Top 10 Greatest World Of Warcraft Raids
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World Of Warcraft Raiding, It's one of the main reasons people play WoW and throughout the years Blizzard have designed some amazing raids, In this video we count the Top 10 Raids as voted by you, the WoW community, to my surprise there was at least one raid from each WoW expansion make the list which gives us hope for the future of WoW raiding.
The rest of the songs are from the World Of Warcraft Soundtrack, specific track names are found in the credits at the end of the video.
In this video I got the WoW community to vote on the Top 10 World of Warcraft raids throughout the various expansions, here we have the results and I have to say there's some that I expected to make the list that didn't, let me know in the comments below if your Top 10 Raids would be different to this one.
If you'd like to suggest a topic for a future discussion or top 10 please comment or tweet me via the links above.
---Text Spoilers---
10: Throne Of Thunder - Patch 5.2
9: Blackrock Foundry - Patch 6.0
8: The Sunwell - Patch 2.4
7: The Firelands - Patch 4.2
6: Black Temple- Patch 2.1
5: The Siege Of Orgrimmar- Patch 5.4
4: Naxxramas (Vanilla & Wrath)- Patch 1.11, 3.0
3: Karazhan- Patch 2.0
2: Ulduar- Patch 3.1
1: Ice Crown Citadel- Patch 3.3
Legal footnotes
- All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Top 10 World Of Warcraft Raids
The rest of the songs are from the World Of Warcraft Soundtrack, specific track names are found in the credits at the end of the video.
In this video I got the WoW community to vote on the Top 10 World of Warcraft raids throughout the various expansions, here we have the results and I have to say there's some that I expected to make the list that didn't, let me know in the comments below if your Top 10 Raids would be different to this one.
If you'd like to suggest a topic for a future discussion or top 10 please comment or tweet me via the links above.
---Text Spoilers---
10: Throne Of Thunder - Patch 5.2
9: Blackrock Foundry - Patch 6.0
8: The Sunwell - Patch 2.4
7: The Firelands - Patch 4.2
6: Black Temple- Patch 2.1
5: The Siege Of Orgrimmar- Patch 5.4
4: Naxxramas (Vanilla & Wrath)- Patch 1.11, 3.0
3: Karazhan- Patch 2.0
2: Ulduar- Patch 3.1
1: Ice Crown Citadel- Patch 3.3
Legal footnotes
- All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Top 10 World Of Warcraft Raids