Excel Magic Trick 1256: Grouped Dates in PivotTable With Becomes UnGrouped When I Refresh!!!

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Learn how to build a PivotTable with Grouped Month and Year Dates and add a Slicer for a Marine Species Data Set, and then learn how to fix the PivotTable with Slicer when Grouped Dates Become Ungrouped:
1. (00:12) Problem Introduction
2. (00:47) Build a PivotTable with Grouped Month and Year Dates and add a Slicer for a Marine Species Data Set.
3. (03:25) Add New Records to Excel Table and then Refresh PivotTable Report
4. (03:44) Then learn how to fix a PivotTable with Grouped Dates that become Ungrouped by fixing the data mismatch in the Date Column. (Can’t have an empty Record in the Data Set).
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