Germans PEE DIFFERENTLY than Americans?! Random Differences Pt. 1 | Feli from Germany

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++Reason for blurs/muted audio: This channel was renamed in Oct 2021. All references to the old name have been removed.++
There are a lot of differences between American and German toilets, but there's also a difference in how people use them...This is the first part of my "Random Differences" mini-series! I'll be releasing a new part on a different topic every other day for the next 1.5 weeks, so make sure to subscribe and activate the bell to get notified when I upload a new episode. :) I hope you guys enjoy this series and this format and of course, I'll post my regular long, in-depth videos again in the future!

Check out the other episodes of the series here:

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0:00 Intro
2:14 Germans pee differently than Americans
5:31 Why not in the USA?
"Pee sticker" from 1985 from the book "Feminismen: Die deutsche Frauenbewegung in globaler Perspektive", by Myra Marx Ferree (p. 92),
More information on the topic:
ABOUT ME: Hallo, Servus, and welcome to my channel! My name is Felicia (Feli), I'm 26, and I'm a German living in the USA! I was born and raised in Munich, Germany but have been living in Cincinnati, Ohio off and on since 2016. I first came here for an exchange semester during my undergrad at LMU Munich, then I returned for an internship, and then I got my master's degree in Cincinnati. I was lucky enough to win the Green Card lottery and have been a permanent resident since 2019! In my videos, I talk about cultural differences between America and Germany, things I like and dislike about living here, and other experiences that I have made during my time in the States. Let me know what YOU would like to hear about in the comments below. DANKE :)

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Glad you guys find this topic interesting! 😁 And I'm actually surprised to see how different the German comments are compared to the Americans - seems like this cultural difference is even bigger than I thought! 😱 Please keep sharing your experiences below - it's fascinating to read about them!
(This is the first part of my "Random Differences" mini-series! I'll be releasing a new part on a different topic every other day for the next 1.5 weeks, so make sure to subscribe and activate the bell to get notified when I upload a new episode. :) I hope you guys enjoy this series and this format and of course, I'll post my regular long, in-depth videos again in the future!)


I'm an American man and I pee sitting down. But then again, I'm paraplegic and use a wheelchair. I do almost everything sitting down. 😜


As an American man, whether I sit or stand to pee just depends on how tired I am at the time 😂 I don't think we were ever told not to pee standing up as children, or at least I don't remember it. What I do remember are the little rhymes we learned in kindergarten about being clean when we pee: "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat." Or "if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie, wipe the seatie."


I was married to a lovely German girl from Ingolstadt for 61 years until God wanted her more than I did. I learned to sit to pee minutes after our honeymoon. Luise thought missing the toilet to mess up the floor was barbaric. I think standing to pee became fashion because most men wore suspenders in the old days, and it's a real pain to have to take your pants down if you're wearing them.


It's not really a thing here in our culture. However, not lifting the seat is considered extremely rude and disrespectful.


I'm from Norway and was taught to stand up, but when I started helping in cleaning the toilet at around 12-13, I started always sitting down. I have always preferred standing, but it's not worth having to clean the stains. Whenever there is a urinal in a public bathroom, I will use that instead, because it is much more comfortable, quick and easy.
It really feels like it is taboo in Norway, and when my mom yelled at me for getting stains on the floor once, she did not believe me when I told her it couldn't be me since I sit down(It was my dad's fault, but it is very rare for him to leave stains on the floor, so she thought it was me).


What about women who “hover” to pee in public restrooms, because they don’t want to sit on the seat? As a person who’s first job was cleaning public restrooms, the women’s room was always dirtier than the men’s room.


In my company we have a sign at the urinal saying "Step closer, he's shorter than you think"


Ever since I started cleaning my own bathroom I have started sitting. Nobody aims as well as they think


It's amazing how quickly cultures change. I was stationed in Germany for three years and found that German men peed standing up like Americans. What I found strange was they peed where ever. In public against a building or handy wall. When I say in public I mean in front of everyone. No they were not drunk or on drugs, it's just what they did. The women passing by didn't bat an eye. Of course this was in the mid-seventies, about 50 years ago.


No ma’am, not taught to sit down, however, taught to lift the seat prior to doing my business. I also taught my son, seat up, be respectful. If you make a mess somehow, clean up after yourself.


As an American male, and older, I wasn't taught to sit to pee. Later I did only because I realized that the splash made a mess and I prefer not to wash the surrounding area every few days. I know that I am the exception among men in my societal experience. On the other hand when I was in Germany a couple of years ago I was impressed beyond words by the urinals. I have never seen this design before and it is brilliant! The way the contours of the urinal are designed there is no back-splash! Nice


My Uncle once made a joke about this he said " my doctor wants me to sit down to pee" I said "why?" "Because he doesn't want me lifting anything heavy" lol


I've tried sitting down to pee, but I fell off the urinal.


So I asked all of my male friends (Germans and Austrians) and all of them told me this: at home they sit, in public toilets they stand (but this depends on the hygene).


I was in Germany, and my hosts stopped for gas. I used the WC, and as I stood there, peeing, I read a sign on the wall, "Bitte nicht im Stehen pinkeln." I memorized the phrase and asked my hosts what it meant. "Please do not stand to pee, " they said. "Too late, " I laughed. Thanks for the informative and entertaining videos!


Having cleaned public toilets men’s rooms are not as messy as women think. Women’s bathroom are dirtiest other than the area around the toilet.


In America saying “I bet you pee sitting down” is one of the worst insults you can say to a man.


I'm German and I sit down to pee when I'm at home or at home of someone else (like friends home, etc.). I do pee standing and use the urinal at work and basically at all public places and I also pee standing out in the wild, far away from humanity, using a three (or something else).
I did refuse to sit down while peeing for quite some time when I was younger, up to my late teenage years. I was always careful, but realized that I underestimated the micro spay effect of peeing. At some point I could smell it and a little bit later I had to replace a heater, that was close to the toilet, because it became rusty and all of the protective paint was ruined. I decided to give it a try, hated it at first, but now I do like it a lot.


When I studied in Japan, we stayed at a corporate retreat for cultural orientation boot camp before our host families picked us up. The most important topic? How to use traditional Japanese toilets, the ones you squat over. Later on, everyone had stories about seeing shoeprints on the rim of Western-style toilets in public restrooms.
