4 Top Sleeping Positions For Posture & Neck Pain | Pillow Positions , Reduce Snoring , Best Pillow

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Sleeping posture is very important for brain function, physical recovery, prevention of neck pain and reducing the chances of developing poor posture.
Having the right sleeping posture for yourself can reduce the likely hood of progressing cervical kyphosis which is a hum in your neck and improve sleep apnea.
In this video, I will discuss how-to sleep and how not to sleep with your pillow.

Adjustable Curved pillow:

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Sleeping Posture, Neck pain, Spine, Cervical lordosis, Kyphosis , upper trapezius muscle, snoring, breathing, recovery, best sleep, best sleeping positions. chiropractic, physiotherapy, activ chiro , activ chiropractic, pillow positions
Sleeping Posture, Neck pain, Spine, Cervical lordosis, Kyphosis , upper trapezius muscle, snoring, breathing, recovery, best sleep, best sleeping positions. chiropractic, physiotherapy, activ chiro , activ chiropractic, pillow positions
Sleeping Posture, Neck pain, Spine, Cervical lordosis, Kyphosis , upper trapezius muscle, snoring, breathing, recovery, best sleep, best sleeping positions. chiropractic, physiotherapy, activ chiro , activ chiropractic, pillow positions
4 Top Sleeping Positions For Posture & Neck Pain | Pillow Positions , Reduce Snoring , Best Pillow4 Top Sleeping Positions For Posture & Neck Pain | Pillow Positions , Reduce Snoring , Best Pillow
4 Top Sleeping Positions For Posture & Neck Pain | Pillow Positions , Reduce Snoring , Best Pillow
4 Top Sleeping Positions For Posture & Neck Pain | Pillow Positions , Reduce Snoring , Best Pillow
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I stopped my neck pain by sleeping with a travel neck pillow. I got a smaller one that wasn't to bulky and snaps closed so that when I turn over it stays around my neck. I still sleep on a regular pillow with it wraped around my neck. I think it works well because it fills the void around my neck giving me great support. I had pain on one side of my neck from behind my ear down to my shoulder and at the base of my head. I would awake to neck pain and headaches almost daily. I told my aunt one day and she recommended the travel neck pillow and I am so thankful. My neck pain has been gone ever since.


I am a side sleeper, until I fall asleep.; from there, I roll to my back and end up waking up with a stiff neck. Never able to find a pillow for side & back sleepers until your 3 towel roll suggestion!!! Can't wait to try it tonight!!


So glad I came across this video. I had been experiencing back neck and shoulder pain and stiffness on my right side. I’d do stretches, ice packs, and hot showers that would relax my muscles. I’d still wake up with the pain and stiffness. Thank you for clarifying which positions work and don’t work. I will try the towel in pillow to support my neck.


I was around 25 when I had huge pain in my neck. I changed a few pillows. Once I was to my grand-mother and she told me "may be your pillow is high" so i started sleeping with a very thin pillow and the pain went away! The elder people are wiser ;)


Im always trying to find educational articles and videos for help with my chronic pain. I never found them until now! Thanks for showing what’s happening inside the body and giving good descriptions as to why something may not work!


I am suffering from neck pain from two months.. Today I learnt good lesson and best information from you. Thank you very much


I always make sure to inlcude my shoulders on the pillow so my neck wont be flexed. Flexed neck can make you snore. As a recovery nurse who deals with airway all the time, it is better to have the neck on neutral or slightly extended like you're sniffing the morning air, so your airway is "open", and less chances of tongue obstruction.


Very informative video. Recently I've found out that I have cervical lordosis and cervical spondylosis. This video is so useful for me. Thank you


1.⭕03:18 #但影片中的床是美式床墊很軟的款式 才能這麼放在頸後吧!?)
2.⭕03:40 此款頸枕也可
3.⭕07:06 讓肩胛部位的上背和頸後, 躺在同一枕的枕面上,
4.⭕08:04 捲三毛巾成圓柱橫置於軟枕下緣, 此拱起的圓柱置於[頸]下, 而[頭]則放在由毛巾捲拱的圓柱的更頭端的原枕面上。
所有上述擺位方式, 都不可以讓[頭]在最終呈現向後仰姿。側躺時頭也不可側向一邊的程度明顯,
5.⭕08:50 直接找影片中所示有曲線的枕頭。但此時記得為了滿足平躺或側睡皆宜的要求, 該枕的厚度要選厚些。
1.❌00:39 雙枕時把上枕直接放在下枕[正上方]
❇️註:或許你可以考慮試試:使用[兩] 個[膨鬆]的枕, 而將上層的枕略往"上背肩胛骨區" [下移些] 。把你的後方枕骨最突起處睡在上層枕的上緣1/3部份但不要造成頭的重量壓在枕頭後變成後仰狀態喔!。最終, 是要使臉面呈朝天花板方式躺平時, 你的頭後面/頸部/上胸肩胛區的上背部, 能藉如此方式而[大約躺在近一平面] 狀態。
2.❌02:50 頭頸上背肩胛區下方直接貼床面的平躺法
3.❌04:43 側睡卻無枕以支撐頭頸於正確的接近[中位neutral] position 姿。


I’ve been waking up with headaches and neck pain, I am going to try new sleeping postures hopefully it will work. Thanks for the tips bro 🙏


I had a bad neck injury a while ago and my doctor recommended I get a neck pillow so I can sleep without hurting myself. After shopping around, I found the That Neck Pillow and it works wonders!


I can’t believe I actually used the rolled towel method instinctively to sleep when I have neck and shoulder aches. It just feels so good. Talking about side sleeping, it’s really ostracised by those influencers who are into anti-ageing. They discouraged side sleeping, which is so comfortable and natural (like foetal position in the womb). These influencers promote face up position but it’s really uncomfortable (at least for me).


amazing ! going to try them all and get a memory foam neck pillow. I messed up my neck and sleeping positions from getting so many different ear piercings over the years and putting my head in strange positions to avoid my ears.


Been a back sleeper since i got pectus surgery 10 years and it has it fair share of drawbacks as well. Snoring, apnea which i developed over the last year, dry mouth waking up but i guess its the best way to sleep i heard.


Those curved pillows are great! I am a small lady and got one that adjusts to my neck height. I am blessed with a long neck, but since I am so small I still need a pillow that isn't tall. I sleep like a bear using this pillow and my neck pain (herniated disc) is getting much better. Now the pain is mostly stiffness and with stretching things are much better and I can train with weights at the gym again. The adjustable pillows are the best and I highly recommend them.


Oh man this was exactly what I was looking for. Neck ache for days no matter what pillow I used. Gonna start using the position with the pillow on the upper back. Also... That trick at about 8:18 with the thumbs up and you waiting for the lower third to fade in post... That's some serious filmography skill man. Really impressed, gave me a chuckle.


Excellent video and demonstration. I just confirmed the answer to my head position as I have developed two degenerated neck disc. It has giving me a humming sound and ring in my left ear for a while. Thank you!


Thank you for the video and good advice. I use a C-shaped travel pillow turned backwards (the wrong way round), so that the two ends form a hollow that (sort of) cradles the back of my head. I've slept on this cushion for many years, and also use it to sleep on my side, though I don't sleep right on my shoulder -- I have a small cushion that I wedge against my back, so that I sleep partly on my back, partly on my side.


After viewing your video I followed n getting improvements for my neck problems. Thanks.


I have a migraine and sinus issue. So i use the 8:28 method. Really help a lot and cheaper. After i got some money, i bought the ikea pillow. It worked perfectly fine.
