Germans PEE DIFFERENTLY than Americans?! Random Differences Pt. 1 | Feli from Germany

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++Reason for blurs/muted audio: This channel was renamed in Oct 2021. All references to the old name have been removed.++
There are a lot of differences between American and German toilets, but there's also a difference in how people use them...This is the first part of my "Random Differences" mini-series! I'll be releasing a new part on a different topic every other day for the next 1.5 weeks, so make sure to subscribe and activate the bell to get notified when I upload a new episode. :) I hope you guys enjoy this series and this format and of course, I'll post my regular long, in-depth videos again in the future!
Check out the other episodes of the series here:
▸Mailing address:
PO Box 19521
Cincinnati, OH 45219
0:00 Intro
2:14 Germans pee differently than Americans
5:31 Why not in the USA?
"Pee sticker" from 1985 from the book "Feminismen: Die deutsche Frauenbewegung in globaler Perspektive", by Myra Marx Ferree (p. 92),
More information on the topic:
ABOUT ME: Hallo, Servus, and welcome to my channel! My name is Felicia (Feli), I'm 26, and I'm a German living in the USA! I was born and raised in Munich, Germany but have been living in Cincinnati, Ohio off and on since 2016. I first came here for an exchange semester during my undergrad at LMU Munich, then I returned for an internship, and then I got my master's degree in Cincinnati. I was lucky enough to win the Green Card lottery and have been a permanent resident since 2019! In my videos, I talk about cultural differences between America and Germany, things I like and dislike about living here, and other experiences that I have made during my time in the States. Let me know what YOU would like to hear about in the comments below. DANKE :)
GoPro Vlogging Setup:
*These links are Affiliate links. If you buy the product through that link, I'll receive a small provision while the price for you stays the same! Thanks for your support! :)
There are a lot of differences between American and German toilets, but there's also a difference in how people use them...This is the first part of my "Random Differences" mini-series! I'll be releasing a new part on a different topic every other day for the next 1.5 weeks, so make sure to subscribe and activate the bell to get notified when I upload a new episode. :) I hope you guys enjoy this series and this format and of course, I'll post my regular long, in-depth videos again in the future!
Check out the other episodes of the series here:
▸Mailing address:
PO Box 19521
Cincinnati, OH 45219
0:00 Intro
2:14 Germans pee differently than Americans
5:31 Why not in the USA?
"Pee sticker" from 1985 from the book "Feminismen: Die deutsche Frauenbewegung in globaler Perspektive", by Myra Marx Ferree (p. 92),
More information on the topic:
ABOUT ME: Hallo, Servus, and welcome to my channel! My name is Felicia (Feli), I'm 26, and I'm a German living in the USA! I was born and raised in Munich, Germany but have been living in Cincinnati, Ohio off and on since 2016. I first came here for an exchange semester during my undergrad at LMU Munich, then I returned for an internship, and then I got my master's degree in Cincinnati. I was lucky enough to win the Green Card lottery and have been a permanent resident since 2019! In my videos, I talk about cultural differences between America and Germany, things I like and dislike about living here, and other experiences that I have made during my time in the States. Let me know what YOU would like to hear about in the comments below. DANKE :)
GoPro Vlogging Setup:
*These links are Affiliate links. If you buy the product through that link, I'll receive a small provision while the price for you stays the same! Thanks for your support! :)