Excel Magic Trick 1226: Compare 2 Lists, Extract Items In List 2 That are NOT in List 1 (6 Examples)

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Learn how to Compare 2 Lists, Extract Items In List 2 That are NOT in List 1:
1. (00:12) Problem Description and Intro To Topic
2. (01:57) Example 1: Method 1: MATCH function Helper Column, Sort Z to A, Copy and Paste
3. (04:15) Example 2: Method 2: Advanced Filter and Criteria Area with Empty Field Name and Logical Formula Criteria
4. (07:59) Example 3: Method 3: Automat Process with Excel 2010 or later Array Formula. See the Functions: IF, ROWS, ROW, MATCH, ISNA, INDEX, AGGREGATE, SUMPRODUCT. This Array Formula does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
5. (15:29) Why you should NOT use IFERROR on Data Extract Array Formulas
6. (17:17) Example 4: Method 3: Automat Process with Excel 2007 or before Array Formula. See the Functions: IF, ROWS, ROW, MATCH, ISNA, INDEX, SMALL, SUMPRODUCT. This Array Formula DOES require Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
7. (18:25) Example 5: Method 2: Extract E-mails in List 1 that are NOT in List 2.
8. (19:35) Caveat about Advanced Filter: Be sure to NOT have data below Extract Area (because it will be deleted when you run Advance d Filter.
9. (20:24) Example 6: How to Extract Items that are in BOTH lists: Learn how to slight change the formula for all three methods. Use ISNUMBER rather than ISNA.
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Excel Magic Trick 1226: Compare 2 Lists, Extract Items In List 2 That are NOT in List 1 (6 Examples)
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