Recovery Dangers - Part 8/10 - After Failure

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How people from Complex Trauma respond when they fail, or feel like a failure, actually results in them being in a more dangerous place - more vulnerable to fail even more. Why is that? What are tools that will help them change this pattern?


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There is kindness and clarity here . Grateful to have found Tim and his talks


my mom didn't treat me like a bad person (for failing) because she wanted to motivate me to do better. She simply treated me like a bad person because she didn't want to have to deal with me not being perfect. If I was imperfect, I couldn't take care of myself. And if I couldn't take care of myself, I couldn't stay out of her way. And if I couldn't stay out of her way, I was a bad person.


Thank you for all of your help. I'm thankful for the gift of failure


I just had my knees taken out…didn’t use…but sure feels like it. The mentality of feeling this way sure helps the demons gain ground without an absolute effort to do the things that keeps me above water. Thank you Mr. Fletcher…as always.


I just finished my time in the doghouse after a recent failure (relapse). It's awful, but i think for me your tool of running toward those who would help instead of isolating is a key one for me to practise and attain to stop this habit of punishing myself for weeks. This nost recent failure I actually told my peer support what happened. My whole life I have lied thru every relapse, so this feels like some small progress to me. His reaction was very understanding and came from love not judgement. I think the more I allow ppl to do that with me, the more natural it might become. Thank you Tim, another video my heart needed to see


Failure is my name. Glad to have found this.


Thank you Sir for your series. Greetings from Kerala, India.


I’m spending my Christmas 2020 with you & my online 12 step marathon mtgs. Otherwise I’d be all alone for the holiday.


Where do I find the downloads for these talks?
