Stay Safe Outdoors: Prevent Mosquito and Tick Bites

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This is Part 2 in my series on bushcraft and wild camping personal admin, focussing on how to avoid being bitten by Mosquitoes and Ticks.

When wild camping or doing bushcraft, mosquitoes and ticks can be a real problem along with other biting insects such as Midges.

In this video, we explain the main precautions you can take to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes, ticks, midges and other biting insects.

The video covers clothing, insect repellents, Pemethrin and mosquito nets.

00:00 Intro
01:03 Where and When Most Likely to be Bitten
01:44 Clothing (Long Sleeves)
02:20 Making Clothing More Effective
02:59 Permethrin
03:36 Nosilife Anti-Mosquito Clothing from Craghoppers
04:21 Deet (Insect Repellent)
05:26 Picaridin (Insect Repellent)
05:49 Applying Insect Repellent
06:37 Mosquito Nets
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Hi. Love the vid, so thanks for posting. Just a few comments. I lived in SW Africa (Namibia and Angola) for several years and used a mosquito net most nights. But, to be effective you should really wash them in something like DEET regularly. This is because the mossies WILL land on the outside, and if you touch the side, as is likely to happen in your sleep, they will bite you through it. The other effective (for me) method of deterring insect bites- especially midges in Scotland and the north of England -is Avon Skin So Softly. . I know this is now generally known, but it's worth a mention. It doesn't deter their presence, but it stops them from biting you as the chemical in it dissolves their mouth parts!! (it's designed to dissolve your outer dermal layer and so renders the skin soft). When possible I tend to stay away from DEET on my skin directly having once had a batch 'melt' a plastic watch strap!.


To test these tips, go camping in Scotland in Summer! Mosquitos love me, especially in SE Asia, midges, annoying but I was brought up in Scotland so dont react too badly, certainly prefer camping in Wales to Scotland as much less insects, Ticks got to take very seriously, a friend has been very ill since a Tick bite, check yourself regularly for Ticks, especially anywhere where there is sheep or deer, its fun to bivy out, but tbh, when ticks about I use a hammock or tent for that reason, all of them and tarps sprayed with permethrin too, a final wee hint, many of the insects are attracted to CO2 from your breath, so drinking beer around a campsite makes you a bigger target, drink wine instead, Avon Skin so soft, is also a cheap Mossie repellent.


I should point out that Permethin can be absorbed through the skin. Long exposure can result in skin rashes, itching, redness, or tingling (pins and needles). It can irritate the throat, nose, and lungs. It is important for people to know that Permethin is not a good idea to have on clothes. Yes, it will stop bites, but so will a non Permethin spray. Rubbing the herb Rosemary over your clothes will also prevent bites from mosquitos and ticks.


I use either Trek Natural spray on or Nordic Summer balm both of which I’ve found really effective. I live in the Highlands!


Our neighbour was so unpopular that even biting insects used to stay away from him. No joke. He ate normally, no bug spray they just kept away from him.


use Lavender oil... pure one! no damage to skin or expensive gear


Back in the 70's, all I had to worry about were gnats here in Kent/SE London


Your tips are very good! I have used most of them in Tanzania against Tse-Tse-Flys


I live in Florida and always have repels eucalyptus and lemon with me, Ive seen it protect an infant on the mosquito lagoon at dusk, there was literally a dome around the baby carrier. combined with the permethrin you mentioned on clothing and mesh very few insects bother me. I use the repel on me and on a rag or cotton balls around "camp" the mini vampires hate the smell


Dog Dad, I am just the same - certain insect bites are dreadful go sceptic and take months to heal sometimes. And your comment on wasps made me laugh! So so true. I am just unsure about stuff like pyrethrin as my dogs are big snugglers!


Try jungle spray no 4 it really good at keeping them away also they do different strengths which is great for kids


I avoid putting repellant on my forehead so that it doesn't sweat down into my eyes.


Thanks, had never really looked into this. I'm gutted that I bought some of the Ultrathon at the bushcraft show for £4 a tube, wish I had bought a few more now. Ordered some pemethrin spray too, it's no fun finding you've been bitten through clothing when it can be prevented.


I lived for many years in Texas. Lying on the lawn looking up at the stars after drunkenly falling there was a thing of the past! When I was a boy in England, I had heard of ticks, but never saw, or bitten by them. Indeed I knew of no one that had either. I am guessing they found their way to England by way of dinghy across the English Channel.


I've had good luck with picaridin in lotion form. Also it will not mar or dissolve plastics like deet will.

As for permethrin, someone else suggested storing your treated clothing in a plastic bag for 24 to 48 hours prior to wearing them so that the application can work its way into the material.

Good stuff


Fantastic and complete advice, thank you!


Very useful video (as always). I think woodsmoke also keeps the little blighters away - trouble is you end up smelling like a bonfire. This must be the chemicals in smoke and mozzies must be 'non-smokers'. ho-ho, joke.


did you know that flies and mosquitos dont like getting near walnut trees, Juglans regia?
lots of farms here have a walnut tree for that reason.


Horseflies are a nightmare, those things can bite through chainmail lol. OK maybe not but those insects are the main ones that attack me by biting me on the belly and shoulders through my hiking tops. I don't even feel it happening until later when it starts itching.


Hi do you know if the if picaridin causes problems with eczema. i tend to have problems with deet affecting my eczema. Thanks.
