Mountain Lion Screams! Two Cougars Calling Out To Each Other And Striking Up A Courtship

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Two cougars looking for love in all the right places in the Angeles National Forest and then striking up a courtship in the canyon.

This is the story of two lions looking for each other in the night, and both of them are heard and seen caterwauling in the forest, as they get closer to finding each other. I recently shared a video of these two big cats on a date, in the daytime, passing by my creek cameras. Well this is the night before, where you see them in a canyon, several miles away, calling out to each other, eventually meeting up minutes later, and then passing by my camera, together as a “puma power couple.”

This is so special to see and so reassuring that the lion population is thriving and will continue. As it should.
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The reason this hits home with me is when I was 18-years-old I was camping in the mountains of Colorado . It began to rain so I zipped up my bag and finally dozed off. After a while I was awakened by what I thought was a woman screaming within a few feet of me. I was petrified and called out to the darkness. I sat up trying to determine what had just happened. After hearing this video, I now know that it was a mountain lion. The screams sounded exactly like what I heard. I sat still for the rest of the night but heard nothing. I just turned 70 a few days ago and finally the mystery is solved.


I live in the mountains and I legit just got woken up at four in the morning by this, I thought there was a woman screaming outside my window but it was a mountain lion😳


If you ever hear this crying in a dark woods at night you will never forget it, I heard this cry 50 years ago and I will never for get it.


thats hilarious if u think about .. they just go around yelling "where you at?" til they find eachother and hook up


In 2021 a beautiful mountain lion gave birth to two cubs on my property.
She would walk within 100 years of my deck a few times a week late in the evening.
She never killed any of my pets.
They have moved on now.
I really miss them. 🐆🐆🐆


They are gorgeous. Glad they found each other


My cat on my lap is trying to respond....meow for meow ❤


On our ranch, we hear them calling every so often up in the hills, to keep them away from the calves and chickens, our dogs are trained to start barking like crazy, cougars don’t like noisy dogs and stay away, it’s worked for the last 50 yrs.we’ve gotten 100’s of pics of cougars on our place since we installed game cameras on borders of our place, we were out on horseback one day, a visitor asked what kind of bird was chirping, he said it’s making my horse nervous, I’ll tell you when we get back to the corrals, he didn’t believe me when I told him it was a cougar, showed him some game cam videos with audio of a cat chirping, after all these years they still make the hair stand up on the back of my neck.


When I was homeless I lived in a tent on some Woody's abandoned railroad tracks, I heard this scream one night and ill never forget it, killed my alcohol buzz and made me never eanna go back again.


Absolutely beautiful creatures. So much love and respect for mountain lions.


I was living in a new house in the woods about 25 miles from Syracuse, New York, in the middle of the state, not the Adirondack or Catskill mountains.
I heard what sounded like a drunk woman shouting "ow, ow, OW!" behind my house, 2AM.
I almost called 911 until the ow, ow, OW crescendoed in a scream that was clearly not human.
The neighbors tried to tell me it was a bobcat. Bobcats don't sound like that.
10 years later a man going in to a small cemetery set back from the road saw a panicked deer run into the clearing, followed by a cougar.
He decided his late wife didn't need flowers that day and turned the car around.
I always told new people to keep their pets in at night, but the cemetery sighting was in broad daylight.


Wow. Amazing work! You’re capturing things we haven’t had the privilege of seeing before. Thank you.


This is why I don’t hike at night, or alone for that matter!


Man what memories that sound brings Back!! Years ago in the 60's growing up in California, ( not to far from the Sacramento river) my mom & dad would go night fishing for cat fish & l'll never forget this one time, they had a fire goin on the bank, ( keep the 🦟 skeeters at bay) & it was after midnight, when All the sudden strange noises were coming from behind us, my dad told us all to get in car & he & mom were packing stuff up & this Mountain Lion was a ways away, & you could see its greenish- goldish eyes shining from the glare of the fire some distance away from it!! Well, dad & mom hurried to the car & locked the doors & that damm thing kept us there till sunrise-- no B.S😱, to me it sounded like a baby crying😬- it ened up in a cottonwood tree next to our car-- talk about an EXPERIANCE I never forgot🤪🐆, for Reals,


It’s so cool that you have cameras placed all around so that you can view nature everywhere. Thanks for sharing.


Wow, incredible. I've never heard this before. Pretty special to be able to capture these behaviors. I can't imagine the effort that must have gone into selecting these spots and setting up the cameras. Thank you for sharing!


Heard these same sounds and more in Yosemite around 1:00AM this past Friday. It started with the one off calls and then escalated to multiple cougars making extremely loud distressed sounds for about 60 seconds. This stopped for about 2 minutes and then started up again for another minute. My fellow campers and I assumed they were either fighting or mating. Either way it was quite chilling to hear from our tent! Phenomenal work, thanks for sharing for all of us to get this beautiful intimate look at these incredible creatures.


She-Lion: “Marco!”

He-Lion: “Polo!”

Over and over again until they found each other.❤😂.


My German Sheppard just went into combat mode hearing this. Good Job.


l'm glad they exist. l'm glad they make these sounds. l'm glad they court by rivers.
