8 All-Natural Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away

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How to prevent mosquito bites? On a hot summer day, outdoor activities can be ruined by mosquitoes. These little guys can spoil every holiday, especially if you taste especially sweet! Research has proven that mosquitoes can rapidly learn and remember the smells of hosts, and that’s what makes some people more preferable than others. Bright Side found 8 natural yet super effective remedies to keep mosquitoes away from your body. Try them instead of reaching for more chemical sprays!

Did you know, for example, that mosquitoes just hate garlic smell? So one of the easiest ways to make sure that mosquitoes will never fly in your direction is to eat some garlic! When you consume at least one clove, garlic oil releases from your pores, creating a powerful barrier between your skin and mosquitoes.

Lavender oil 1:00
Tea tree oil 2:02
Vanilla 2:58
Black pepper 3:59
Apple cider vinegar 4:52
Soapy water 6:03
Mint 6:50
Garlic 7:53

#mosquitoes #keepmosquitoesaway #naturalremedies

- If you have mosquitoes at home, spray lavender oil in your bedroom or use any lavender-scented room freshener you can find.
- A study that was published in the Australian Journal of Entomology in 2010 showed that repellents which contain tea tree oil are exceptionally effective against mosquitoes.
- Even though the smell of vanilla is really pleasant to us, mosquitoes can't stand it. So, as always, all you have to do is make an all-natural vanilla spray.
- Black pepper protects your body from mosquitoes, flies, and other insects thanks to something called picaridin.
- Put water and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions in your spray bottle, spray on places where insects normally gather, and wait for the results.
- Whether you’re having a picnic outside or just want to get the mosquitoes out of your house for good, place a plate with soapy water nearby. After a few minutes, you'll notice mosquitoes getting trapped in the bubbles and drowning.
- Growing some mint in your garden can also be a good solution against mosquitoes, while also providing you with a healthy natural addition to your diet.
- If you don’t want to eat the stuff, you can also rub some garlic-scented lotion on your skin or use a garlic spray on your body, your home, or your yard.

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Do you find mosquitoes annoying? Waiting for your comment below!


Whos watching this at 4 am in bed trying to sleep with mosquitos?


When I Used Garlic Oil On My Skin, Mosquitos Did Go

So Did My Girlfriend.


Another way to keep mosquitoes away is to cut the heads off of mosquitoes and put them on sticks (toothpicks work great) and surround yourself with them. This will tell all other mosquitoes that you're not one to be messed with.
Warning: this may backfire and start a war with the mosquitoes fighting back in revenge for their fellow comrades.


For everyone that got bitten by one, I hope you heel as quickly as possible. 🙏🏾🙏🏾


is it just me or do i feel like those mosquitoes get under my blanket xd


I use Axe Body Spray. It does absolutely nothing against mosquitoes but it keeps me single everytime.


As an Aussie I can also confirm that putting Tea~Tree Oil on your skin it will stop mosquitoes, bed bugs and anything else from biting you too. Plus if you’ve already been bitten, it will help with the itch and/or infection. You’re welcome 🙏🏻🇦🇺


If you find tea tree too strong on its own, you can mix it with lavender oil and dilute it in a spray bottle. Tea tree and lavender actually go well together as scents.


I feel like a gang of mosquitos is watching me while i am watchin this video


planting geraniums, marigolds and lemongrass in your yard helps immensely. I've grown marigolds in abundance for years in our yard and we haven't had problems with mosquitos after they bloom. we also go around releasing the oils from the leaves before they bloom o release the oils in spring. I also have mint and lavender near my front door.


Freaking mosquitos where eating me alive. I'll give this a try.


Lavender oil 1:00
Tea tree oil 2:02
Vanilla 2:58
Black pepper 3:59
Apple cider vinegar 4:52
Soapy water 6:03
Mint 6:50
Garlic 7:53


literally a Mosquito lands on my screen as i'm watching this!!!


Thank You Bright Side! Vital information! Helpful, educational, practical, economical, interesting too! So Important. Please keep these vitally informative videos coming!


I first discovered using garlic as a mosquito repellent when I lived and backpacked in Alaska 40 years ago. You can eat a clove, but its just as efficient to cook with garlic . You can also just take natural garlic tablets. The garlic goes into your blood stream, and comes out in your sweat and does not completely wash off, does not affect your natural scent except to all the bugs, it works on all bugs from ticks to flies and other insects. One garlic clove will last all day taken in the morning.


Me :wearing a real lavender flower necklace while wearing garlic perfume chewing mint leaves having tea tree oil on my head carrying apple vinegar water sprayer in my hand....
People:what the heck is wrong with ya.
Me: I am mosquito woman.


Who had the idea to put mosquitoes in Noah's Ark???


Shame on the mosquitoes for making me have to wake up this early in the morning😡😡😡😡


Electric racket is so effective against mosquitoes 😀