How Do You Trust That They Won’t Cheat?

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Q: How do I trust that someone isn't going to betray me or cheat on me?

#shorts #relationshipadvice #matthewhussey
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This is great advice, not just for relationships but for life in general. Thanks Matt! We can't live in fear of the what ifs, just have to trust that we are strong enough to deal with whatever challenges life throws at us.


You cannot change the people around you. You can only change yourself.


This is a massive reality check. The price we pay for Loving someone is the risk of being hurt. You have to be ready to experience the bad along with the good.


Also, and this is just my point of view, if someone were to cheat on you, would worrying about it really change anything? And even if it miraculously did, do you really wanna be with someone that doesn't cheat on you simply because you're always on top of them making sure that they don't?

That just seems like a waste of time and energy on what would most likely be a terrible relationship.


Amen. I never snooped and when I found out, I left a week later. I love myself❤️ I walked away. And I’m so happy.


I love the way she reacts to love advice. Every time she seems as if it hits her right in the heart in a good way of course. She’s just a compassionate spirit I feel 😂❤


That's the hardest thing I learned from my past relationship. I'm not afraid to walk away now if someone betrays or mistreat me. I've become stronger and fiercer now. It hurts but I can handle it better now unlike before.💪💪


Exactly! Be like the bird on the branch, she doesn’t know if that branch is going to break, the bird knows she can fly away. In Love getting hurt, rejected, ghosted, breadcrumbed etc., is a risk taking to get to the right one. With billions of people on the planet there are a ton of great men and women out there. Release the bad as soon as possible so you can create a space to let in the GOOD!


Worry is like a rocking chair, it’ll give you something to do but won’t get you anywhere.


Damn I need to start watching this guy’s videos cuz he’s so accurate and so on point about so many things in relationships! As someone who has never dated or been in a relationship before his words are really gold


Best advice ever….trust that I can walk away and get through it! I wish I would have known this decades ago


I don’t doubt that I can move on easy enough if I found out I was cheated on….that’s easy. ITS NOT KNOWING and them staying with me that grinds at my thoughts. It’s them not getting caught and keeping me tied to a cheat. I have no issues with moving on, being alone or finding another - it’s never knowing that someone is betraying me whilst I stay loyal that frightens me. I have this fear of being the fool.


Some words can hit you harder than you think... That's the power of words 🤗


This hit me like a freight train 😩❤️ needed this wisdom today 🥰


That last line is my life's motto. Thanks for reinforcing it into my brain.


This also comes down to focusing on what others are doing more than what you yourself are doing. It's too easy to get fixated on how someone took longer than you thought to get lunch, to text you back, come home from work and we end up being this unattractive needy person. Allow people to make decisions in their life and allow that to be the determining factor whether or not that person is worthy of being in your life.


This is so True.... We actually just worry about whether to trust someone or not. We should worry about ourselves and how prepared we are to face the worst...


Where have you been all my life. Not only do you give the best advice your delivery is genuine. This in turn shows that you really do care if someone is hurting. Also you show how to look at the situation differently..most....maybe I should say many of us need this most of is something that will benefit us in our future as well a the future. You have not only give me great advice but you showed me how to take back my confidence. To feel whole again.God bless you and all you do!


I really needed this!! I’m obsessed with it and I hate myself for it… I wanna be normal. Now this is giving me another point of view! I’ll keep this in mind forever


Truth. When someone says they are praying that my son with a chronic illness will be pain free I tell them no. Pray that he has the strength to endure and that I have the strength to help him find his and be his best advocate.
Life isn’t just a stable good or bad… it is liquid. Constantly moving through pain and pleasure and joy and disappointment.
The key is having the strength to endure and maybe even seeing the benefits in its challenges
