any lore on alot of the bosses.


My top 10 raids:
1. [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]


Never was in Karazhan before but this video made me to go there with all my characters and guess what, mount droped :D
