Is Sitting to Pee Actually Good for Your Health? Urologist Explains!

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Do you think sitting to pee has health benefits? Watch as Dr. Malik explains the differences between sitting and standing to pee, with most men typically standing while others choose otherwise.

Thanks for watching!!


00:00 Introduction
01:15 What happens when you sit?
02:26 BHP (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
04:25 Why do some men actually sit?
05:28 Takeaway

Evaluation of Voiding Position on
Uroflowmetry Parameters and
Post Void Residual Urine in Patients
With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
and Healthy Men

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Rena Malik, MD is a urologist and pelvic surgeon on youtube to educate people about all things urology including erectile dysfunction, how to increase testosterone, problems with sex, premature ejaculation, urinary leakage, or incontinence, overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, prostate issues and more.

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Рекомендации по теме

I’m in my 60’s and began sitting at home to urinate. Mostly this keeps the area around the toilet cleaner. Less splash. Also, sitting allows me to be more efficient.


I’m in my 30’s, and have been urinating while sitting since probably my mid 20’s. It started as an effort to keep the toilets cleaner for my female housemates, and I just never stopped. It’s also a nice little break to sit, as I’m on my feet the majority of the day. I typically only use a urinal when I’m in public for hygienic reasons.


I’m in my late 60’s and have been sitting to urinate for decades simply because it’s easier to keep the toilet cleaner. Splitting chores around the house and having to clean the bathroom taught me fairly quickly to make less of a mess. When you clean your own toilet it becomes very obvious how messy standing to urinate is. The other benefit is it’s more comfortable.


I'm 68, I stand to pee during the day, but at night when I am half asleep, I sit to pee. Don't want to wake up enough to focus on the target. This has worked for me for 60+ years.


I began sitting instead of standing in my early 20's when I was living and sharing a bathroom with several women. I started doing it at first just to be courteous and ensure the seat was always down and free of drops of urine. Their appreciation encouraged me to continue to do it after we went our separate ways. I tried to teach and encourage my sons to do it with little success. Now in my 50's, sometimes I stand and urinate in a urinal if I am in public, otherwise I always sit.


I’m 70 years old. I recently recovered from a prostate Transurethral Resection of the Prostate procedure (TURP) and Laser Lithotripsy treatment for 10 mm kidney stones. I just started to pee sitting. What a difference in voiding efficiency, comfort, and toilet cleanliness! 👍


I started sitting when my kids were young: I just realized how much more hygienic it is. (Boys can be kind of messy).


If I could up-vote this a hundred times, I would. I am 68 years old. For the past few years, I most often urinate sitting down. I have BPH. This video is 100% accurate per my experience. At a younger age, I had issues dribbling and incomplete emptying. Those symptoms progressed until I began sitting to urinate. That helped. Guys, we hear about the effects of aging on women (menopause), but we don't hear about the effects of aging on men. Guys, it is not an assault on your masculinity to sit down to pee!!


Reducing the mess is biggest motivator because it doesn't matter how perfectly one aims there's always splashback up & out of the bowl, even when trying to minimize that by aiming for 'the beach' area. The other thing is reduction in the noise of it when others are trying to sleep.


Yes I’ve been doing this for years, I found you seem to push it out when you stand like trying to rush it out . But when you sit your more relaxed and it just flows naturally.


There's another reason for sitting rather than standing. My wife brought this to my attention probably about 40 years ago. When you stand your pee hits the water at a very high rate of speed. That causes your pee to splatter not only in the bowl but outside of it as well. She showed me the wall next to the bowl with a ultraviolet light, and just like blood or semen leaves a stain on the wall your pee also leaves stains. That flew right over my head I had never thought about this. So I've been sitting almost just as much time as we've been married. 43 years married this year 😅.


I sit down to pee, but I stand up to poop.


I’ve been sitting for about ten years. In my 40s I began noticing that if I stood to urinate, I would get a wet spot in my pants after bending over or squatting. My doctor recommended sitting for a more complete evacuation of the bladder. It works, and it’s less messy.


I'm 75, had the TRP at age 52 for enlarged prostate. Symptoms returned about ten years later. Urologist recommended I drink a bottle of red wine every night, which I do, greatly reducing my symptoms. Sometime in the last eight or ten years I started sitting when convenient and always before going to sleep and after getting up. I found, and this was confirmed by the urologist when I had a visit a few months ago, that I can completely empty my bladder sitting. One benefit is I almost never get up at night to pee. Note that at home my dad always sat to pee because as a young man he was a merchant seaman, where the drill was to sit, to avoid missing the head due to the motion of the boat.


I’m in my 60’s and have BPH. I can no longer empty completely while sitting. After having a bowel movement when I’m done I have to stand up to finish peeing so I’m definitely a stander at this stage of life.


More recently I've been sitting at home to pee. It's just more comfortable and in those rare circumstances when I wake up in the middle of the night, it's easier to pee and fall back to sleep. It also feels like I can empty my bladder better. Great topic and well presented!


For longer than I can remember I’ve been peeing sitting only when I’m at home. Just to ensure that I don’t have splashes around the toilet bowl. When I’m out sure I always stand but at home I always sit. Thank you Dr Malik. Good to know there’s nothing wrong with it.


I felt the need to pee sitting down for about the last five to 10 years. I initially started just doing it at night. I'm 50 years old with BPH. In recent years I have started to take both alfuzosin and finasteride. Can't say that either one of those have helped. I've actually been stressing about it for years, believing that "real men pee standing up." So hearing about how some men carry their stress in their pelvic area makes a lot of sense to me and give me some sense of relief.


So happy to learn this from the video and the comments. I "trained" my husband who is 93 with dementia to sit when urinating. He was making a mess. I'm glad it's not demasculating.


I love listening to this doctor. She talks about subjects many avoid talking about. Thanks, doctor.
